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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2301 to 2320 of 5284
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1984-08Time-resolved spectral observations of spicule velocities at several heightsHasan, S. S; Keil, S. L
1984-12MG II emission of Pop. 2 long-period CepheidsParthasarathy, M; Parsons, S. B
2010-03Spectroscopic study of a few Herbig Ae/Be stars in young open clustersMathew, B; Subramaniam, A; Bhavya, B
2010-06Nonlinear response studies and corrections for a liquid crystal spatial light modulatorBanyal, R. K; Prasad, B. R
1956-10Report of the Indian expedition to Ceylon to observe the total solar eclipse of 20 June 1955Das, A. K
2010-06-10The Milky Way Tomography with SDSS. III. Stellar KinematicsBond, N. A; Ivezić, Z; Sesar, B; Jurić, M; Munn, J. A; Kowalski, A; Loebman, S; Roškar, R; Beers, T. C; Dalcanton, J; Rockosi, C. M; Yanny, B; Newberg, H. J; Prieto, C. A; Wilhelm, R; Lee, Y. S; Sivarani, T; Majewski, S. R; Norris, J. E; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L; Fiorentin, P. R; Schlegel, D; Uomoto, A; Lupton, R. H; Knapp, G. R; Gunn, J. E; Covey, K. R; Smith, J. A; Miknaitis, G; Doi, M; Tanaka, M; Fukugita, M; Kent, S; Finkbeiner, D; Quinn, T. R; Hawley, S; Anderson, S; Kiuchi, F; Chen, A; Bushong, J; Sohi, H; Haggard, D; Kimball, A; McGurk, R; Barentine, J; Brewington, H; Harvanek, M; Kleinman, S; Krzesinski, J; Long, D; Nitta, A; Snedden, S; Lee, B; Pier, J. R; Harris, H; Brinkmann, J; Schneider, D. P
1952-07Recurrence feature of some of the great magnetic storms recorded at Kodaikanal (1949-1951)Sivaramakrishnan, M. V
1957Kodaikanal Observatory, KodaikanalDas, A. K
1955Kodaikanal Observatory, KodaikanalDas, A. K
1954Kodaikanal Observatory, KodaikanalDas, A. K
1951-04Kodaikanal Observatory (1901-1950)Das, A. K
1951-04A recording photoelectric photometerDas, A. K; Ananthakrishnan, R; Bhargava, B. N
1915-03The different character of spectrum lines belonging to the same seriesRoyds, T
1917-03The cause of the so-called pole-effect in the electric arcRoyds, T
1954Radiation Flux in Sunspot UmbraeRamanathan, A. S
1967Spectral characteristics of a solar flare from ionospheric dataBhattacharyya, J. C; Balakrishnan, T. K
1965Solar cycle and seasonal variations in the equatorial ionospheric F-regionGanesh, K. S
1964Geomagnetic effects associated with relativistic flaresSubrahmanyan, R. V
1949-02The comet of November, 1948*Das, A. K
1946-11The large sunspot group of July 1946*The Director, Solar Physics Observatory
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2301 to 2320 of 5284