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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1841 to 1860 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-02Digitized archive of the Kodaikanal images: Representative results of Solar cycle variation from sunspot area determinationRavindra, B; Priya, T. G; Amareswari, K; Priyal, M; Nazia, A. A; Banerjee, D
1997-10Topological evolution and cosmic chaosTomaschitz, Roman
2011Differences in heliographic positions and rotation velocities of sunspot groups from various observatoriesPoljancic, I; Brajsa, R; Hrzina, D; Wohl, H; Hanslmeier, A; Potzi, W; Baranyi, T; Ozguc, A; Singh, J; Ruzdjak, V
2013-02Variation of Emission LineWidth in Mid and High-Latitude CoronaKrishna Prasad, S; Singh, J; Banerjee, D
2013-10Properties of High-Frequency Wave Power Halos Around Active Regions: An Analysis of Multi-height Data from HMI and AIA Onboard SDORajaguru, S. P; Couvidat, S; Sun, Xudong; Hayashi, K; Schunker, H
1988Deconvolution and self-calibration in radio astronomy using MEMShevgaonkar, R. K
1983-06The decameter-wave radio telescopeSastry, Ch. V
1988Speckle interferometry at IIA and elsewhere: An overviewVenkatakrishnan, P; Saha, S. K; Shevgaonkar, R. K
2013-01-21Difference image analysis: extension to a spatially varying photometric scale factor and other considerationsBramich, D. M; Horne, Keith; Albrow, M. D; Tsapras, Y; Snodgrass, C; Street, R. A; Hundertmark, M; Kains, N; Arellano Ferro, A; Figuera Jaimes, R; Giridhar, S
2013-01-21Intranight optical variability of γ -ray-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxiesPaliya, Vaidehi S; Stalin, C. S; Kumar, Brijesh; Kumar, Brajesh; Bhatt, V. K; Pandey, S. B; Yadav, K. S
2013-02-11Quantum interference with angle-dependent partial frequency redistribution: solution of the polarized line transfer in the non-magnetic caseSupriya, H. D; Smitha, H. N; Nagendra, K. N; Ravindra, B; Sampoorna, M
2013-02-01Rotation rates of coronal holes and their probable anchoring depthsHiremath, K. M; Hegde, M
2012-12On the evolution of irradiated turbulent clouds: a comparative study between modes of triggered star formationAnathpindika, S; Bhatt, H. C
2012-11Spectral energy distributions and age estimates of 40 massive young stellar objectsTanti, K. K; Jayashree Roy; Duorah, K
2012-12Constraining the parameters of globular cluster NGC 1904 from its variable star populationKains, N; Bramich, D. M; Figuera Jaimes, R; Arellano Ferro, A; Giridhar, S; Kuppuswamy, K
2012-10Landslide susceptibility analysis using Probabilistic Certainty Factor Approach: A case study on Tevankarai stream watershed, IndiaSujatha, E. R; Rajamanickam, G. V; Kumaravel, P
2012-11Comparative modelling of the spectra of cool giantsLebzelter, T; Heiter, U; Abia, C; Eriksson, K; Ireland, M; Neilson, H; Nowotny, W; Maldonado, J; Merle, T; Peterson, R; Plez, B; Short, C. I; Wahlgren, G. M; Worley, C; Aringer, B; Bladh, S; de Laverny, P; Goswami, A; Mora, A; Norris, R. P; Recio-Blanco, A; Scholz, M; Thevenin, F; Tsuji, T; Kordopatis, G; Montesinos, B; Wing, R. F
2012-11Comprehensive multiwavelength modelling of the afterglow of GRB 050525AResmi, L; Misra, K; Johannesson, G; Castro-Tirado, A. J; Gorosabel, J; Jelınek, M; Bhattacharya, D; Kubanek, P; Anupama, G. C; Sota, A; Sahu, D. K; de Ugarte Postigo, A; Pandey, S. B; Sanchez-Ramırez, R; Bremer, M; Sagar, R
2013-04Pointing of HAGAR telescope mirrorsGothe, K. S; Prabhu, T. P; Vishwanath, P. R; Acharya, B. S; Srinivasan, R; Chitnis, V. R; Kamath, P. U; Srinivasulu, G; Saleem, F; Kemkar, P. M. M; Mahesh, P. K; Gabriel, F; Manoharan, J; Dorji, N; Dorjai, T; Angchuk, D; D'souza, A. I; Duhan, S. K; Nagesh, B. K; Rao, S. K; Sharma, S. K; Singh, B. B; Sudersanan, P. V; Thsering, M. T; Upadhya, S. S; Anupama, G. C; Britto, R. J; Cowsik, R; Saha, L; Shukla, A
2012-11-20Probing the Role of Carbon in Ultraviolet Extinction along Galactic Sight LinesParvathi, V. S; Sofia, U. J; Murthy, J; Babu, B. R. S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1841 to 1860 of 5279