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  • Ray, H (Elsevier, 2002-05)
    Ionizations in Ps-atom scattering are studied using three different types of target: H, He and Li. Three different types of ionization cross-sections are compared, considering a large number of excitation channels of both ...
  • Singh, K. P; Prabhu, T. P; Kembhavi, A. K; Bhat, P. N (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1995-06)
    We report observations of H alpha nebulosities in the X-ray bright elliptical galaxies which are members of nearby groups of galaxies or clusters. Our sample includes NGC 1399, NGC 1600, NGC 2563, NGC 3607, NGC 4203, ...
  • Chandra, H; Vats, H. O; Sethia, G; Deshpande, M. R; Rastogi, R. G; Sastri, J. H; Murthy, B. S (European Geophysical Society, 1979-09)
    Amplitude scintillations of radio beacons aboard the ATS-6 satellite on 40 MHz, 140 MHz and 360 MHz recorded during the ATS-6 phase II at an equatorial station Ootacamund (dip 4 deg N) and the ionograms at a nearby station ...
  • Bhargava, B. N; Gopala Rao, U. V (Manager of Publications Civil Lines Delhi, 1959-04)
    F2 layer disturbance at Kodaikanal have been analysed for a study of the behaviour of the, critical frequency and the virtual height during geomagnetic storms. The disturbances have been classified for this purpose into ...
  • Das Gupta, A; Basu, S; Bhar, J. N; Bhattacharyya, J. C (American Geophysical Union, 1975-02)
    The ionospheric total electron content and equivalent slab thickness in the equatorial region around 75° E have been studied. It is found that the slab thickness exhibits a strong latitudinal dependence with a maximum at ...
  • Bhattacharyya, J. C; Sunder, R. S (PID [Publications and Information Directorate], 1970)
    A series of Lyot filtergrams have been photometrically analysed and the variations in the plage intensity determined on a number of days. From simultaneous ionosonde records, correlation has been sought between the electron ...
  • Sastri, J. H (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1980-06)
    The characteristics of the ionospheric storm of 4-6 Dec. 1958 in the Indian sector (60-85°B) are studied using published data from ten ionospheric stations distributed from high mid latitudes to dip equator. It is shown ...
  • Sastri, J. H; Jyoti, N; Somayajulu, V. V; Chandra, H; Devasia, C. V (The American Geophysical Union., 2000-08)
    An investigation is made of the response of equatorial ionosphere in the Indian (75°E) sector to the major magnetic storm of November 3, 1993, using data from the ionosonde and magnetometer networks spanning the region ...
  • Rastogi, R. G; Iyer, K. N; Sharma, R. P (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1977-06)
    Observations of Faraday rotation of beacon signals from low orbiting satellite BE-B recorded at one station near the dip equator (Kodaikanal, dip 3·4° N) and at another station near the peak of the equatorial anomaly ...
  • Bersten, M. C; Benvenuto, O. G; Folatelli, G; Nomoto, K; Kuncarayakti, H; Srivastav, Shubham; Anupama, G. C; Quimby, R; Sahu, D. K (IOP Publishing, 2014-10)
    The recent detection in archival Hubble Space Telescope images of an object at the location of supernova (SN) iPTF13bvn may represent the first direct evidence of the progenitor of a Type Ib SN. The object's photometry was ...
  • Maheswar, G; Bhatt, H. C (International Astronomical Union, 2004)
  • Vijapurkar, J; Drilling, J. S; Parthasarathy, M (American Astronomical Society, 1997-10)
    We report here the discovery of a new young low excitation planetary nebula IRAS 17395-0841.
  • Kameswara Rao, N; Nandy, K (Royal Astronomical Society, 1986-09)
    The IRAS observations of R Cr B, SU Tau and V 348 Sgr indicate the existence of a cool dust component of temperature about 30 K in R Cr B and SU Tau and less than or equal to 100 K in V 348 Sgr, in addition to the hot dust. ...
  • Varghese, B. A; Srinivasa Rao, M (Springer, 2016-03)
    In a close binary system, the effects of irradiation are studied from an extended surface of the secondary component on the atmosphere of the primary. Primary and the secondary components are assumed to have equal radii ...
  • Srinivasa Rao, M; Varghese, B. A (Anita Publications, 2004-12)
    We studied the reflection effect in 2-dimensional geometry to see how the field will change if we calculate the reflected radiation by the transfer equation in a close binary system. The reflected radiation is calculated from ...
  • Ramachandran, G; Vidya, M. S; Balasubramanyam, J (The American Physical Society, 2007-06)
    A theoretical formalism leading to elegant derivation of formulas for all spin observables is outlined for photoproduction of mesons with arbitrary spin-parity spi. The salient features of this formalism, based on irreducible ...
  • Furukawa, M; Yoshida, Z; Hirota, M; Krishan, V (University of Chicago Press, 2007-04)
    The center of a Keplerian disk is an irregular singularity for the eigenfunctions of magnetorotational instabilities. The system is studied using the small-radius approximation, which by no means implies that the analysis ...
  • Krishan, V (Royal Astronomical Society, 1988-03)
    The 21-cm absorption line observed in several QSO systems is believed to originate in neutral hydrogen clouds in the vicinity of the QSOs. The aim of this paper is to show that 21-cm absorption can also originate in a ...
  • Hazra, G; Karak, B. B; Choudhuri, A. R (IOP Publishing, 2014-02-20)
    The solar activity cycle is successfully modeled by the flux transport dynamo, in which the meridional circulation of the Sun plays an important role. Most of the kinematic dynamo simulations assume a one-cell structure ...
  • Goswami, A; Kameswara Rao, N; Lambert, D. L (The Observatory, 1998-08)
    The variable star DZ Andromedae has been suspected to be an R Coronae Borealis variable. Our analysis of a high-resolution spectrum shows that the star has been misclassified: the spectrum resembles that of a K giant. We ...

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