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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2201 to 2220 of 5284
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004-12Influence of rotation on pulsar emissionThomas, R. M. C; Gangadhara, R. T
2004-12Fiber-fed echelle spectrometer of the 2.34 meter Vainu Bappu TelescopeKameswara Rao, N; Sriram, S; Gabriel, F; Prasad, B. R; Samson, J. P. A; Jayakumar, K; Srinivasan, R; Mahesh, P. K; Giridhar, S
2010-12The WIRCAM Deep Infrared Cluster Survey I. Groups and clusters at z  ≳  1.1Bielby, R. M; Finoguenov, A; Tanaka, M; McCracken, H. J; Daddi, E; Hudelot, P; Ilbert, O; Kneib, J. P; Le Fèvr, O; Mellier, Y; Nandra, K; Petitjean, P; Srianand, R; Stalin, C. S; Willott, C. J
2011-01Second-order state-specific multireference Møller Plesset perturbation theory: Application to energy surfaces of diimide, ethylene, butadiene, and cyclobutadieneMahapatra, U. S; Chattopadhyay, S; Chaudhuri, R. K
2004-12Evolution of the active region NOAA 10570 associated with the flaresSundararaman, K; Ramesh, K. B; Selvendran, R
2004-12Detection of cooler loop-tops in a coronal structureSingh, J; Sakurai, T; Ichimoto, K
2004-12A unified description of anti-dynamo conditions for incompressible flowsMangalam, A
1980Inter-planetary magnetic-field and equatorial ionosphereSastri, J. H
2004-12Remnants of closely interacting galaxiesNamboodiri, P. M. S
2004-12Irradiation effects in close binary starsSrinivasa Rao, M; Varghese, B. A
2004-12Characterization of adaptive optics mirrors using long yrace profilometerSaxena, A. K; Chinnappan, V; Ismail Jabilullah, R
2010-09Estimation of CII and CII* column densities along Galactic sight-linesParvathi, V. S; Sofia, U. J; Murthy, J; Babu, B. R. S
2010-09Light curve solutions of eclipsing binaries in SMCIvanov, V. P; Kjurkchieva, D. P; Srinivasa Rao, M
2010A multiparametric HPGe-NaI acquisition system for low gamma activity measurements of meteoritesTaricco, C; Bhandari, N; Colombetti, P; Mariani, I; Neeharika, V; Vivaldo, G
2010-12Extended use of two crossed Babinet compensators for wavefront sensing in adaptive opticsLancelot, J. P; Saxena, A. K
2010-11The metal-poor end of the Spite plateau I. Stellar parameters, metallicities, and lithium abundancesSbordone, L; Bonifacio, P; Caffau, E; Ludwig, H. -G; Behara, N. T; González Hernández, J. I; Steffen, M; Cayrel, R; Freytag, B; Van’t Veer, C; Molaro, P; Plez, B; Sivarani, T; Spite, M; Spite, F; Beers, T. C; Christlieb, N; François, P; Hill, V
2010-12The historical significance of the total solar eclipse of Oct 17, 1762 that passed over PanjabKapoor, R. C
2010-11Dangerous Face of the SunSundararaman, K
1978On some photographic AIDS for the measurement of Astronomical spectraBappu, M. K. V
2010-10Orbital period modulation and spot activity in the RS CVn binary V711 TauriMuneer, S; Jayakumar, K; Rosario, M. J; Raveendran, A. V; Mekkaden, M. V
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2201 to 2220 of 5284