This is a handwritten record of observations made at Madras observatory during the period 1795-1800. It records the correspondent eclipses of the first and second satellites of Jupiter made by J. Goldingham at Madras Observatory and Masulipatnam. It has tables used for deduction of longitude of Masulipatnam and Madras Observatory from the eclipses. Using the same method longitudes of various places in India were recorded. It gives the differences of the meridians of the Madras Observatory and Masulipatnam by using Chronometers. It also gives the latitude of the Madras Observatory made with a sextant. Finally it has a report on the roadsted of the port of Vizagapatnam. At the end of the manuscripts you find badly damaged pages which have been replaced in the text with newly rewritten pages. The damaged pages are 78,148-153, Index, 159-161.