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The low- and intermediate-mass stars are the major inhabitants of our Galaxy. They
play an important role in the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. These stars have
enriched the ISM with the products of various nucleosynthesis processes. They pass
through the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase during their evolution, and it is
during this phase that the richest nucleosynthesis occurs. AGB stars are the predominant sites for s-process nucleosynthesis and major producers of 12C, 13C, 14N, F, Na,
Mg, etc. in the Galaxy. So, understanding the nucleosynthesis and evolution of AGB
stars is of primary importance. Studies on the Galactic chemical evolution remain
incomplete without considering the yields from AGB stars. However, the theoretical
uncertainties associated with the AGB nucleosynthesis and observational constraints
of the AGB stars make their direct studies difficult. In this regard, the AGB binary
system, where these stars have transferred their products of AGB nucleosynthesis to
the now observed secondary through binary mass-transfer, could be of help. These
extrinsic stars in the binary system, such as Ba stars, CH stars along with their more
metal-poor counterparts, Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars, could be used
as a tool to investigate the AGB nucleosynthesis.
The abundance data available for metal-poor stars has been used extensively to constrain the Galactic chemical evolution. However, the sparse data available for the
heavy element abundances in the lower metallicity underscores the need for a detailed
study of a larger sample. A major motivation of our work is to understand the diverse abundance pattern observed for the heavy elements in the metal-poor stars that
still remains poorly understood. We have attempted to understand the s-process nucleosynthesis, as well as the physical properties of the companion stars, through a
detailed analysis of observed elemental abundances of a selected sample of metal-poor
stars. The main objective of the thesis is to understand the role of metal-poor stars in
the chemical enrichment of the Galaxy and to provide observational constraints to the
AGB nucleosynthesis theories from an analysis of a sample of extrinsic metal-poor stars
at different metallicity. The problem is addressed through a spectroscopic analysis of
three sets of metal-poor stellar samples: i) a comparatively metal-rich Ba stars sample;
ii) a moderately metal-poor CH stars sample; and iii) a very metal-poor CEMP-s and
CEMP-r/s stars sample.
The procedures we have adopted to address the problem and the results obtained from
each set of stellar samples investigated are briefly outlined here:
• Stellar sample: As a first step towards our goal, we have performed an extensive literature survey of potential metal-poor stars including, Ba, CH, and
CEMP stars. We have selected a sample of metal-poor star candidates from
various sources in the literature and from the catalogue of carbon stars identified from the HES, HK and LAMOST surveys. The objects selected are then
subjected to high-resolution spectroscopic analysis by obtaining their spectra
from various observing facilities. The detailed chemical abundance analysis is
performed using the recent version of the radiative transfer code MOOG that
assumes Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) conditions and using model
atmospheres selected from the Kurucz grid of model atmospheres (Chapter 2).
• We present the first time abundance analysis of the objects BD−19 132, BD−19
290, HD 30443, LAMOSTJ091608.81+230734.6, HE 1304−2111, HE 1354−2257,
BD+19 3109 and HD 179832. Even though the abundances of Fe and C derived from the medium-resolution spectra are available in the literature for the
stars HE 0457−1805, HE 0920−0506, and HE 1327−2116, we present the first
time high-resolution abundance analysis for these objects. The abundances of a
few light elements derived from high-resolution IR spectra for the object LAMOSTJ151003.74+305407.3 are available in the literature, but we present the
first time detailed abundance analysis for this object based on high-resolution
optical spectra.
• Our sample contains 23 stars covering a metallicity [Fe/H] range of −2.86 to
+0.23. The program stars are found to belong to the main-sequence and giant
phase of stellar-evolution. Our analysis shows that they are enhanced in neutroncapture elements and are likely binaries, pointing to their surface chemical composition being influenced by pollution from the companions. The abundances
of several elements C, N , O, Na, Al, α-elements, Fe-peak elements and several
neutron-capture elements such as Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, and
Eu are determined. The carbon isotopic ratio, 12C/13C, an important mixing
indicator, is also measured whenever possible.
• We have investigated the mass of companion AGB stars using several diagnostics,
such as C, N, O, Na, and Mg abundances, [hs/ls] ratio, and [Rb/Zr] ratio.
Rb plays a unique role as a diagnostic of the neutron density at the s-process
site. In the low neutron density branch, Rb is the only element available to
the stellar spectroscopists as a neutron densitometer. However, the important
neutron density dependent abundance ratio, [Rb/Zr], is not explored much in
the literature to determine the mass of the AGBs. We have explored this ratio
for our stellar sample, to investigate the characteristics of their companion AGB
• Analysis of Ba star sample: In order to understand the chemical and kinematic properties of the program stars, as a first step, a detailed chemical and
kinematic analysis of a sample of ten Ba star candidates based on high-resolution
spectra obtained from HCT/HESP, VLT/UVES, and ESO-MPG/FEROS is carried out. The stellar sample covers the metallicity range −0.55 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤
+0.23, temperature range 4550 - 6350 K, log g range 2.20 - 4.28, and microturbulent velocity range 0.63 - 1.59 km s−1
. We have derived the neutron-density
dependent [Rb/Zr] ratios to investigate the neutron source in the former companion AGB stars. The detection of the Rb I line at 7800.259 Å in the spectra of
four program stars allowed us to determine the [Rb/Zr] ratio for these objects.
The negative values obtained for this ratio in these stars indicate the operation
of 13C(α, n)16O reaction. As this reaction occurs in the low-mass AGB stars,
we confirm that the former companions of these stars are low-mass AGB stars
with M ≤ 3 M⊙. A comparison of the observed abundances with the predictions
from FRUITY models, also confirms low-mass for the former companion AGB
stars. The lack of Na and Mg enhancement, combined with the positive [hs/ls]
ratio values, rules out 22Ne(α, n)25Mg as the neutron-source and corroborate
the low-mass AGB companions for the Ba stars. The kinematic analysis shows
that Ba stars are members of the Galactic disk (Chapter 3).
The main results of this study are published in the papers Shejeelammal and
Goswami (2019); Shejeelammal et al. (2020); Shejeelammal and Goswami (2020).
• Analysis of CH, CEMP-s and CEMP-r/s star sample: After completing
the analysis of the sample of Ba stars, we have extended our analysis to the lowmetallicity regime to understand the role of low-metallicity stars in the Galactic
chemical enrichment and have performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis of a
selected sample of CH and CEMP stars. The metallicity ranges of CH stars (3
objects) and CEMP stars (10 objects) are −0.89 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ −0.75 and −2.86 ≤
[Fe/H] ≤ −1.57 respectively. The stellar sample has a temperature in the range
of 4005 - 5380 K, log g in the range of 0.61 - 2.65, and micro-turbulent velocity
in the range of 0.63 - 3.45 km s−1
. The high-resolution spectra of these objects
were obtained using HCT/HESP, Mercator/HERMES, and SUBARU/HDS. Our
analysis based on different diagnostics confirms the low-mass companions of the
program stars. The possible origin(s) of the CEMP-r/s stars in our sample are
also investigated by carefully analyzing their observed abundance pattern. The
continuity in CEMP-s and CEMP-r/s stars in terms of various abundance ratios
with respect to metallicity indicates that the astrophysical site responsible for
the origin of these two classes of stars may be the same. Our analysis confirms
that a modified s-process, namely the intermediate neutron-capture process,
the i-process, is responsible for the observed abundance patterns in CEMP-r/s
stars. The abundance patterns of the CEMP-r/s stars in our sample are well
reproduced by the model predictions of the i-process in low-mass, low-metallicity
AGB stars. The parametric model-based analysis using the FRUITY models
performed for the CH and CEMP-s stars also confirms low-mass for the former
AGB companions. Kinematic analysis shows that CH stars belong to the Galactic
disk and the majority of CEMP stars are members of the Galactic halo (Chapter
The main results of this study are published in the papers Purandardas et al. (2019);
Shejeelammal et al. (2021); Shejeelammal and Goswami (2021). |
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