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  • Rana, N. C; Gajria, B (Astronomical Society of India, 1994)
  • Giridhar, S; Goswami, A; Kunder, A; Muneer, S; Selvakumar, G (Astronomical Society of India, 2012)
    An update on recent methods for automated stellar parametrization is given. We present preliminary results of the ongoing program for rapid parametrization of field stars using medium resolution spectra obtained using Vainu ...
  • Raveendran, A. V; Srinivasulu, G; Muneer, S; Mekkaden, M. V; Jayavel, N; Somashekar, M. R; Sagayanathan, K; Ramamoorthy, S; Rosario, M. J; Jayakumar, K (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2015)
    A new astronomical photo-polarimeter that can measure linear polarization of point sources simultaneously in three spectral bands was designed and built in the Institute. The polarimeter has a Calcite beam-displacement ...
  • Subramanian, S; Subramaniam, A (Astronomical Society of India, 2013)
    The structural parameters of the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud are derived from the study of di erent stellar populations, such as, Cepheids (age 100 Myr), Red Clump stars (age 2-9 Gyr) and RR ...
  • Smitha, S (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2011-08)
    The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) are two nearby galaxies located at a distance of 50 kpc and 60 kpc respectively. The Magellanic Clouds (MCs) host young, intermediate-age and old ...
  • Sivarani, T (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2013-03)
    We reviewed the recent progress in the field of stellar/galactic archeology, which is a study of the relics from the early galaxy. The oldest and most pristine objects that can be observed in the galaxy are the low mass ...
  • Mathew, Annamma (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1993-05)
  • Rajamohan, R (Royal Astronomical Society, 1978-09)
    Analysis of rotational velocities of unevolved members in clusters indicates that for a given mass the dispersion in the true rotational velocities is small for normal, single main-sequence stars. The envelope of highest ...
  • Ramya, P; Reddy, B. E (Astronomical Society of India, 2012)
    Here we report preliminary results of our study of chemical tagging of member stars of two Galactic stellar streams. Both the streams, kinematically belong to the thick disk component of the Galaxy. We analysed high ...
  • El Youssouf, Dalal; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Bell, C. P. M; de Grijs, Richard; Groenewegen, M. A. T; Ivanov, Valentin D; Matijevic, Gal; Niederhofer, Florian; Oliveira, Joana M; Ripepi, Vincenzo; Schmidt, Thomas; Subramanian, S; Sun, Ning-Chen; van Loon, Jacco Th (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021-08)
    We study the morphology of the stellar periphery of the Magellanic Clouds in search of substructure using near-infrared imaging data from the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy Hemisphere Survey. Based on ...
  • Zafarullah, S. N; Narasimhan, K. S. V. S; Sastry, K. S (Astronomical Society of India, 1983-06)
    Expressions for the stellar velocity perturbations in colliding galaxies, valid for any distance of closest approach, are derived analytically under the impulsive approximation for spherical galaxies using a Newtonian ...
  • Narasimhan, K. S. V. S; Alladin, S. M (Astronomical Society of India, 1983-09)
    An analytical relationship is obtained between the stellar velocity perturbations and the eccentricity of the galactic orbit, under the impulsive approximation, for a hyperbolic encounter between two spherical galaxies.
  • Peraiah, A; Varghese, B. A (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1993)
    We present the results of calculations of radiation driven stellar winds O-B stars. The equations of conservation of mass and momentum are solved self consistently with the equation of line transfer. The influence of ...
  • Goswami, A (Astronomical Society of India, 2011)
    The chemical composition of stars belonging to the halo and the disk of our Galaxy as well as a few nearby galaxies are the primary sources of our understanding of the Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE). The abundance trends ...
  • Stirpe, G. M; Winge, C; Altieri, B; Alloin, D; Aguero, E. L; Anupama, G. C; Ashley, R; Bertram, R; Calderon, J. H; Catchpole, R. M; Corradi, R. L. M; Covino, E; Dottori, H. A; Feast, M. W; Ghosh, K. K; Hutton, R. Gil; Glass, I. S; Grebel, E. K; Jorda, L; Koen, C; Laney, C. D; Maia, M; Marang, F; Mayya, Y. D; Morrell, N; Nakada, Y; Pastoriza, M. G; Pati, A. K; Pelat, D; Peterson, B. M; Prabhu, T. P; Roberts, G; Sagar, R; Salamanca, I; Sekiguchi, K; Storchi-Bergmann, T; Subramaniam, A; Van Winckel, H; Van Wyk, F; Villada, M; Wagner, R. M; Whitelock, P. A; Winkler, H; Clavel, J; Dietrich, M; Kollatschny, W; O'Brien, P. T; Perola, G. C; Recondo-Gonzalez, M. C; Rodriguez-Pascual, P; Santos-Lleo, M (The American Astronomical Society, 1994-04)
    The Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 was intensely monitored in several bands between 1991 December and 1992 August. This paper presents the results from the ground-based observations in the optical and near-IR bands, which ...
  • Santos-Lleo, M; Chatzichristou, E; de Oliveira, C. M; Winge, C; Alloin, D; Peterson, B. M; Rodriguez-Pascual, P. M; Stirpe, G. M; Beers, T; Bragaglia, A; Claeskens, J. F; Federspiel, M; Giannuzzo, E; Gregorio-Hetem, J; Mathys, G; Salamanca, I; Stein, P; Stenholm, B; Wilhelm, R; Zanin, C; Albrecht, P; Calderon, J; Caretta, C. A; Carranza, G; da Costa, R. D. D; Diaz, R; Dietrich, M; Dottori, H; Elizalde, F; Goldes, G; Ghosh, K. K; Maia, M. A. G; Paolantonio, S; de Oliveira Filho, R. I; Rodriguez-Ardila, A; Schmitt, H. R; Soundararajaperumal, S; de Souza, R. E; Willmer, C. N. A; Zheng, W (American Astronomical Society, 1997-10)
    The results of an optical monitoring campaign on the active nucleus in the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Fairall 9 are presented. This campaign was undertaken in parallel with ultraviolet spectroscopic monitoring with the IUE ...
  • Dietrich, M; Peterson, B. M; Albrecht, P; Altmann, M; Barth, A. J; Bennie, P. J; Bertram, R.; Bochkarev, N. G; Bock, H; Braun, J. M; Burenkov, A; Collier, S; Fang, L. Z; Francis, O. P; Filippenko, A. V; Foltz, C. B; Gaessler, W; Gaskell, C. M; Geffert, M; Ghosh, K. K; Hilditch, R. W; Honeycutt, R. K; Horne, K; Huchra, J. P; Kaspi, S; Kuemmel, M; Leighly, K. M; Leonard, D. C; Malkov, Yu. F; Mikhailov, V; Miller, H. R; Morrill, A. C; Noble, J; O'Brien, P. T; Oswalt, T. D; Pebley, S. P; Pfeiffer, M; Pronik, V. I; Qian, B. C; Robertson, J. W; Robinson, A.; Rumstay, K. S; Schmoll, J; Sergeev, S. G; Sergeeva, E. A; Shapovalova, A. I; Skillman, D. R; Snedden, S. A; Soundararajaperumal, S; Stirpe, G. M; Tao, J; Turner, G. W; Wagner, R. M; Wagner, S. J; Wei, J. Y; Wu, H.; Zheng, W; Zou, Z. L (The American Astronomical Society, 1998-04)
    Results of a ground-based optical monitoring campaign on 3C 390.3 in 1994-1995 are presented. The broadband fluxes (B, V, R, and I), the spectrophotometric optical continuum flux F lambda (5177 A), and the integrated ...
  • Singh, M (Tipografia Baccini and Chiappi, 1977-10)
    A Stigmatic mounting of holographic plane has been proposed and its properties have been studied theoretically. In this mounting the observation is to be made about a normal direction and different regions of the spectrum ...
  • Krishan, V; Wiita, P. J (International Astronomical Union, 1986)
    Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) processes offer an attractive and efficient method for producing both essentially the entire non-thermal continuum as well as fast electrons in active galactic nuclei (AGN). In this picture, ...
  • Gangadhara, R. T; Deguchi, S; Lesch, H (American Institute of Physics, 1999-10)
    Radiative transfer equations are derived and solved for the stimulated Raman scattering of water maser lines in the astrophysical plasmas with electrons density of about 106 - 107cm-3. In stimulated Raman scattering, the ...

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