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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2221 to 2240 of 5284
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010-11Cosmogenic radioisotopes in the Almahata Sitta ureiliteCarla, T; Narendra, B; Paolo, C; Alberto, R; Gianna, V; Neeharika, S; Peter, J; Muawia, H. S; Ballabh, G. M
2010-11Modeling the Subsurface Structure of SunspotsMoradi, H; Baldner, C; Birch, A. C; Braun, D. C; Cameron, R. H; Duvall, T. L; Gizon, L; Haber, D; Hanasoge, S. M; Hindman, B. W; Jackiewicz, J; Khomenko, E; Komm, R; Rajaguru, S. P; Rempel, M; Roth, M; Schlichenmaier, R; Schunker, H; Spruit, H. C; Strassmeier, K. G; Thompson, M. J; Zharkov, S
2010-12First Results from the NOAO Survey of the Outer Limits of the Magellanic CloudsSaha, A; Olszewski, E. W; Brondel, B; Olsen, K; Knezek, P; Harris, J; Smith, C; Subramaniam, A; Claver, J; Rest, A; Seitzer, P; Cook, K. H; Minniti, D; Suntzeff, N. B
2010-12Mapping the Diffuse Ultraviolet Sky with the Galaxy Evolution ExplorerMurthy, J; Henry, R. C; Sujatha, N. V
2011-02Temperature variability in X-ray bright points observed with Hinode/XRTKariyappa, R; DeLuca, E. E; Saar, S. H; Golub, L; Dam´e, L; Pevtsov, A. A; Varghese, B. A
2010-04Lithium abundances in the α Per clusterMallik, S. G. V; Balachandran, S. C; Lambert, D. L
2010-04Survey for Li-rich K giantsBharat Kumar, Y; Reddy, B. E
2010Long-period intensity oscillations of the quiet solar atmosphere from TRACE 1600 Å continuum observationsKariyappa, R; Damé, L
2011-01-10Polarized line formation in multi-dimensional media-II: A fast method to solve problems with partial frequency redistributionAnusha, L. S; Nagendra, K. N; Paletou, F
2011-01-01Polarized line formation in Multi-dimensional media-I: Decomposition of Stokes parameters in arbitrary geometriesAnusha, L. S; Nagendra, K. N
2010-11-10GALEX Observations of Diffuse Ultraviolet Emission from DracoSujatha, N. V; Murthy, J; Suresh, R; Henr, R. C; Bianchi, L
2010-11-10HE 1015–2050: discovery of a hydrogen-deficient carbon star at high galactic latitudeGoswami, A; Drisya, K; Shantikumar, N. S
2010-09-29Relativistic calculations of ground and excited states of LiYb molecule for ultracold photoassociation spectroscopy studiesGopakumar, G; Abe, Minori; Das, B. P; Hada, Masahiko; Hirao, Kimihiko
1965-12Reports on the Progress of Astronomy: Solar Activity-ProminencesBappu, M. K. V
2010-10Modelling the diffuse ultraviolet radiation observed by Dynamics Explorer 1Shalima, P; Murthy, J; Fix, J. D
2010-07Collision between dissimilar clouds: stability of the bow-shock, and the formation of pre-stellar coresAnathpindika, S
2010-09Erratum to: Predicting the Amplitude of a Solar Cycle using the North – South Asymmetry in the Previous Cycle: II. An Improved Prediction for Solar Cycle 24Javaraiah, J
2011-07Propagating MHD waves in coronal holesBanerjee, D; Teriaca, L; Gupta, G. R
2010-10-01Local helioseismic and spectroscopic analyses of interactions between acoustic waves and a sunspotRajaguru, S. P; Wachter, R; Sankarasubramanian, K; Couvidat, S
2010-10-10Evidence of V-band polarimetric separation of carbon stars at high galactic latitudeGoswami, A; Sreeja, S. K; Sen, A. K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2221 to 2240 of 5284