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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1121 to 1140 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-11Revealing the nature of star forming blue early-type galaxies at low redshiftGeorge, K; Zingade, K
2017-03-01Gamma-Ray Blazars within the first 2 billion yearsAckermann, M; Ajello, M; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, R. D; Bloom, E. D; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Buson, S; Cameron, R. A; Caragiulo, M; Caraveo, P. A; Cavazzut, E; Cecchi, C; Cheung, C. C; Chiang, J; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Conrad, J; Costantin, D; Costanza, F; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desiante, R; Digel, S. W; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Domi­nguez, A; Drell, P. S; Favuzzi, C; Fegan, S. J; Ferrara, E. C; Finke, J; Focke, W. B; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, I. A; Guillemo, L; Guiriec, S; Hartmann, D. H; Hays, E; Marcotulli, L; Horan, D; Jogler, T; Johannesson, G; Johnson, A. S; Kuss, M; Mura, G. La; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Mazziotta, M. N; Loparco, F; Lovellette, M. N; Lubrano, P; Magill, J. D; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Michelson, P. F; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, M. E|; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, I. V; Negro, M; Rando, R; Nuss, E; Ohsugi, T; Ojha, R; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, J. F; Paliya, V. S; Paneque, D; Perkins, J. S; Rani, B; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Porter, T. A; Principe, G; Raino, S; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Roman, R. W; Sgro, C; Simone, D; Siskind, E. J; Spada, F; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Stalin, C. S; 12 others
2014-10Spectroscopic analysis of four post-AGB candidatesMolina, R. E; Giridhar, S; Pereira, C. B; Arellano Ferro, A; Muneer, S
2015-11Propagating disturbances along fan-like coronal loops in an active regionMandal, Sudip; Samanta, T; Banerjee, D; Krishna Prasad, S; Teriaca, L
2015-03Temporal variation of Ca-K line profile of the sun during the solar cycle 22 and 23Sindhuja, G; Singh, J
2017-03A candidate dual AGN in a double-peaked emission-line galaxy with precessing radio jetsRubinur, K; Mousumi Das; Kharb, P; Honey, M
2017-04SN 2015bp: adding to the growing population of transitional Type Ia supernovaeSrivastav, S; Anupama, G. C; Sahu, D. K; Ravikumar, C. D
2016-08-01J1216+0709: A Radio Galaxy with Three Episodes of AGN Jet ActivityVeeresh, Singh; Ishwara-Chandra, C. H; Kharb, P; Srivastava, S; Janardhan, P
2017-04Intra-night optical variability characteristics of different classes of narrow-line seyfert 1 galaxiesKshama, S. K; Paliya, Vaidehi S; Stalin, C. S
2017-04Dust scattering from the taurus molecular cloudSathya Narayan; Murthy, J; Narayanankutty, K
2014-12Computationally efficient method for retrieval of atmospherically distorted astronomical imagesSurya, A; Saha, S. K
2017-04X-ray flux variability of active galactic nuclei observed using NuSTARPriyanka Rani; Stalin, C. S; Rakshit, S
2017-03A bibliometric study of Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing for the period 1973-2014Iqbalahmad, U. Rajgoli; Ghouse Modin, N. Mamdapur; Prabahar, P
2016-07A multiwavelength study of the Stingray Nebula; properties of the nebula, central star, and dustOtsuka, M; Parthasarathy, M; Tajitsu, A; Hubrig, S
2014-09A laser-lock concept to reach cm-1s-precision in Doppler experiments with Fabry-Perot wavelength calibratorsReiners, A; Banyal, R. K; Ulbrich, R. G
2017-05Spectral and time series analyses of the seyfert 1 AGN: Zw 229.015Adegoke, Oluwashina; Rakshit, S; Mukhopadhyay, B
2016-10The search for another earth - Part IISengupta, S
2016-12Amplitude of solar wind density turbulence from 10 to 45 R⊙Sasikumar Raja, K; Ingale, M; Ramesh, R; Subramanian, P; Manoharan, P. K; Janardhan, P
2016-01Fabry-Perot based narrow band imager for solar filament observationsSajal Kumar Dhara; Ravindra, B; Banyal, R. K
2016-01-21Unveiling Vela – time variability of Na I D lines in the direction of the Vela supernova remnantKameswara Rao, N; Muneer, S; Lambert, D. L; Varghese, B. A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1121 to 1140 of 5279