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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1081 to 1100 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-08Developing scanning-slit spectrograph for imaging the SunPruthvi, H; Ramesh, K. B; Dhara, Sajal Kumar; Ravindra, B
2016-05Simultaneous near-sun observations of a moving type IV radio burst and the associated white-light coronal mass ejectionHariharan, K; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Wang, T. J
2016-08A generic FPGA-based detector readout and real-time image processing boardMayuresh, Sarpotdar; Mathew, J; Safonova, M; Murthy, J
2016-07Long-term study of Mkn 421 with the HAGAR array of telescopesSinha, A; Shukla, A; Saha, L; Acharya, B. S; Anupama, G. C; Bhattacharjee, P; Britto, R. J; Chitnis, V. R; Prabhu, T. P; Singh, B. B; Vishwanath, P. R
2015-08Accuracy measurement for image retrieval systemThabasu Kannan, S; Kumaravel, P
2015-09-15Small scale clustering of late forming dark matterAgarwal, S; Corasaniti, P.-S; Das, Subinoy; Rasera, Y
2017-01-10Unravelling the Components of a Multi-Thermal Coronal Loop Using Magnetohydrodynamic SeismologyPrasad, S. K; Jess, D. B; Klimchuk, J. A; Banerjee, D
2018-02Role of primordial black holes in the direct collapse scenario of supermassive black hole formation at high redshiftsPandey, Kanhaiya L; Mangalam, A
2017-01-20Solar Active Longitudes from Kodaikanal White-Light Digitized DataMandal, Sudip; Chatterjee, Subhamoy; Banerjee, D
2017-04CCD time-series photometry of variable stars in globular clusters and the metallicity dependence of the horizontal branch luminosityArellano Ferro, A; Bramich, D. M; Giridhar, S
2016-06-10The role of radiation pressure in the narrow line regions of Seyfert host galaxiesDavies, R. L; Dopita, M. A; Kewley, L; Groves, B; Sutherland, R; Hampton, E. J; Shastri, P; Kharb, P; Bhatt, H. C; Scharwachter, J; Jin, C; Banfield, J; Zaw, I; James, B; Juneau, S; Srivastava, S
2017-01-20A theoretical study of the Build-Up of the Sun's Polar Magnetic Field by using a 3D Kinematic Dynamo ModelHazra, G; Choudhuri, A. R; Miesch, Mark S
2015-10-01The violent hard X-ray variability of MRK 421 observed by Nustar in 2013 AprilPaliya, Vaidehi S; Bottcher, M; Diltz, C; Stalin, C. S; Sahayanathan, S; Ravikumar, C. D
2017-10Expected performances of a Laue lens made with bent crystalsVirgilli, Enrico; Valsan, V; Frontera, Filippo; Caroli, Ezio; Liccardo, Vincenzo; Stephen, John Buchan
2019-07-11Tracing the outer disk of NGC 300: an ultraviolet viewMondal, Chayan; Subramaniam, A; George, K
2019-07-11Temporal variations of the solar EUV network propertiesVarghese, B.S; Raju, K. P; Kurian, P. J
2017-10Dark matter (energy) may be indistinguishable from modified gravity (MOND)Sivaram, C
2016-07Planet nine, dark matter and MONDSivaram, C; Arun, K; Kiren, O. V
2017-11Combined complete active space configuration interaction and perturbation theory applied to conformational energy prototypes: Rotation and inversion barriersSinha Ray, Suvonil; Mahapatra, U. S; Chaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S
2016-07-01Broadband observations of high redshift blazarsPaliya, Vaidehi S; Parker, M. L; Fabian, A. C; Stalin, C. S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1081 to 1100 of 5279