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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 641 to 660 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-05-20Discovery and rapid follow-up observations of the unusual type II SN 2018ivc in NGC 1068Bostroem, K. A; Valenti, S; Sand, D. J; Andrews, J. E; Van Dyk, S. D; Galbany, L; Pooley, D; Amaro, R. C; Smith, N; Yang, S; Anupama, G. C; Arcavi, I; Baron, E; Brown, P. J; Burke, J; Cartier, R; Hiramatsu, D; Dastidar, R; DerKacy, J. M; Dong, Y; Egami, E; Ertel, S; Filippenko, A. V; Fox, O. D; Haislip, J; Hosseinzadeh, G; Howell, D. A; Gangopadhyay, A; Jha, S. W; Kouprianov, V; Kumar, B; Lundquist, M; Milisavljevic, D; McCully, C; Milne, P; Misra, K; Reichart, D. E; Sahu, D. K; Sai, H; Singh, A; Smith, P. S; Vinko, J; Wang, X; Wang, Y; Wheeler, J. C; Williams, G. G; Wyatt, S; Zhang, J; Zhang, X
2020-07-20Importance of angle-dependent partial frequency redistribution in hyperfine structure transitions under the incomplete paschen–back effect regimeNagendra, K.N.; Sowmya, K; Sampoorna, M; Stenflo, J.O.; Anusha, L.S.
2020-07-20Effects of thermal emission on the transmission spectra of hot JupitersChakrabarty, Aritra; Sengupta, S
2020-07Analysis of full-disc Ca II K spectroheliograms III. Plage area composite series covering 1892–2019Chatzistergos, Theodosios; Ermolli, Ilaria; Krivova, Natalie A; Solanki, Sami K; Banerjee, D; Barata, Teresa; Belik, Marcel; Gafeira, Ricardo; Garcia, Adriana; Hanaoka, Yoichiro; Manjunath, H; Klimes, Jan; Korokhin, Viktor V; Lourenço, Ana; Malherbe, Jean-Marie; Marchenko, Gennady P; Peixinho, Nuno; Sakurai, Takashi; Tlatov, Andrey G
2020-11The completed SDSS-IV extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: BAO and RSD measurements from the anisotropic power spectrum of the quasar sample between redshift 0.8 and 2.2Neveux, Richard; Burtin, Etienne; Mattia, Arnaud de; Smith, Alex; Ross, Ashley J; Hou, Jiamin; Bautista, Julian; Brinkmann, Jonathan; Chuang, Chia-Hsun; Dawson, Kyle S; Gil-Marin, Hector; Lyke, Brad W; Macorra, Axel de la; Bourboux, Helion du Mas des; Mohammad, Faizan G; Muller, Eva-Maria; Myers, Adam D; Newman, Jeffrey A; Percival, Will J; Rossi, Graziano; Schneider, Donald; Vivek, M; Zarrouk, Pauline; Zhao, Cheng; Zhao, Gong-Bo
2020-07Alleviating the H0 and σ8 anomalies with a decaying dark matter modelPandey, Kanhaiya L; Karwal, Tanvi; Das, Subinoy
2020-12A statistical study of plasmoids associated with a post-CME current sheetRitesh Patel; Pant, Vaibhav; Chandrashekhar, K; Banerjee, D
2020Lithium in the Galaxy: current status and contribution from the low-mass giants?Deepak; Reddy, B. E
2020-04NGC 6712: the variable star population of a tidally disrupted globular clusterDeras, D; Arellano Ferro, A; Lazaro, C; Bustos Fierro, I. H; Calderon, J. H; Muneer, S; Giridhar, S
2020-11Correlation between optical and γ -ray flux variations in bright flat spectrum radio quasarsRajput, Bhoomika; Stalin, C. S; Sahayanathan, S
2020-09-20Recurring homologous solar eruptions in NOAA AR 11429Dhakal, Suman K; Zhang, Jie; Vemareddy, P; Nishu Karna
2020-07Spectral properties of quasars from sloan digital sky survey data release 14: the catalogRakshit, S; Stalin, C. S; Kotilainen, J
2020-09-28Low-frequency radio observations of the “quiet” corona during the descending phase of sunspot cycle 24Ramesh, R; Anshu Kumari; Kathiravan, C; Ketaki, D; Rajesh, M; Vrunda, M
2020-11Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of the peculiar Type IIn SN 2012abGangopadhyay, A; Turatto, Massimo; Benetti, Stefano; Misra, K; Brajesh Kumar; Cappellaro, Enrico; Pastorello, Andrea; Tomasella, Lina; Vanni, Sabrina; Fiore, Achille; Morales-Garoffolo, A; Elias-Rosa, Nancy; Singh, Mridweeka; Dastidar, R; Ochner, Paolo; Tartaglia, Leonardo; Brijesh Kumar; Pandey, S. B
2020-10The completed SDSS-IV extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: large-scale structure catalogues for cosmological analysisRoss, Ashley J; Bautista, Julian; Tojeiro, Rita; Alam, Shadab; Bailey, Stephen; Burtin, Etienne; Comparat, Johan; Dawson, Kyle S; Mattia, Arnaud de; Bourboux, Helion du Mas des; Gil-Marın, Hector; Hou, Jiamin; Kong, Hui; Lyke, Brad W; Mohammad, Faizan G; Moustakas, John; Mueller, Eva-Maria; Myers, Adam D; Percival, Will J; Raichoor, Anand; Rezaie, Mehdi; Seo, Hee-Jong; Smith, Alex; Tinker, Jeremy L; Zarrouk, Pauline; Zhao, Cheng; Zhao, Gong-Bo; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Brinkmann, Jonathan; Brownstein, Joel R; Rosell, Aurelio Carnero; Chabanier, Solene; Choi, Peter D; Chuang, Chia-Hsun; Cruz-Gonzalez, Irene; Macorra, Axel de la; Torre, Sylvain de la; Escoffier, Stephanie; Fromenteau, Sebastien; Higley, Alexandra; Jullo, Eric; Kneib, Jean-Paul; McLane, Jacob N; Munoz-Guti ˜ errez, Andrea; Neveux, Richard; Newman, Jeffrey A; Nitschelm, Christian; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Paviot, Romain; Pullen, Anthony R; Rossi, Graziano; Ruhlmann-Kleider, Vanina; Schneider, Donald P; Magana, Mariana Vargas; Vivek, M; Zhang, Yucheng
2020-10The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measurement of the BAO and growth rate of structure of the luminous red galaxy sample from the anisotropic power spectrum between redshifts 0.6 and 1.0Gil-Marin, Hector; Bautista, Julian E; Paviot, Romain; Vargas-Magana, Mariana; de la Torre, Sylvain; Fromenteau, Sebastien; Alam, Shadab; Avila, Santiago; Burtin, Etienne; Chuang, Chia-Hsun; Dawson, Kyle S; Hou, Jiamin; de Mattia, Arnaud; Mohammad, Faizan G; Muller, Eva-Maria; Nadathur, Seshadri; Neveux, Richard; Percival, Will J; Raichoor, Anand; Rezaie, Mehdi; Ross, Ashley J; Rossi, Graziano; Ruhlmann-Kleider, Vanina; Smith, Alex; Tamone, Amelie; Tinker, Jeremy L; Tojeiro, Rita; Wang, Yuting; Zhao, Gong-Bo; Zhao, Cheng; Brinkmann, Jonathan; Brownstein, Joel R; Choi, Peter D; Escoffier, Stephanie; de la Macorra, Axel; Moon, Jeongin; Newman, Jeffrey A; Schneider, Donald P; Seo, Hee-Jong; Vivek, M
2020-11Long-term optical and infrared variability characteristics of Fermi blazarsSafna, P. Z; Stalin, C. S; Rakshit, S; Mathew, Blesson
2020-05-20Signatures of untwisting magnetic field in a small emerging bipole in the solar photosphereSangeetha, C. R; Tripathi, Durgesh; Rajaguru, S. P
2020-12i-Process nucleosynthesis: Observational evidences from CEMP starsGoswami, P. P; Goswami, A
2021-03HCT/HESP study of two carbon stars from the LAMOST surveyShejeelammal, J; Goswami, A; Shi, Jianrong
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 641 to 660 of 5279