Browsing by Author Maheswar, G

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-06A 10-m class national large optical-IR telescopeAnupama, G. C; Maheswar, G; Sriram, S; Sivarani, T; Parihar, P. S; Nagabhushana, S; Angchuk, D; Barway, Sudhanshu; Bhatt, B. C; Banyal, R. K; Basheer, Alikhan; Prasanna, Deshmukh; Divakar, D. K; Dorjai, T; Goswami, A; Govinda, K. V; Jorphail, S; Kamath, U. S; Kemkar, P. M. M; Mahay, T. T; Muneer, S; Muthumariappan, C; Shantikumar, N. S; Pandey, G; Reddy, B. E; Sahu, D. K; Sandeep, D. S; Ramya, S; Stalin, C. S; Subramanian, S; Tsewang, Stanzin; Subramaniam, A
2018-043.6-m Devasthal Optical Telescope Project: Completion and first resultsKumar, Brijesh; Omar, A; Maheswar, G; Pandey, A. K; Sagar, R; Uddin, W; Sanwal, B. B; Bangia, T; Kumar, T. S; Yadav, S; Sahu, S; Pant, J; Reddy, B. K; Gupta, A. C; Chand, H; Pandey, J. C; Joshi, M. K; Jaiswar, M; Nanjappa, N; Purushottam; Yadav, R. K. S; Sharma, S; Pandey, S. B; Joshi, S; Joshi, Y. C; Lata, S; Mehdi, B. J; Misra, K; Singh, M
2018-10-10Authenticating the presence of a relativistic massive black hole binary in OJ 287 using Its general relativity centenary flare: improved orbital parametersDey, L; Valtonen, M. J; Gopakumar, A; Zola, S; Hudec, R; Pihajoki, P; Ciprini, S; Matsumoto, K; Sadakane, K; Kidger, M; Nilsson, K; Mikkola, S; Sillanpaa, A; Takalo, L. O; Lehto, H. J; Berdyugin, A; Piirola, V; Jermak, H; Baliyan, K. S; Pursimo, T; Caton, D. B; Alicavus, F; Baransky, A; Blay, P; Boumis, P; Boyd, D; Campas Torrent, M; Campos, F; Carrillo Gomez, J; Chandra, S; Chavushyan, V; Dalessio, J; Debski, B; Drozdz, M; Er, H; Erdem, A; Escartin Perez, A; Fallah Ramazani, V; Filippenko, A. V; Gafton, E; Ganesh, S; Garcia, F; Gazeas, K; Godunova, V; Gomez Pinilla, F; Maheswar, G; Haislip, J. B; Harmanen, J; Hurst, G; Janik, J; Jelinek, M; Joshi, A; Kagitani, M; Karjalainen, R; Kaur, N; Keel, W. C; Kouprianov, V. V; Kundera, T; Kurowski, S; Kvammen, A; LaCluyze, A. P; Lee, B. C; Liakos, A; Lindfors, E; Lozano de Haro, J; Mugrauer, M; Naves Nogues, R; Neely, A. W; Nelson, R. H; Ogloza, W; Okano, S; Pajdosz-Smierciak, U; Pandey, J. C; Perri, M; Poyner, G; Provencal, J; Raj, A; and 27 co-authors
2020-06A census of young stellar population associated with the Herbig Be star HD 200775Saha, Piyali; Maheswar, G; Kamath, U. S; Lee, C. W; Puravankara, Manoj; Mathew, B; Sharma, Ekta
2007-08Champagne flow and triggered star formation in NGC 1893Maheswar, G; Sharma, S; Biman, J. M; Pandey, A. K; Bhatt, H. C
2002-06Circumstellar disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars: Polarization, outflows and binary orbitsMaheswar, G; Manoj, P; Bhatt, H. C
2002-09Circumstellar environment around young stars in nearby OB associationsManoj, P; Maheswar, G; Bhatt, H. C
2022-02Cloud motion and magnetic fields: Four clouds in the Cepheus Flare regionSharma, Ekta; Maheswar, G; Dib, S
2024-04-01Cloud–Cloud Collision and Cluster Formation in the W5-NW ComplexIssac, Namitha; Saha, Anindya; Choudhary, Saanika; Chaudhary, Aakash; Tej, Anandmayee; Liu, Hong-Li; Liu, Tie; Maheswar, G
2021-10Clustering of low-mass stars around Herbig Be star IL Cep – evidence of ‘Rocket Effect’ using Gaia EDR3 ?Arun, R; Mathew, B; Maheswar, G; Baug, Tapas; Kartha, S. S; Selvakumar, G; Manoj, P; Shridharan, B; Anusha, R; Narang, Mayank
2019-02CO outflow survey of 68 very low luminosity objects: a search for proto-brown-dwarf candidatesKim, G; Lee, C.W; Maheswar, G; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Archana Soam; Saito, Masao; Kiyokane, Kazuhiro; Kim, Sungeun
2024-04A comparative study of dust grain polarization efficiencies in the interstellar and intracluster mediums towards anticentre galaxyBijas, N; Eswaraiah, Chakali; Sandhyarani, Panigrahy; Jose, Jessy; Maheswar, G
2022-11Core orientations and magnetic fields in isolated molecular cloudsSharma, Ekta; Maheswar, G; Archana Soam; Lee, Chang Won; Seshadri, T. R
2020-03-10CS Depletion in Prestellar CoresKim, Shinyoung; Lee, Chang Won; Maheswar, G; Tafalla, Mario; Sohn, Jungjoo; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Archana Soam; Myers, P. C
2017-05The Curious Case of PDS 11: A Nearby, >10 Myr Old, Classical T Tauri Binary SystemMathew, B; Manoj, P; Bhatt, B. C; Sahu, D. K; Maheswar, G; Muneer, S
2022-07-10Decoding the X-Ray Flare from MAXI J0709–159 Using Optical Spectroscopy and Multiepoch PhotometryBhattacharyya, Suman; Mathew, Blesson; Ezhikode, Savithri H; Muneer, S; Selvakumar, G; Maheswar, G; Arun, R; Anilkumar, Hema; Banerjee, Gourav; Kumar, S. P; Kartha, Sreeja S; Paul, KT; Velu, C
2005-10Deep Impact: Observations from a Worldwide Earth-Based CampaignMeech, K. J; Ageorges, N; A'Hearn, M. F; Arpigny, C; Ates, A; Aycock, J; Bagnulo, S; Bailey, J; Barber, R; Barrera, L; Barrena, R; Farnham, T. L; Feldman, P; Fernández, Y. R; Filipovic, M. D; Lyke, J; Fisher, S; Fitzsimmons, A; Fong, D; Fugate, R; Jones, G. H; Serra-Ricart, M; Fujiwara, H; Fujiyoshi, T; Furusho, R; Fuse, T; Gibb, E; Groussin, O; Lynch, D; Gulkis, S; Gurwell, M; Hadamcik, E; Sharp, R; Magee, S. K; Hainaut, O; Harker, D; Harrington, D; Harwit, M; Hasegawa, S; Hergenrother, C. W; Hirst, P; Ma, J; Hodapp, K; Snell, R. L; Villanueva, G; Jones, P. A; Kadono, T; Kamath, U. W; Käufl, H. U; Kasuga, T; Kawakita, H; Kelley, M. S; Kerber, F; Kidger, M; Snodgrass, C; Kinoshita, D; von Braun, K; Maheswar, G; Knight, M; Lara, L; Larson, S. M; Lederer, S; Lee, C. F; Levasseur-Regourd, A. C; Li, J. Y; Blake, G; Li, Q. S; Licandro, J; Vora, P; Bauer, J. M; Manfroid, J; Marco, O; Martin, P; Melnick, G; Miller, S; Miyata, T; Stallard, T; Moriarty-Schieven, G. H; Moskovitz, N; Mueller, B. E. A; Wainscoat, R. J; Mumma, M. J; Belton, M. J. S; Muneer, S; Neufeld, D. A; Ootsubo, T; Osip, D; Stecklein, G; Pandea, S. K; Pantin, E; Paterno-Mahler, R; Patten, B; Walsh, K; Penprase, B. E; Peck, A; Bensch, F; Petitpas, G; Pinilla-Alonso, N; Sterken, C; Pittichova, J; Pompei, E; Prabhu, T. P; Qi, C; Rao, R; Watanabe, J; Rauer, H; Reitsema, H; Rodgers, S. D; Bhattacharya, B; Stüwe, J. A; Rodriguez, P; Ruane, R; Ruch, G; Rujopakarn, W; Sahu, D. K; Sako, S; Weaver, H. A; Sakon, I; Samarasinha, N; Sarkissian, J. M; Weiler, M; Saviane, I; Biver, N; Schirmer, M; Schultz, P; Schulz, R; Seitzer, P; Sekiguchi, T; Weaver, W; Selman, F; Honda, M; Sugita, S; Sumner, M; Suntzeff, N; Swaters, R; Takakuwa, S; Takato, N; Bockelée-Morvan, D; Thomas-Osip, J; Thompson, E; Tokunaga, A. T; Howell, E. S; Bonev, B. P; Tozzi, G. P; Tran, H; Troy, M; Trujillo, C; Van Cleve, J; Vasundhara, R; Vazquez, R; Boehnhardt, H; Vilas, F; Hutsemékers, D; Lin, Z. Y; Weissman, P. R; Welsh, W. F; Wilner, D; Wolk, S; Womack, M; Wooden, D; Woodney, L. M; Woodward, C; Wu, Z. Y; Iono, D; Wu, J. H; Lisse, C. M; Bonev, T; Yamashita, T; Yang, B; Yang, Y. B; Yokogawa, S; Zook, A. C; Zauderer, A; Zhao, X; Ip, W. H; Zhou, X; Zucconi, J. M; LoCurto, G; Buie, M. W; Burton, M. G; Butner, H. M; Cabanac, R; Campbell, R; Campins, H; Capria, M. T; Jackson, W; Carroll, T; Chaffee, F; Charnley, S. B; Lovell, A. J; Cleis, R; Coates, A; Cochran, A; Colom, P; Conrad, A; Coulson, I. M; Jehin, E; Crovisier, J; deBuizer, J; Dekany, R; de Léon, J; Lowry, S. C; Dello Russo, N; Delsanti, A; DiSanti, M; Drummond, J; Dundon, L; Jiang, Z. J; Etzel, P. B
2021-02Discovery of an M-type companion to the Herbig Ae Star V1787 OriArun, R; Mathew, B; Sridharan, R; Manoj, P; Narang, M; Kartha, S. S; Maheswar, G
2023-11Disentangling the two sub-populations of early Herbig Be stars using VLT/X-shooter spectraShridharan, B; Mathew, B; Arun, R; Cysil, T. B; Subramaniam, A; Manoj, P; Maheswar, G; Sudheesh, T. P
2020-07Distance, magnetic field, and kinematics of the filamentary cloud LDN 1157Sharma, Ekta; Maheswar, G; Archana Soam; Lee, Chang Won; Kim, Shinyoung; Ghosh, Tuhin; Anandmayee Tej; Kim, Gwanjeong; Sharma, Neha; Saha, Piyali