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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 521 to 540 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-10-15Trends and characteristics of high-frequency type II bursts detected by CALLISTO spectrometersUmuhire, A. C; Uwamahoro, J; Sasikumar Raja, K; Kumari, A; Monstein, C
2021-10Photometric, polarimetric, and spectroscopic studies of the luminous, slow-decaying Type Ib SN 2012auPandey, S. B; Amit Kumar; Brajesh Kumar; Anupama, G. C; Srivastav, S; Sahu, D. K; Vinko, J; Aryan, A; Pastorello, A; Benetti, S; Tomasella, L; Singh, A; Moskvitin, A. S; Sokolov, V. V; Gupta, R; Misra, K; Ochner, P; Valenti, S
2021-10Magnetohydrodynamic waves in open coronal structuresBanerjee, D; Krishna Prasad, S; Pant, V; McLaughlin, J. A; Antolin, P; Magyar, N; Ofman, L; Tian, H; Van Doorsselaere, T; De Moorte, I; Wang, T. J
2021-10UV photometry of spotted stars in the horizontal branch of the globular cluster NGC 2808 using AstroSatDeepthi, S. Prabhu; Subramaniam, A; Snehalata Sahu
2021-10Beyond AstroSat: astronomy missions under reviewSreekumar, P; Koteswara Rao, V
2021-10UOCS. IV. discovery of diverse hot companions to blue stragglers in the old open cluster King 2Jadhav, Vikrant V; Pandey, Sindhu; Subramaniam, A; Sagar, R
2021-10A comparison of the UV and HI properties of the extended UV (XUV) disk galaxies NGC 2541, NGC 5832 and ESO406-042Mousumi Das; Yadav, J; Patra, N; Dwarakanath, K. S; McGaugh, S. S; Schombert, J; Rahna, P. T; Murthy, J
2021-10The sharpest ultraviolet view of the star formation in an extreme environment of the nearest Jellyfish Galaxy IC 3418Hota, Ananda; Devaraj, A; Pradhan, A. C; Stalin, C. S; George, Koshy; Mohapatra, Abhisek; Rey, Soo-Chang; Ohyama, Youichi; Vaddi, Sravani; Pechetti, Renuka; Ramya, S; Jose, Jessy; Roy, Jayashree; Konar, Chiranjib
2021-10-01An Insight into the coupling of CME kinematics in inner and outer corona and the imprint of source regionsMajumdar, Satabdwa; Ritesh Patel; Pant, V; Banerjee, D
2021-10-01The Nature of jets in double-peaked emission-line AGN in the KISSR sampleKharb, P; Subramanian, S; Mousumi Das; Vaddi, S; Paragi, Z
2021-10Intermediate luminosity type Iax supernova 2019muj with narrow absorption lines: long-lasting radiation associated with a possible bound remnant predicted by the weak deflagration modelKawabata, Miho; Maeda, Keiichi; Yamanaka, Masayuki; Nakaoka, Tatsuya; Kawabata, Koji S; Aoki, Kentaro; Anupama, G. C; Burgaz, Umut; Anirban Dutta; Isogai, Keisuke; Kino, Masaru; Kojiguchi, Naoto; Kota, Iida; Brajesh Kumar; Kuroda, Daisuke; Maehara, Hiroyuki; Matsubayash, Kazuya; Morihana, Kumiko; Murata, Katsuhiro L; Ohshima, Tomohito; Otsuka, Masaaki; Sahu, D. K; Avinash Singh; Sugitani, Koji; Takahashi, Jun; Takagi, Kengo
2021-11The intermediate polar cataclysmic variable GK Persei 120 years after the nova explosion: a first dynamical mass studyAlvarez-Hernandez, A; Torre, M. A. P; Rodriguez-Gil, P; Shahbaz, T; Anupama, G. C; Gazeas, K. D; Pavana, M; Raj, A; Hakala, P; Stone, G; Gomez, S; Jonker, P. G; Ren, J.- J; Cannizzaro, G; Pastor-Marazuela, I; Goff, W; Corral-Santana, J. M; Sabo, R
2021-11Successive injection of opposite magnetic helicity: evidence for active regions without coronal mass ejectionsVemareddy, P
2021-09The XMM-SERVS Survey: XMM-Newton point-source catalogs for the W-CDF-S and ELAIS-S1 fieldsNi, Qingling; Brand, W. N; Chen, Chien-Ting; Luo, Bin; Nyland, Kristina; Yang, Guang; Zou, Fan; Aird, James; Alexander, David M; Bauer, Franz Erik; Lacy, Mark; Lehmer, Bret D; Mallick, Labani; Salvato, Mara; Schneider, Donald P; Tozzi, Paolo; Traulsen, Iris; Vaccari, Mattia; Vignali, Cristian; Vito, Fabio; Xue, Yongquan; Banerji, Manda; Chow, Kate; Comastri, Andrea; Del Moro, Agnese; Gilli, Roberto; Mullaney, James; Paolillo, Maurizio; Schwope, Axel; Shemmer, Ohad; Sun, Mouyuan; Timlin III, John D; Trump, Jonathan R
2021-09-20TRAO survey of the nearby filamentary molecular clouds, the universal nursery of stars (TRAO FUNS). II. filaments and dense cores in IC 5146Chung, Eun Jung; Lee, Chang Won; Kim, Shinyoung; Maheswar, G; Tafalla, Mario; Caselli, Paola; Myers, Philip C; Liu, Tie; Yoo, Hyunju; Kim, Kyoung Hee; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Archana Soam; Cho, Jungyeon; Kwon, Woojin; Lee, Changhoon; Kan, Hyunwoo
2021-09Quantifying the classification of exoplanets: in search for the right habitability metricSafonova, M; Mathur, Archana; Basak, Suryoday; Bora, Kakoli; Agrawal, Surbhi
2021-09Habitability classification of exoplanets: a machine learning insightBasak, Suryoday; Mathur, Archana; Theophilus, Abhijit Jeremiel; Deshpande, Gouri; Murthy, J
2021-11Fixing the chronology in Tai-Ahom chronicles by using astronomical referencesKapoor, R. C
2021-11Tales from India: the great march comet of 1843 (C/1843 D1)Kapoor, R. C
2021-09-01Radio, X-ray, and extreme-ultraviolet observations of weak energy releases in the "Quiet" sunRamesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Mithun, N. P. S; Vadawale, S. V
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 521 to 540 of 5279