The surface of the Sun and solar-type stars is permeated by magnetic fields with a va-
riety of spatial and temporal scales. The spatial scales range from sub-arcsec tangled
fields that are yet to be observed (inaccessible to the current instruments) to tens and
hundreds of megameters large active regions. The time scales have equally broad spec-
trum ranging from less than a minute (for small-scale activities) to months (large active
regions). These magnetic fields and their activity play a dominant role in the solar
atmosphere and govern the space weather. Furthermore, understanding the solar mag-
netism, its generation, and its interactions act as templates to such phenomena in the
large scales. It is generally thought that a solar dynamo process at the base of the con-
vective zone is responsible for the generation of active regions in the Sun. There exists
a magnetic cycle, with the global field of the Sun, oscillating between a predominantly
poloidal to toroidal field with a period of ≈ 11 years.
Rooted in the convective zone below the photosphere, the magnetic field buoyantly
rises through the solar atmosphere. The granular motions continually jostle the mag-
netic field which lead to magnetic stress and magnetic waves. This interplay between
the convective motions and magnetic field holds the key to understand the dynamical
solar atmosphere, and coronal heating. High spatio-temporal resolution observations of
the Sun reveal a facet of the solar magnetism that is highly intermittent and dynamic.
This magnetic field extends well beyond the active regions and covers the entire sur-
face of the Sun. Mainly observed at the boundaries of supergranular cells and in the
intergranular lanes, these magnetic fields are known to be responsible for the myriad of
structures and phenomena that are observed in the solar atmosphere. The typical length
scale of this magnetic field, at the photosphere, range from less than a hundred kilome-
ters to a few megameters. With a magnetic flux of 1016 − 1020 Mx, these are seen as
thin bright flux tubes and dark pores in the intensity images.
In this dissertation I study the dynamics of magnetic field, particularly, in the quiet
Sun, from photosphere to corona. This work can be broadly divided into two parts.
(i) Studying the dynamics of magnetic field at the photosphere. This aspect deals with
the interactions between convective motions and magnetic field using high resolution
observations: (a) acoustic waves and magnetic field interactions, (b) horizontal motions
and dynamics of the solar magnetic bright points. (ii) Magnetic coupling and the heating
of solar atmosphere. Topics of flux emergence and magnetic carpet are explored in
this part: (a) hydrodynamic modeling of the coronal response to ephemeral regions
in terms of temperature fluctuations and differential emission measure are studied in
detail, (b) using the time sequence of high resolution line-of-sight (LOS) magnetograms
as lower boundary conditions, three-dimensional (3D) magnetic modeling is performed
to understand the role of the magnetic carpet in the heating of solar corona.