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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1241 to 1260 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-10Polarimetric and spectroscopic study of radio quiet weak emission line quasarsKumar, P; Chand, H; Srianand, R; Stalin, C. S; Petitjean, P; Gopal-Krishna
2015-07-01SN 2013ab: a normal type IIP supernova in NGC 5669Bose, S; Valenti, S; Misra, K; Pumo, M. L; Zampieri, L; Sand, D; Kumar, B; Pastorello, A; Sutaria, F. K; Maccarone, T. J; Kumar, B; Graham, M. L; Howell, D. A; Ochner, P; Chandola, H. C; Pandey, S. B
2018-10Installation of solar chromospheric telescope at the Indian Astronomical Observatory, MerakRavindra, B; Prabhu, K; Thulasidharen, K. C; Rajalingam, M; Sagayanathan, K; Kamath, P. U; Dorjey, N; Angchuk, D; Kemkar, P. M. M; Dorjai, T; Banyal, R. K
2018-10-10Double Peaks of the Solar Cycle: An Explanation from a Dynamo ModelKarak, B. B; Mandal, Sudip; Banerjee, D
2018-12Polarization and QPOs from jets in black hole systemsMangalam, A
2015-06Profiling the binding motif between Be and Mg in the ground state via a single-reference coupled cluster methodMahapatra, U. S; Banerjee, Debi; Chaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S
2019-01Angular momentum of stars and their planetsGurumath, S. R; Hiremath, K. M; Ramasubramanian, V
2018-11Properties and Occurrence Rates for Kepler Exoplanet Candidates as a Function of Host Star Metallicity from the DR25 CatalogNarang, Mayank; Manoj, P; Furlan, E; Mordasini, C; Henning, Thomas; Mathew, Blesson; Banyal, R. K; Sivarani, T
2015-03-01Membrane-based deformable mirror: intrinsic aberrations and alignment issuesBayanna, A. R; Louis, R. E; Chatterjee, S; Mathew, S. K; Venkatakrishnan, P
2018-11A SALT spectral study of S0s hosting pseudobulgesVaghmare, K; Barway, Sudhanshu; Vaisanen, Petri; Ramphul, Rajin; Wadadekar, Yogesh; Kembhavi, Ajit K
2015-07-01A multiwavelength study of three hybrid blazarsStanley, E. C; Kharb, P; Lister, M. L; Marshall, H. L; O'Dea, C; Baum, S
2018-11Astrophysics with new horizons: making the most of a generational opportunityZemcov, Michael; Arcavi, Iair; Arendt, Richard; Bachelet, Etienne; Ranga Ram Chary; Cooray, Asantha; Dragomir, Diana; Conn Henry, Richard; Lisse, Carey; Matsuura, Shuji; Murthy, J; Nguyen, Chi; Poppe, Andrew R; Street, Rachel; Werner, Michael
2015-07-01Dynamics of on-disk plumes as observed with the interface region imaging spectrograph, the atmospheric imaging assembly, and the helioseismic and magnetic imagerPant, V; Dolla, L; Mazumder, R; Banerjee, D; Krishna Prasad, S; Vemareddy, P
2015-07-01Forward modeling of standing slow modes in flaring coronal loopsYuan, D; Van Doorsselaere, T; Banerjee, D; Antolin, P
2015-08Abnormal rotation rates of sunspots and durations of associated flaresSuryanarayana, G. S; Hiremath, K. M; Bagare, S. P; Hegde, M
2015-09-11Frequency-dependent core shifts and parameter estimation for the blazar 3C 454.3Mohan, Prashanth; Agarwal, A; Mangalam, A; Gupta, A. C; Wiita, P. J; Volvach, A. E; Aller, M. F; Aller, H. D; Gu, M. F; Lahteenmaki, A; Tornikoski, M; Volvach, L. N
2018-11Ultraviolet stellar population of the old open cluster M67 (NGC 2682)Sindhu, N; Subramaniam, A; Anu Radha, C
2018-11Non-gaussianity of diffuse galactic synchrotron emission at 408 MHzRana, S; Ghosh, T; Bagla, Jasjeet S; Pravabati, C
2018-11A study of the star-forming regions in the spiral galaxy NGC 2336 using the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT)Rahna, P. T; Mousumi Das; Murthy, J; Gudennavar, S. B; Bubbly, S. G
2018-11Solar meridional circulation from twenty-one years of SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI observations Helioseismic travel times and forward modeling in the ray approximationLiang, Zhi-Chao; Gizon, L; Birch, A. C; Duvall, T. L. Jr; Rajaguru, S. P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1241 to 1260 of 5279