Tickoo, A. K; Dhar, V. K; Yadav, K. K; Rannot, R. C; Bhattacharyya, S; Chandra, P; Goyal, H. C; Kaul, C. L; Kaul, R. K; Kothari, M; Kotwal, S; Koul, R; Sahayanathan, S; Sapru, M. L; Sharma, M; Venugopal, K; Bhatt, N; Bhatt, C. L
(Astronomical Society of India, 2002-09)
The TACTIC Imaging Element has observed the active galaxy
1ES 2344+514 and the pulsar PSR 0355+54 during Oct-Nov, 2001. Analysis
of the recorded events, collected for a period of 70 hours on both these sources
reveals ...