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dc.contributor.advisorSehgal, N. K-
dc.contributor.authorRamani, M-
dc.contributor.authorCowsik, R-
dc.contributor.authorSingh, J-
dc.contributor.authorShukla, A. K (Wg. Cdr.)-
dc.contributor.authorRavi Shekar (Sqn. Ldr.)-
dc.contributor.authorNarayana, P. V. S (Fg. Offr)-
dc.contributor.authorShaji, P. K (Fg. Offr.)-
dc.contributor.authorPaul, S. K (Fg. Offr.)-
dc.contributor.authorShelkey, S. N (J.W.O)-
dc.contributor.authorBabu, K. R (J.W.O)-
dc.contributor.authorKamble, V. B-
dc.identifier.citationKodaikanal Observatory Bulletins Series A, Vol. 13, pp. 65-66en
dc.description.abstractThe teams of the Indian Air Force participated actively in the programme. They made several supersonic flights to follow shadow zone of the moon on earth along the path of totality, thereby extending thte duration of totality. Another aircraft AN32 was dedicated to acquire airborne images of the sun theorugh filters attached to photographic cameras. The preliminary look at the coronal photographs obtained from AN-32 aircraft using video camera indicates that one can record the solar corona upto large distances from the sun from aeroplane in comparison with observations from the ground levels using similar cameras with same f-ratios.en
dc.format.extent3757745 bytes-
dc.publisherIndian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangaloreen
dc.subjectSolar Coronaen
dc.subjectSupersoinc aircraften
dc.subjectAN32 IAF planeen
dc.subjectVideo recordingen
dc.titlePhotography of Solar Corona Using Indian Air Force Aeroplaneen
Appears in Collections:IIAP Publications
Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins (1905 - 1997 )

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