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Browsing by Subject "Stellar Rotation"

Browsing by Subject "Stellar Rotation"

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  • Kochhar, R. K (Nature Publishing Group, 1977-11)
    The implications of a pulsar classification scheme are discussed. Three types of pulsars are distinguished - Type S (S for single) from supernova explosions of single stars; type D (D for disrupted) from binaries disrupted ...
  • Sharma, D. P; Marar, T. M. K; Seetha, S; Shyla, K. S; Kasturirangan, K; Rao, U. R; Bhattacharyya, J. C; Rozario, M. J (D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1983-04)
    The discovery of a flare star (R.A. (1950)=6/Suph43/Supm6/Sups.07, Decl.(1950)=–16°45'24") located about 6 arc min south of Sirius is reported. During photometric observations on the night of 13 January, 1982, using the ...
  • Rajamohan, R; Mathew, A (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990-02)
    The broad-band UBV colors and the intermediate band uvby colors of Alpha Persei, Pleiades, and the Scorpio-Centaurus association are analyzed for rotation effects. An attempt was made to discriminate normal single stars ...
  • Rajamohan, R; Mathew, A (Indian Academy Sciences, 1988-06)
    Analysis of the available observational data for the Alpha-Persei cluster members shows that rotation effects on the intermediate-band indices c1 and (u-b) are considerable. In c1, rotation produces a reddening of 0.040 ...
  • Kapoor, R. C; Datta, B (The Royal Astronomical Society, 1984-08)
    The frequency shifts and line broadening of radiation from the surface of rapidly rotating neutron stars are calculated using a rotationally perturbed interior spherical metric and a representative choice of the equation ...
  • Datta, B; Kapoor, R. C (The American Astronomical Society, 1988-08)
    Results are presented of a study of frequency shifts in radiation from the surface of rapidly rotating neutron stars and rotation-induced spectral line broadening as a function of their mass. It is found that, despite large ...
  • Datta, B; Ray, A (The Royal Astronomical Society, 1983-08)
    The short period of the millisecond pulsar PSR 1937+214 implies that it could be close to the onset of rotational instabilities. Conditions of rotational stability imply lower bounds on the mass and moment of inertia and ...
  • Rajamohan, R; Babu, G. S. D (Royal Astronomical Society, 1978-03)
    It is observed that the rotational velocities of most Ap stars are dependent on their masses. Deviations from this general rule may be explained in terms of multiplicity which affects the derived colors and radii. Spectroscopic ...
  • Sivaram, C; Kochhar, R. K (Springer, 1984-01)
    There are indications that less than 10/sup-3 of the spin-down energy of the millisecond pulsar PSR 1937+214 emerges as electromagnetic radiation. The implications of this result are discussed. The surface magnetic field ...
  • Ghosh, K. K; Sanjeevkumar, T; Jaykumar, K; Kuppuswamy, K; Rosario, M. J (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1988-06)
    A search for rapid variability of H-alpha with a time resolution from 30 to 45 seconds is performed for Phi Per. In total, 42 spectra in H-alpha were obtained during three nights. Results show the presence of rapid irregular ...
  • Ray, A; Datta, B (The American Astronomical Society, 1984-07)
    Rapidly rotating fluid objects of a given mass can remain stable only up to a critical angular speed, beyond which they may undergo instabilities leading to disruption. A semi-Newtonian condition of rotational stability ...
  • Rajamohan, R (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1976-09)
    Rotational velocities for 112 members of the Scorpio-Centaurus association brighter than 8.5 magnitudes are derived from spectra obtained with a dispersion of 47 A/mm. Hydrogen and helium line intensities are determined ...
  • Mathew, Annamma (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1993-05)
  • Rajamohan, R (Royal Astronomical Society, 1978-09)
    Analysis of rotational velocities of unevolved members in clusters indicates that for a given mass the dispersion in the true rotational velocities is small for normal, single main-sequence stars. The envelope of highest ...
  • Bhatt, H. C; Datta, B (Royal Astronomical Society, 1989-04)
    Using available observational data on supernova SN 1987A, firm quantitative lower limits on the rotation period of the central pulsar (assuming the pulsar luminosity to power the supernova light curve) are derived. It is ...

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