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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 5278
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-08Host galaxy magnitude of OJ 287 from its colours at minimum lightValtonen, Mauri J; Dey, Lankeswar; Zola, S; Ciprini, S; Kidger, M; Pursimo, T; Gopakumar, A; Matsumoto, K; Sadakane, K; Caton, D. B; Nilsson, K; Komossa, S; Bagaglia, M; Baransky, A; Boumis, P; Boyd, D; Castro-Tirado, A. J; Debski, B; Drozdz, M; Perez, A. Escartin; Fiorucci, M; Garcia, F; Gazeas, K; Ghosh, S; Godunova, V; Gomez, J. L; Gredel, R; Grupe, D; Haislip, J. B; Henning, T; Hurst, G; Janík, J; Kouprianov, V. V; Lehto, H; Liakos, A; Mathur, S; Mugrauer, M; Nogues, R. Naves; Nucciarelli, G; Ogloza, W; Ojha, D. K; Pajdosz-Śmierciak, U; Pascolini, S; Poyner, G; Reichart, D. E; Rizzi, N; Roncella, F; Sahu, D. K; Sillanpää, A; Simon, A; Siwak, M; Alfaro, F. C. Soldán; Sonbas, E; Tosti, G; Vasylenko, V; Webb, J. R; Zielinski, P
2022-08Growth of disc-like pseudo-bulges in SDSS DR7 since z = 0.1Ankit Kumar; Kataria, Sandeep Kumar
2022-08-01Radio Evolution of a Type IIb Supernova SN 2016gkgNayana, A. J; Chandra, Poonam; Krishna, Anoop; Anupama, G. C
2022-08Properties of ubiquitous magnetic reconnection events in the lower solar atmosphereJoshi, Jayant; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc H. M
2022-08-01Implications of an Extended Dark Energy Model with Massive NeutrinosSharma, Ravi Kumar; Pandey, Kanhaiya L; Das, Subinoy
2022-08-01Galactic Chemical Evolution of Exoplanet Hosting Stars: Are High-mass Planetary Systems Young?Swastik, C; Banyal, R. K; Narang, Mayank; Manoj, P; Sivarani, T; Rajaguru, S. P; Athira Unni; Banerjee, Bihan
2022-08On the origin of core radio emissions from black hole sources in the realm of relativistic shocked accretion flowDas, Santabrata; Nandi, Anuj; Stalin, C. S; Rakshit, Suvendu; Dihingia, Indu Kalpa; Singh, Swapnil; Aktar, Ramiz; Mitra, Samik
2022-08The role of magnetic fields in the stability and fragmentation of filamentary molecular clouds: two case studies at OMC-3 and OMC-4Li, Pak Shing; Lopez-Rodriguez, Enrique; Archana Soam; Klein, Richard I
2022-08-01Spectroscopic Study of Four Metal-poor Carbon Stars from the Hamburg/ESO Survey: On Confirming the Low-mass Nature of Their Companions*Shejeelammal, J; Goswami, A
2022-08-01The X-Ray and Radio Loud Fast Blue Optical Transient AT2020mrf: Implications for an Emerging Class of Engine-driven Massive Star ExplosionsYao, Yuhan; Ho, Anna Y. Q; Medvedev, Pavel; Nayana, A. J; Perley, Daniel A; Kulkarni, S. R; Chandra, Poonam; Sazonov, Sergey; Gilfanov, Marat; Khorunzhev, Georgii; Khatami, David K; Sunyaev, Rashid
2022-10Nature of helicity injection in non-erupting solar active regionsVemareddy, P
2022-07Flux and spectral variability of Mrk 421 during its moderate activity state using NuSTAR: Possible accretion disc contribution?Mondal, S; Priyanka Rani; Stalin, C. S; Chakrabarti, S. K; Rakshit, S
2022-04Accretion disc sizes from continuum reverberation mapping of AGN selected from the ZTF surveyJha, Vivek Kumar; Joshi, Ravi; Chand, Hum; Wu, Xue-Bing; Ho, Luis C; Rastogi, Shantanu; Ma, Qinchun
2022-04Probing infrared excess connection with Li enhancement among red clump giantsMallick, Anohita; Reddy, B. E; Muthumariappan, C
2022-04Quasi-periodic spicule-like cool jets driven by Alfvén pulsesSingh, B; Srivastava, A. K; Sharma, K; Mishra, S. K; Dwivedi, B. N
2022-06-20Formation and Abundance of Late-forming Primordial Black Holes as Dark MatterChakraborty, Amlan; Chanda, Prolay K; Pandey, Kanhaiya L; Das, Subinoy
2022-06-10Circular Polarization Observations of Type II Solar Radio Bursts and the Coronal Magnetic FieldRamesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Ebenezer, E
2022-06-10In Search of Short Gamma-Ray Burst Optical Counterparts with the Zwicky Transient FacilityAhumada, Tomás; Anand, Shreya; Coughlin, Michael W; Andreoni, Igor; Kool, Erik C; Kumar, Harsh; Reusch, Simeon; Sagués-Carracedo, Ana; Stein, Robert; Cenko, Bradley S; Kasliwal, Mansi M; Singer, Leo P; Dunwoody, Rachel; Mangan, Joseph; Bhalerao, Varun; Bulla, Mattia; Burns, Eric; Graham, Matthew J; Kaplan, David L; Perley, Daniel; Almualla, Mouza; Bloom, Joshua S; Cunningham, Virginia; De, Kishalay; Gatkine, Pradip; Ho, Anna Y. Q; Karambelkar, Viraj; Kong, Albert K. H; Yao, Yuhan; Anupama, G. C; Barway, Sudhanshu; Ghosh, Shaon; Itoh, Ryosuke; McBreen, Sheila; Bellm, Eric C; Fremling, Christoffer; Laher, Russ R; Mahabal, Ashish A; Riddle, Reed L; Rosnet, Philippe; Rusholme, Ben; Smith, Roger; Sollerman, Jesper; Bissaldi, Elisabetta; Fletcher, Corinne; Hamburg, Rachel; Mailyan, Bagrat; Malacaria, Christian; Roberts, Oliver
2022-06NuSTAR spectral analysis of three Seyfert galaxies: NGC 3227, NGC 5548, and MR 2251−178Pal, Indrani; Stalin, C. S; Mallick, L; Priyanka Rani
2022-06Variable mass accretion and failed wind explain changing-look phenomena in NGC 1365Mondal, Santanu; Adhikari, T. P; Hryniewicz, K; Stalin, C. S; Pandey, Ashwani
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 5278