IIA Institutional Repository

Browsing by Subject "Stars"

Browsing by Subject "Stars"

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  • Pandey, G; Lambert, D. L; Simon, C. S; Kameswara Rao, N (University of Chicago Press, 2006-02)
    Abundances of about 18 elements including the heavy elements Y and Zr are determined from Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet spectra of seven extreme helium stars (EHes): LSE 78, BD +10 ...
  • Saha, S. K (Invertis, Inc, 2007)
    A milestone in observational astronomy was achieved when the interferometric fringes of Lyrae (Vega) in the visible band were obtained in July 1974, by A. Labeyrie from an interferometer, called Interferometre a deux ...
  • Ojha, D. K; Omont, A; Simon, G; Blommaert, J (Astronomical Society of India, 2000)
    We present and analyse the data of a field at 1 = 0o, b = +1o from the ISOGAL survey of selected areas of the inner Galactic bulge at 15 and 7 ?m. In combination with IJKs data from the near-infrared southern sky survey ...
  • Giridhar, S; Muneer, S; Goswami, A (Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 2006)
    Different approaches for automated spectral classification are critically reviewed. We describe in detail ANN based methods which are very efficient in quick handling of the large volumes of data generated by different ...
  • Mohin, S; Raveendran, A. V (European Southern Observatory, 1993-09)
    Differential BV photometry of II Peg obtained on a total of 57 nights during the years 1986-1991 and Hα spectroscopy obtained on 12 nights during the 1990-1991 observing season are presented. From an analysis of the available ...
  • Anupama, G. C (Astronomical Society of India, 2012)
    The evolution of the optical spectrum of a nova outburst is described. The classification schemes used to classify novae based on the outburst spectral features and their evolution are discussed.
  • Gulati, R. K; Gupta, R; Gothoskar, P; Khobragade, S (Astronomical Society of India, 1996)
    Scheme based on the artificial neural networks (ANNs) trained with multi-layer back propagation using single level network for classifying ultraviolet spectra in the IUE Low-Dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas is presented. ...
  • Shylaja, B. S; Babu, G. S. D (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993-01)
    The energy distribution of the Am stars are affected by the line blanketing, which appears as a deviation in the behaviour of color indices with reference to the normal stars. In this paper we study the various color indices ...
  • Shylaja, B. S (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993-01)
  • Lebzelter, T; Heiter, U; Abia, C; Eriksson, K; Ireland, M; Neilson, H; Nowotny, W; Maldonado, J; Merle, T; Peterson, R; Plez, B; Short, C. I; Wahlgren, G. M; Worley, C; Aringer, B; Bladh, S; de Laverny, P; Goswami, A; Mora, A; Norris, R. P; Recio-Blanco, A; Scholz, M; Thevenin, F; Tsuji, T; Kordopatis, G; Montesinos, B; Wing, R. F (EDP Sciences, 2012-11)
    Context. Our ability to extract information from the spectra of stars depends on reliable models of stellar atmospheres and appropriate techniques for spectral synthesis. Various model codes and strategies for the analysis ...
  • Nagar, P (Astronomical Society of Indian, 1989-09)
    A spectroscopic spot model has been developed incorporating spot magnetic fields. It is shown that the presence of spot magnetic field makes a noticeable effect on the shape of spectral lines
  • Bhavya, B; Subramaniam, A; Kuriakose, V. C (Astronomical Society of India, 2012)
    Young Open Clusters have always been a platform for the star formation studies. It was assumed that all members in the cluster are coeval, on the other hand, recent studies show the presence of an age range among the members ...
  • Ingalgi, M. F (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1990-08)
  • Srinivasa Rao, M (Astronomical Society of Japan, 2003)
    We studied the transfer of line radiation with dust in distorted and expanding atmospheres of close binary components. We assumed that the distortion of the atmosphere is caused by self rotation and a tidal force exerted ...
  • Kameswara Rao, N; Houziaux, L; Giridhar, S (Indian Academy Sciences, 1990-03)
    The new spectroscopic observation of MV Sgr obtained at ESO in 1987july shows enhanced emission lines of He I , λ 3889, [S II ] λ 4068 relative to the observations discussed by Jeffrey et al. (1988). The presence of [SII] ...
  • Mallik, S. G. V (International Astronomical Union, 2000)
    Recent observations of cool giants have shown that there exists a large range in their lithium abundances even for apparently similar stars. In order to explore whether this large spread could be interpreted in terms of ...
  • Mohan, C (Astronomical Society of India, 1976-09)
  • Prabhu, T. P (Astronomical Society of India, 2012)
    The star formation rate (SFR) in galaxies is of prime importance in the study of formation and evolution of galaxies. Different methods have hence been evolved to estimate the current SFR in galaxies, using indicators at ...
  • Perley, D. A; Mazzali, P. A; Yan, Lin|; Cenko, S. Bradley; Gezari, Suvi; Taggart, Kirsty; Blagorodnova, Nadia; Fremling, Christoffer; Mockler, Brenna; Singh, A; Tominaga, Nozomu; Tanaka, Masaomi; Watson, Alan M; Ahumada, Tomas; Anupama, G. C; Ashall, Chris; Becerra, Rosa L; Bersier, David; Bhalerao, Varun; Bloom, Joshua S; Butler, Nathaniel R; Copperwheat, Chris; Coughlin, Michael W; De, Kishalay; Drake, Andrew J; Duev, Dmitry A; Frederick, Sara; Gonzalez, J. J; Goobar, Ariel; Heida, Marianne; Ho, Anna Y. Q; Horst, John; Hung, Tiara; Itoh, Ryosuke; Jencson, Jacob E; Kasliwal, Mansi M; Kawai, Nobuyuki; Khanam, Tanazza; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R; Brajesh Kumar; Harsh Kumar; Kutyrev, Alexander S; Lee, William H; Maeda, Keiichi; Ashish Mahabal; Murata, Katsuhiro L; Neill, James D; Ngeow, Chow-Choong; Penprase, Bryan; Pian, Elena; Quimby, Robert; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico; Richer, Michael G; Roman-Zuniga, Carlos G; Sahu, D. K; Srivastav, S; 9 others (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-03)
    Wide-field optical surveys have begun to uncover large samples of fast (trise ≲ 5 d), luminous (Mpeak < −18), blue transients. While commonly attributed to the breakout of a supernova shock into a dense wind, the great ...
  • Parthasarathy, M (American Astronomical Society, 2024-06)
    Gaia EDR3 and Gaia DR3 data of selected stars in the very young (1.5-million-year-old) open cluster NGC 6530 are presented. All the selected stars have very accurate Gaia DR3 distances. Most of the selected stars are very ...

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