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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07-10Early mass-varying neutrino dark energy: nugget formation and Hubble anomalyGogoi, Antareep; Sharma, Ravi Kumar; Chanda, Prolay; Das, Subinoy
2021-07The nature of non-Gaussianity and statistical isotropy of the 408 MHz Haslam synchrotron mapFazlu Rahman; Pravabati, C; Ghosh, Tuhin
2021-06-20Turbulent proton heating rate in the solar wind from 5–45 R⊙Sasikumar Raja, K; Subramanian, P; Ingale, M; Ramesh, R; Maksimovic, Milan
2021-09A theoretical model of the near-surface shear layer of the SunJha, Bibhuti K; Choudhuri, A. R
2021-07Low frequency view of GRB 190114C reveals time varying shock micro-physicsMisra, K; Resmi, L; Kann, D. A; Marongiu, M; Moin, A; Klose, S; Bernardi, G; de Ugarte Postigo, A; Jaiswal, V. K; Schulze, S; Perley, D. A; Ghosh, A; Dimple; Kumar, H; Gupta, R; Michałowski, M. J; Martin, S; Cockeram, A; Cherukuri, S. V; Bhalerao, V; Anderson, G. E; Pandey, S. B; Anupama, G. C; Thone, C. C; Barway, Sudhanshu; Wieringa, M. H; Fynbo, J. P. U; Habeeb, N
2021-07Some glimpses of the plasma processes involved in power spectra of radio pulsarsRoy, Tridib
2021-07Jet properties of XTE J1752−223 during its 2009–2010 outburstDebnath, Dipak; Chatterjee, Kaushik; Chatterjee, Debjit; Jana, Arghajit; Chakrabarti, S. K
2021-07Appearance versus disappearance of broad absorption line troughs in quasarsMishra, Sapna; Vivek, M; Chand, Hum; Joshi, Ravi
2021-09Galaxy flybys: evolution of the bulge, disc, and spiral armsAnkit Kumar; Mousumi Das; Kataria, Sandeep Kumar
2021-08-15Evolution of primordial dark matter planets in the early UniverseKiren, O. V; Arun, K; Sivarani, C
2021-10In-orbit performance of UVIT over the past 5 yearsGhosh, S. K; Joseph, P; Kumar, A; Postma, J; Stalin, C. S; Subramaniam, A; Tandon, S. N; Barve, Indrajit V; Devaraj, A; George, K; Girish, V; Hutchings, J. B; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S; Lancelot, J. P; Leahy, D; Mahesh, P. K; Mohan, R; Nagabhushana, S; Pati, A. K; Kameswara Rao, N; Sankarasubramanian, K; Sreekumar, P; Sriram, S
2021-10Is the binding energy of galaxies related to their core black hole mass?Sivaram, C; Arun, K
2021-07-01Multiband transit follow-up observations of five hot Jupiters with critical noise treatments: improved physical propertiesSaha, Suman; Chakrabarty, Aritra; Sengupta, S
2021-08Stellar substructures in the periphery of the Magellanic Clouds with the VISTA hemisphere survey from the red clump and other tracersEl Youssouf, Dalal; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Bell, C. P. M; de Grijs, Richard; Groenewegen, M. A. T; Ivanov, Valentin D; Matijevic, Gal; Niederhofer, Florian; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Schmidt, Thomas; Subramanian, S; Sun, Ning-Chen; van Loon, Jacco Th
2021-04Non-sinusoidal transit timing variations for the exoplanet HAT-P-12bSariya, Devesh P; Jiang, I.- G; Su, Li-Hsin; Yeh, Li-Chin; Chang, Tze-En; Moskvin, V. V; Shlyapnikov, A. A; Ignatov, V; Mkrtichian, David; Griv, Evgeny; Mannaday, Vineet Kumar; Thakur, Parijat; Sahu, D. K; Chand, Swadesh; Bisht, D; Sun, Zhao; Ji, Jianghui
2021-05Multiwavelength monitoring of NGC 1275 over a decade: evidence of a shift in synchrotron peak frequency and long-term multiband flux increaseGulati, Sanna; Bhattacharya, Debbijoy; Bhattacharyya, Subir; Bhatt, N; Stalin, C. S; Agrawal, V. K
2021-05UOCS – III. UVIT catalogue of open clusters with machine learning-based membership using Gaia EDR3 astrometryJadhav, Vikrant K; Pennock, C. M; Subramaniam, A; Sagar, R; Prasanta Kumar Nayak
2021-05Prospects of constraining reionization model parameters using Minkowski tensors and Betti numbersAkanksha, K; Pravabati, C; Ghara, Raghunath; Appleby, Stephen; Choudhury, T. R
2021-05-20Tracking the evolution of Lithium in giants using asteroseismology: super-Li-rich stars are almost exclusively young red-clump starsRaghubar Singh; Reddy, B. E; Campbell, S. W; Bharat Kumar, Y; Vrard, Mathieu
2021-05-01Chemical Analysis of Two Extremely Metal-poor Stars HE 2148-2039 and HE 2155-2043Meenakshi, P; Goswami, A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 5279