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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1661 to 1680 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-10-25Higgs bosonSivaram, C
2014-02-10Electron Cooling in a Young Radio Supernova: SN 2012awYadav, N; Ray, A; Chakraborti, S; Stockdale, C; Chandra, P; Smith, R; Roy, R; Bose, S; Dwarkadas, V; Sutaria, F. K; Pooley, D
2014-02Physical and Optical Properties of Aerosols in a Free Tropospheric Environment: Results From Long-Term Observations Over Western Trans-HimalayasGogoi, M. M; Moorthy, K. K; Kompalli, S. K; Chaubey, J. P; Babu, S. S; Manoj, M.R; Nair, V. S; Prabhu, T. P
2014-01Characteristics of Polar Coronal Hole JetsChandrashekhar, K; Bemporad, A; Banerjee, D; Gupta, G. R; Teriaca, L
2013-12Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 288: [Fe/H] and DistanceFerro, A. A; Bramich, D.M; Giridhar, S; Jaimes, R. F; Kains, N; Kuppuswamy, K
2014-01Scientific Programmes with India's National Large Solar Telescope and their contribution to Prominence ResearchHasan, S. S
2013-10-24Dust properties from GALEX observations of a UV halo around SpicaShalima, P; Murthy, J; Gupta, R
2014-01Segmentation of Coronal Features to Understand the Solar EUV and UV Irradiance VariabilityKumara, S. T; Kariyappa, R; Zender, J. J; Giono, G; Delouille, V; Pradeep Chitta, L; Dame, L; Hochedez, J. F; Verbeeck, C; Mampaey, B; Doddamani, V. H
2014-02-01Myopic aberrations: Simulation based comparison of curvature and Hartmann Shack wavefront sensorsRoopashree, M. B; Vyas, A; Weddell, S. J; Prasad, B. R
2014-01Filament Eruption in Association with Rotational Motion Near the Filament FootpointsDhara, Sajal Kumar; Ravindra, B; Banyal, R. K
2013-11-29Some Consequences of a Universal Tension Arising from Dark Energy for Structures from Atomic Nuclei to Galaxy ClustersSivaram, C; Arun, K; Kiren, O. V
1974A ground based near infra-red detector systemBhattacharya, J. C
2013-12-03Correlation Trends in the Ground-State Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilities of Closed-Shell Atoms and IonsSingh, Y; Sahoo, B. K; Das, B. P
2013-11-21Hard-Core Bosons in a Zig-Zag Optical SuperlatticeDhar, A; Mishra, T; Pai, R. V; Mukerjee, S; Das, B. P
1973Spectroscopy of Scorpi-Centaurus associationRajamohan, R
2014-02Assessing landslide susceptibility using Bayesian probability-based weight of evidence modelSujatha, E. R; Kumaravel, P; Rajamanickam, V. G
2014-01-21Site Evaluation Study for the Indian National Large Solar Telescope Using Microthermal MeasurementsDhananjay, K
2013-09Transit of Venus on 2012 June 06: stray light estimation and restoration of Ca-K images of Twin Telescope from Kodaikanal ObservatoryPrabhu, K; Rangarajan, K. E; Ravindra, B; Sankarasubramanian, K; Selvendran, R; Kumaravel, P
2013-11Indian astronomy and the transits of Venus. 1: The early observationsKapoor, R. C
2013-12Experimental validation of XRF inversion code for Chandrayaan-1Athiray, P. S; Sudhakar, M; Tiwari, M. K; Narendranath, S; Lodha, G. S; Deb, S. K; Sreekumar, P; Dash, S. K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1661 to 1680 of 5279