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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 661 to 680 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-12On two Seventeenth century Persian paintings depicting comets or fireballs: a correctionKapoor, R. C
2020-08Comet tales from India: the Great September Comet of 1882 (C/1882 R1)Kapoor, R. C
2020-12AstroSat view of GRS 1915+105 during the soft state: detection of HFQPOs and estimation of mass and spinSreehari, H; Nandi, Anuj; Das, Santabrata; Agrawal, V. K; Mandal, Samir; Ramadevi, M. C; Katoch, Tilak
2020-12-20Kilonova Luminosity Function Constraints Based on Zwicky Transient Facility Searches for 13 Neutron Star Merger Triggers during O3Kasliwal, Mansi M; Anand, Shreya; Ahumada, Tomas; Stein, Robert; Carracedo, Ana Sagues; Andreoni, Igor; Coughlin, Michael W; Singer, Leo P; Kool, Erik C; Kishalay De; Harsh Kumar; Waratkar, Gaurav; Webb, Sara; Yu, Po-Chieh; Zhang, Bin-Bin; Zhou, Rongpu; Zolkower, Jeffry; AlMualla, Mouza; Yao, Yuhan; Bulla, Mattia; Dobie, Dougal; Reusch, Simeon; Perley, Daniel A; Cenko, S. Bradley; Bhalerao, Varun; Kaplan, David L; Sollerman, Jesper; Goobar, Ariel; Copperwheat, Christopher M; Bellm, Eric C; Anupama, G. C; Corsi, Alessandra; Nissanke, Samaya; Agudo, Ivan; Bagdasaryan, Ashot; Barway, Sudhanshu; Belicki, Justin; Bloom, Joshua S; Bolin, Bryce; Buckley, David A. H; Burdge, Kevin B; Burruss, Rick; Caballero-Garcia, Maria D; Cannella, Chris; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J; Cook, David O; Cooke, Jeff; Cunningham, Virginia; Dahiwale, Aishwarya; Deshmukh, Kunal; Dichiara, Simone; Duev, Dmitry A; Anirban Dutta; Feeney, Michael; Franckowiak, Anna; Frederick, Sara; Fremling, Christoffer; Gal-Yam, Avishay; Gatkine, Pradip; Ghosh, Shaon; Goldstein, Daniel A; Zach Golkhou, V; Graham, Matthew J; Graham, Melissa L; Hankins, Matthew J; Helou, George; Youdong Hu; Ip, Wing-Huen; Jaodand, Amruta; Karambelkar, Viraj; Kong, Albert K. H; Kowalski, Marek; Khandagale, Maitreya; Kulkarni, S. R; Brajesh Kumar; Laher, Russ R; Li, K. L; Mahaba, Ashish; Masci, Frank J; Miller, Adam A; Mogotsi, Moses; Mohite, Siddharth; Mooley, Kunal; Mroz, Przemek; Newman, Jeffrey A; Ngeow, Chow-Choong; Oates, Samantha R; Patil, Atharva Sunil; Pandey, S. B; Pavana, M; Pian, Elena; Riddle, Reed; Sanchez-Ramirez, Ruben; Sharma, Yashvi; Singh, A; Smith, Roger; Soumagnac, Maayane T; Taggart, Kirsty; Tan, Hanjie; Tzanidakis, Anastasios; Troja, Eleonora; Valeev, Azamat F; Walters, Richard
2020-08Band-limited integrated scatter measurements on super polished optical mirrorsVentaka, S; Prasad, B. R; Natarajan, V; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S
2020-12Evolution of lithium in low-mass giants: an observational perspectiveBharat Kumar, Yerra; Reddy, B. E
2020-12Quasar catalogue for the astrometric calibration of the forthcoming ILMT surveyMandal, A. K; Pradhan, Bikram; Surdej, Jean; Stalin, C. S; Sagar, R; Mathew, B
2020-07Distance, magnetic field, and kinematics of the filamentary cloud LDN 1157Sharma, Ekta; Maheswar, G; Archana Soam; Lee, Chang Won; Kim, Shinyoung; Ghosh, Tuhin; Anandmayee Tej; Kim, Gwanjeong; Sharma, Neha; Saha, Piyali
2020-07K-band spectra of selected post-AGB candidatesParthasarathy, M; Muthumariappan, C; Muneer, S
2020-12UVIT/AstroSat studies of blue straggler stars and post-mass transfer systems in star clusters: detection of one more blue lurker in M67Subramaniam, A; Pnadey, Sindhu; Jadhav, Vikrant V; Snehalata Sahu
2021-05Discovery of soft and hard X-ray time lags in low-mass AGNsMallick, L; Wilkins, D. R; Alston, W. N; Markowitz, A; Marco, B. De; Parker, M. L; Lohfink, A. M; Stalin, C. S
2021-06UVIT-HST-Gaia-VISTA study of Kron 3 in the small magellanic cloud: a cluster with an extended red clump in ultravioletNayak, P. K; Subramaniam, A; Subramanian, S; Sahu, S; Mondal, C; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Bell, Cameron P. M; Bandyopadhyay, A; Chung, Chul
2021-03Mid-term periodicities in solar radio emission corresponding to sunspot number during solar cycle 23Aroori, Mahender; Vemareddy, P; Chowdhury, Partha; Yellaiah, G
2021-03-15Nonthermal hot dark matter from inflaton or moduli decay: Momentum distribution and relaxation of the cosmological mass boundBhattacharya, Sukannya; Das, Subinoy; Dutta, Koushik; Gangopadhyay, Mayukh Raj; Mahanta, Ratul; Maharana, Anshuman
2021-01-21Description of the methylene amidogene radical and its anion with an economical treatment of correlation effects using density functional theory orbitalsChaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, Sudip
2021-02-20Determining the variations of Ca–K index and features using century-long equal-contrast images from Kodaikanal observatorySingh, J; Priyal, M; Ravindra, B
2021-03A machine learning approach for classification of accretion states of black hole binariesSreehari, H; Nandi, Anuj
2021-05SN 2017hpa: a carbon-rich Type Ia supernovaAnirban Dutta; Singh, A; Anupama, G. C; Sahu, D. K; Brajesh Kumar
2021-03Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) observation of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 7492Kumar, R; Pradhan, A. C; Mohapatra, Abhisek; Moharana, Ayush; Ojha, D. K; Parthasarathy, M; Murthy, J
2021-03-01Host star metallicity of directly imaged wide-orbit planets: implications for planet formationSwastik, C; Banyal, R. K; Narang, Mayank; Manoj, P; Sivarani, T; Reddy, B. E; Rajaguru, S. P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 661 to 680 of 5279