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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1821 to 1840 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-01Optical Studies of the Low Velocity Gradient Type Ia Supernovae 2009an and 2009igSahu, D. K; Anupama, G. C; Anto, P; Gurugubelli, U. K
2013-01Recurrent Novae: What Do We Know about Them?Anupama, G. C
2012-10Multiwavelength Study of the NGC 281 RegionSharma, S; Pandey, A. K; Pandey, J. C; Chauhan, N; Ogura, K; Ojha, D. K; Borrissova, J; Mito, H; Verdugo, T; Bhatt, B. C
2012-09Optical studies of novaeAnupama, G. C; Kamath, U. S
2012-09Concept study of an « Extremely Large Hyper Telescope » (ELHyT) with 1200m sparse aperture for direct imaging at 100 micro-arcsecond resolutionLabeyrie, A; Mourard, D; Allouche, F; Charkraborthy, R; Dejonghe, J; Arun Surya; Bresson, Y; Aime, C; Mary, D; Carlotti, A
2012-09Construction of a 57m hypertelescope in the southern AlpsLabeyrie, A; Allouche, F; Mourard, D; Bolgar, F; Chakraborthy, R; Maillot, J; Palitzyne, N; Poletti, J. R; Rochaix, J. P; Prud homme, R; Rondi, A; Roussel, M; Arun Surya
2013-02-05Optical Photometric and Polari metric investigation of NGC 1931Pandey, A. K; Eswaraiah, C; Sharma, S; Samal, M. R; Chauhan, N; Chen, W. P; Jose, J; Ojha, D. K; Yadav, Ram Kesh; Chandola, H. C
2013-02A study of the performance parameters of the High Altitude Gamma Ray (HAGAR) telescope system at Ladakh in IndiaSaha, L; Chitnis, V. R; Vishwanath, P. R; Kale, S; Shukla, A; Acharya, B. S; Anupama, G. C; Bhattacharjee, P; Britto, R. J; Prabhu, T. P; Singh, B. B
2013-02-01SUBARU/HDS Study of HE 1015−2050: Spectral Evidance of R Coronae Borealis Light DeclineGoswami, A; Aoki, Wako
2012-12भारतीय खगोल वेधशाला हैनले, लद्दाखभट्ट, बी. सी
2013-01RRI-GBT multi-band receiver: motivation, design, and developmentMaan, Yogesh; Deshpande, Avinash A; Chandrashekar, Vinutha; Chennamangalam, Jayanth; Raghavendra Rao, K. B; Somashekar, R; Anderson, Gary; Ezhilarasi, M. S; Sujatha, S; Kasturi, S; Sandhya, P; Bauserman, Jonah; Duraichelvan, R; Amiri, Shahram; Aswathappa, H. A; Barve, Indrajit V; Sarabagopalan, G; Ananda, H. M; Beaudet, Carla; Bloss, Marty; Dhamnekar, Deepa B; Egan, Dennis; Ford, John; Krishnamurthy, S; Mehta, Nikhil; Minter, Anthony H; Nagaraja, H. N; Narayanaswamy, M; O'Neil, Karen; Raja, Wasim; Sahasrabudhe, Harshad; Shelton, Amy; Srivani, K. S; Venugopal, H. V; Viswanathan, Salna T
2012-05Coronal Rotation from XBPs Observed with Hinode/XRTKariyappa, R; DeLuca, E
2012-08Contribution of HdC Stars to the Galactic Enrichment: The Sr-rich HdC Star HE 1015-2050Goswami, A; Aoki, W
2013-01-10Low-frequency radio observations of picoflare category energy releases in the solar atmosphereRamesh, R; Sasikumar Raja, K; Kathiravan, C; Satya Narayanan, A
2012-08The galactic R coronae borealis stars and the final he-shell flash object V4334Sgr (Sakurai’s object): a comparisonHema, B. P; Pandey, G; Lambert, D. L
2013-01Very-Low-Mass Stellar and Substellar Companions to Solar-Like Stars From Marvels. III. A Short-period Brown Dwarf Candidate Around An Active GOIV SubgiantMa, Bo; Ge, J; Barnes, R; Crepp, J. R; De Lee, N; Dutra-Ferreira, L; Esposito, M; Femenia, B; Fleming, S. W; Gaudi, B. S; Ghezzi, L; Hebb, L; Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I; Lee, B. L; Porto de Mello, G. F; Stassun, K. G; Wang, J; Wisniewski, J. P; Agol, E; Bizyaev, D; Cargile, P; Chang, L; Nicolaci da Costa, L; Eastman, J. D; Gary, B; Jiang, P; Kane, S. R; Li, R; Liu, J; Mahadevan, S; Maia, M. A. G; Muna, D; Nguyen, D. C; Ogando, R. L. C; Oravetz, D; Pepper, J; Paegert, M; Prieto, C. A; Rebolo, R; Santiago, B. X; Schneider, D. P; Shelden, A; Simmons, A; Sivarani, T; van Eyken, J. C; Wan, X; Weaver, B. A; Zhao, Bo
2013-01High-resolution spectroscopy of extremely metal-poor stars from SDSS/SEGUE. I. Atmospheric parameters and chemical compositionsAoki, W; Beers, T. C; Lee, Young Sun; Honda, S; Ito, H; Takada-Hidai, M; Frebel, A; Suda, T; Fujimoto, M. Y; Carollo, D; Sivarani, T
2013-01On turbulent fragmentation and the origin of the stellar IMFAnathpindika, S
2013-01Polarimetric studies of carbon stars at high galactic latitudeGoswami, A; Drisya, K
2013-01Polarized line formation with J-state interference in the presence of magnetic fields: A Heuristic treatment of collisional frequency redistributionSmitha, H. N; Nagendra, K. N; Sampoorna, M; Stenflo, J. O
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1821 to 1840 of 5279