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Browsing IIAP Publications by Title

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  • Rai, Abhishek; Rai, S. S; Gaur, V. K (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2008-04)
  • Mitra, S; Priestley, K; Bhattacharyya, A. K; Gaur, V. K (Royal Astronomical Society, 2005-01)
    We use broad-band teleseismic data recorded at eight sites along a north-south profile from Karimganj (24.84°N, 92.34°E), south of the eastern Shillong Plateau, to Bomdilla (27.27°N, 92.41°E) in the eastern Lesser Himalaya, ...
  • Acton, C. E; Priestley, K; Mitra, S; Gaur, V. K (Wiley Blackwell, 2011-02)
    Analysis of data from nine, temporary broadband seismic stations operated across West Bengal and Sikkim, along with publicly available data from seismographs in the surrounding region, provides the first image of the ...
  • Kim, Shinyoung; Lee, Chang Won; Maheswar, G; Tafalla, Mario; Sohn, Jungjoo; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Archana Soam; Myers, P. C (IOP Publishing, 2020-03-10)
    The CS molecule is known to be adsorbed onto dust in cold and dense conditions, causing it to be significantly depleted in the central region of cores. This study is aimed to investigate the depletion of the CS molecule ...
  • Krishan, V (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2008)
  • Mathew, B; Manoj, P; Bhatt, B. C; Sahu, D. K; Maheswar, G; Muneer, S (IOP Publishing, 2017-05)
    We present results of our study of the PDS 11 binary system, which belongs to a rare class of isolated, high Galactic latitude T Tauri stars. Our spectroscopic analysis reveals that PDS 11 is an M2–M2 binary system with ...
  • Mallik, D. C. V (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1981-06)
    The current rate of nucleosynthesis in the solar neighbourhood is re-evaluated on the basis of Arnett’s (1978) stellar yields, the mass loss models of Chiosi, Nasi and Sreenivasan (1978) and the initial mass function ...
  • de Sabbata, V; Sivaram, C (Springer, 1992-12)
    We show that, considering the dislocation defect induced by torsion in spacetime, which behaves like a string with tension, we are lead also to defect angle and then to curvature of spacetime. The space with torsion and ...
  • Sivaram, C; Arun, K (World Scientific Publishing, 2009-12)
    This paper discusses the thermodynamics of a black hole with respect to Hawking radiation and the entropy. We look at a unified picture of black hole entropy and curvature and how this can lead to the usual black hole ...
  • Kharb, P; Vaddi, Sravani; Sebastian, B; Subramanian, S; Mousumi Das; Paragi, Z (IOP Publishing, 2019-02-01)
    Double-peaked emission lines in the narrow- and/or broad-line spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) have been suggested to arise as a result of disky broad/narrow-line regions, jet–medium interaction, or the presence ...
  • Joseph, P; Stalin, C. S; Tandon, S. N; Ghosh, S. K (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2021-10)
    Curvit is an open-source Python package that facilitates the creation of light curves from the data collected by the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) onboard AstroSat, India’s first multi-wavelength astronomical ...
  • Sankaran, K. S (Indian Meteorological Department, 1964)
    A special study of cusps and distortions in Fl-layers traces has been made from ionograms obtained at Kodaikanal during a period of about half a solar cycle. Two differnet types of disturbance have been noticed. The first ...
  • Krishan, V; Varghese, B. A (Springer Netherlands, 2008-01)
    The exact nonlinear cylindrical solution for incompressible Hall – magnetohydrodynamic (HMHD) waves, including dissipation, essentially from electron – neutral collisions, is obtained in a uniformly rotating, weakly ionized ...
  • Raveendran, A. V; Mohin, S (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1987)
    We describe the construction and discuss the performance of a d.c. amplifier which was installed at the 34-cm telescope of Vainu Bappu Observatory in 1987 January and since then extensively used for variable star photometry.
  • Smith, C. M (Director Kodaikanal Observatory, 1905-08-05)
  • Murthy, B. S (National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources, 1979-12)
    The response of the equatorial geomagnetic field to the passage of over 170 spacecraft-observed and well-established sector boundaries during the period 1962-1972 has been studied. It is shown from superposed epoch analysis ...
  • Sethia, G; Chandra, H; Rastogi, R. G; Murthy, B. S; Shah, G. A; Krishna-Swamy, K. S (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1979-05)
  • Sundararaman, K (NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2010-11)
    Are we going to be roasted alive by killer solar storms that may arrive during the next solar maximum in 2012? Why and how do these solar flares occur and how do they affect the earth? Read on to find out
  • Rebecca, L; Arun, K; Sivaram, C (Springer, 2018-07)
    The requirement that their gravitational binding self-energy density must at least equal the background repulsive dark energy density for large scale cosmic structures implies a mass-radius relation of M/R2 ≈ 1 g/cm2, as ...
  • Sivaram, C (World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2017-10)
    For Newtonian dynamics to hold over galactic scales, large amounts of dark matter (DM) are required which would dominate cosmic structures. Accounting for the strong obser- vational evidence that the universe is accelerating ...

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