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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1421 to 1440 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-043.6-m Devasthal Optical Telescope Project: Completion and first resultsKumar, Brijesh; Omar, A; Maheswar, G; Pandey, A. K; Sagar, R; Uddin, W; Sanwal, B. B; Bangia, T; Kumar, T. S; Yadav, S; Sahu, S; Pant, J; Reddy, B. K; Gupta, A. C; Chand, H; Pandey, J. C; Joshi, M. K; Jaiswar, M; Nanjappa, N; Purushottam; Yadav, R. K. S; Sharma, S; Pandey, S. B; Joshi, S; Joshi, Y. C; Lata, S; Mehdi, B. J; Misra, K; Singh, M
2019-01Measurement of astronomical seeing using long exposure solar imagesSridharan, R; Ravindra, B; Prabhu, K
2019-01Spectroscopic study of two new super Li-rich red clump K giantsRaghubar, Singh; Reddy, B. E; Bharat Kumar, Y
2019-01UVIT–HST–GAIA view of NGC 288: a census of the hot stellar population and its properties from UVSnehalata Sahu; Subramaniam, A; Cote, Patrick; Kameswara Rao, N; Stetson, Peter B
2019-01The puzzling high velocity G5 supergiant star HD 179821: new insight from Gaia DR2 dataParthasarathy, M; Jasniewicz, G; Thevenin, F
2018-05-10Minkowski Tensors in Two Dimensions: Probing the Morphology and Isotropy of the Matter and Galaxy Density FieldsAppleby, S; Pravabati, C; Park, C; Hong, S. E; Kim, J; Vidhya, G
2019-01Insights on bar quenching from a multiwavelength analysis: the case of messier 95George, K; Joseph, P; Mondal, Chayan; Subramanian, S; Subramaniam, A; Paul, K. T
2017-08Ultraviolet astronomy with small space telescopesBrosch, N; Gomez De Castro, Ana; Murthy, J; Ribak, E; Behar, E; Balabanov, V
2017-07The effects of the small-scale behaviour of dark matter power spectrum on CMB spectral distortionSarkar, A; Sethi, S. K; Das, Subinoy
2018-05-03The VMC Survey. XXIX. Turbulence-controlled Hierarchical Star Formation in the Small Magellanic CloudSun, N; de Grijs, R; Cioni, M. L; Rubele, S; Subramanian, S; van Loon, J. T; Bekki, K; Bell, C. P. M; Ivanov, V. D; Marconi, M; Muraveva, T; Oliveira, J. M; Ripepi, V
2017-08Polarized Line Formation in Arbitrary Strength Magnetic Fields Angle-averaged and Angle-dependent Partial Frequency RedistributionSampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O
2018-05Recurring coronal holes and their rotation rates during the solar cycles 22-24Prabhu, K; Ravindra, B; Hegde, M; Doddamani, V. H
2019-01Search for anomalous alignments of structures in planck data using minkowski tensorsJoby, P. K; Pravabati, C; Ghosh, T; Vidhya Ganesan; Ravikumar, C. D
2017-08Successive Homologous Coronal Mass Ejections Driven by Shearing and Converging Motions in Solar Active Region NOAA 12371Vemareddy, P
2017-08p-capture reaction cycles in rotating massive stars and their impact on elemental abundances in globular cluster stars: A case study of O, Na and AlMahanta, Upakul; Goswami, A; Duorah, H. L; Duorah, K
2018-05UVIT observations of the star-forming ring in NGC 7252: Evidence of possible AGN feedback suppressing central star formationGeorge, K; Joseph, P; Mondal, Chayan; Devaraj, A; Subramaniam, A; Stalin, C. S; Cote, P; Ghosh, S. K; Hutchings, J. B; Mohan, Rekhesh; Postma, J; Sankarasubramanian, K; Sreekumar, P; Tandon, S. N
2017-08Intra-night Optical Variability Monitoring of Fermi Blazars: First Results from 1.3 m J. C. Bhattacharya TelescopePaliya, Vaidehi S; Stalin, C. S; Ajello, M; Kaur, A
2019-05GASP. XV. A MUSE view of extreme ram-pressure stripping along the line of sight: physical properties of the jellyfish galaxy JO201Bellhouse, C; Jaffe, Y. L; McGee, S. L; Poggianti, B. M; Smith, R; Tonnesen, S; Fritz, J; Hau, G. K .T; Gullieuszik, M; Vulcani, B; Fasano, G G; Moretti, A; George, K; Bettoni, D; nofrio, O, M.D; Omizzolo, A; Sheen, Y.K
2017-08Three-dimensional Monte Carlo dust radiative transfer study of the H-poor planetary nebula IRAS 18333–2357 located in M22Muthumariappan, C
2017-08An automated extinction and sky brightness monitor for the Indian Astronomical Observatory, HanleSharma, T. K; Parihar, P. S; Banyal, R. K; Ahmad Dar, Ajaz; Kemkar, P. M. M; Stanzin, U; Anupama, G. C
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1421 to 1440 of 5279