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Browsing by Subject "Spectroscopy"

Browsing by Subject "Spectroscopy"

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  • Tandon, S. N; Postma, J; Joseph, P; Devaraj, A; Subramaniam, A; Subramaniam, I. V; George, K; Ghosh, S. K; Girish, V; Hutchings, J. B; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S; Kumar, A; Lancelo, J. P; Leahy, D; Mahesh, P. K; Mohan, R; Nagabhushana, S; Pati, A. K; Kameswara Rao, N; Sankarasubramanian, K; Sriram, S; Stalin, C. S (IOP Publishing, 2020-04)
    Results of the initial calibration of the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) were reported earlier by Tandon et al. The results reported earlier were based on the ground calibration as well as the first observations in ...
  • Mathew, Sunny; Vijayakumar, K. P (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1991)
    Multiple angle spectroscopic ellipsometery (SE) has been used to study the variation in the layer structure due to annealing of CdS thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique. The samples were studied using visible ...
  • Gangopadhyay, Anjasha; Maeda, Keiichi; Singh, Avinash; Nayana, A. J; Nakaoka, Tatsuya; Kawabata, Koji S; Taguchi, Kenta; Singh, Mridweeka; Chandra, Poonam; Ryder, Stuart D; Dastidar, Raya; Yamanaka, Masayuki; Kawabata, Miho; Alsaberi, Rami Z. E; Dukiya, Naveen; Teja, Rishabh Singh; Ailawadhi, Bhavya; Dutta, Anirban; Sahu, D. K; Moriya, Takashi J; Misra, Kuntal; Tanaka, Masaomi; Chevalier, Roger; Tominaga, Nozomu; Uno, Kohki; Imazawa, Ryo; Hamada, Taisei; Hori, Tomoya; Isogai, Keisuke (American Astronomical Society, 2023-11-10)
    We present optical, near-infrared, and radio observations of supernova (SN) SN IIb 2022crv. We show that it retained a very thin H envelope and transitioned from an SN IIb to an SN Ib; prominent Hα seen in the pre-maximum ...
  • Athira Unni; Narang, Mayank; Sivarani, T; Puravankara, Manoj; Banyal, R. K; Surya, Arun; Rajaguru, S. P; Swastik, C (American Astronomical Society, 2022-11-01)
    The correlation between host star iron abundance and the exoplanet occurrence rate is well established and arrived at in several studies. Similar correlations may be present for the most abundant elements, such as carbon ...
  • Parthasarathy, M (Astronomical Society of India, 1990)
    The abundances and mass loss aspects of close binary systems are discussed. Emphasis is given to Algol systems, including V453 Sco, V 356 Sgr, RY Scuti, and W Serpentis. Hydrogen-poor close binary systems, symbiotic stars, ...
  • Bhattacharyya, Suman; Mathew, Blesson; Ezhikode, Savithri H; Muneer, S; Selvakumar, G; Maheswar, G; Arun, R; Anilkumar, Hema; Banerjee, Gourav; Kumar, S. P; Kartha, Sreeja S; Paul, KT; Velu, C (IOP Publishing, 2022-07-10)
    We present a follow-up study on the recent detection of two X-ray flaring events by MAXI/Gas Slit Camera observations in soft and hard X-rays from MAXI J0709–159 in the direction of HD 54786 (LY CMa), on 2022 January 25. ...
  • Sharma, K; Kembhavi, Ajit; Kembhavi, Aniruddha; Sivarani, T; Abraham, S. (Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, 2019-10)
    We propose an automated algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the detection of peculiar objects in large databases using their spectral observations. A convolutional neural network is a class of ...
  • Prabhu, T. P (Indian Institue of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1977)
    The emission line profiles of the spectrum of the spectrum of the envelope of Nova V 1500 Cyg, 1975 are studied. The spectral region covers LamdaLamda 3700-8800. The velocity structure of the profiles and the time variation ...
  • Gangopadhyay, A; Misra, Kuntal; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin; Arcavi, Iair; Pellegrino, Craig; Wang, Xiaofeng; Andrew Howell, D; Burke, Jamison; Zhang, Jujia; Kawabata, Koji; Singh, Mridweeka; Dastidar, Raya; Hiramatsu, Daichi; McCully, Curtis; Mo, Jun; Chen, Zhihao; Xiang, Danfeng (American Astronomical Society, 2022-05-10)
    We present a high-cadence short term photometric and spectroscopic monitoring campaign of a type Ibn SN 2019wep, which is one of the rare SN Ibn after SNe 2010al and 2019uo to display signatures of flash ionization (He ii, ...
  • Mikolajewska, J; Brandi, E; Garcia, L; Ferrer, O; Quiroga, C; Anupama, G. C (American Institute of Physics, 2002)
    We present and discuss a hundred year history of activity of the hot component of RX Pup based on optical photometry and spectroscopy. The outburst evolution of RX Pup resembles that of other symbiotic novae whereas at ...
  • Sheoran, Jyoti; Pant, V; Ritesh Patel; Banerjee, D (Frontiers, 2023-02)
    The thermodynamic evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) in the inner corona (≤1.5 Rsun) is not yet completely understood. In this work, we study the evolution of thermodynamic properties of a CME core observed in the ...
  • Singh, J; Prasad, B. R; Venkata Suresh, Narra; Amit Kumar (Elsevier B.V, 2019-07-17)
    It is very important to make the spectrographic observations of the outer emission corona in number of emission lines simultaneously in view of the results of the observations made in [Fe x] 6374 A, [Fe xi] 7892 A, [Fe ...
  • Paliya, V. S; Dominguez, A; Cabello, C; Cardiel, N; Gallego, J; Siana, B; Ajello, M; Hartmann, D; de Paz, A. G; Stalin, C. S (IOP Publishing, 2020-11-01)
    One of the major challenges in studying the cosmic evolution of relativistic jets is the identification of the highredshift (z > 3) BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs), a class of jetted active galactic nuclei characterized by ...
  • Gangopadhyay, A; Misra, K; Hiramatsu, D; Wang, Shan-Qin; Hosseinzadeh, G; Wang, Xiaofeng; Valenti, Stefano; Zhang, Jujia; Howel, D. A; Arcavi, Iair; Anupama, G. C; Burke, Jamison; Dastidar, Raya; Koichi Itagaki, Koichi; Kumar, Brajesh; Kumar, B; Li, Long; McCully, Curtis; Mo, Jun; Pandey, S. B; Pellegrino, Craig; Sa, Hanna; Sahu, D. K; Pankaj Sanwal; Singh, A; Singh, M; Zhang, Jicheng; Zhang, Tianmeng; Zhang, Xinhan (IOP Publishing, 2020-02-01)
    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of the type Ibn supernova (SN) 2019uo, the second ever SN Ibn with flash ionization (He ii, C iii, N iii) features in its early spectra. SN 2019uo displays a rapid ...
  • Pandey, S. B; Anupama, G. C; Sagar, R; Bhattacharya, D; Sahu, D. K; Pandey, J. C (Blackwell Publishing, Edinburge, UK, 1994)
  • Surya, Arun; Radovan, Matthew; Sivarani, T; Sriram, S; Devika, Divakar; Fucik, Jason (SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2018-07)
    The Wide Field Optical Spectrograph (WFOS) is one of the first-light instruments of Thirty Meter Telescope. It is a medium resolution, multi object, wide field optical spectrograph. Since 2005 the conceptual design of the ...
  • Swastik, C; Banyal, R. K; Narang, Mayank; Manoj, P; Sivarani, T; Rajaguru, S. P; Athira Unni; Banerjee, Bihan (American Astronomical Society, 2022-08-01)
    The imprints of stellar nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of the galaxy can be seen in different stellar populations, with older generation stars showing higher α-element abundances and the later generations ...
  • Shridharan, B; Mathew, Blesson; Arun, R; Cysil, T. B (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2023-12)
    Herbig Ae/Be stars are intermediate-mass pre-main sequence stars undergoing accretion through their circumstellar disk. The optical and infrared (IR) spectra of HAeBe stars show Hi emission lines belonging to Balmer, ...
  • Nirupama, S (Kodaikanal Observatory, 1965-01)
  • Subramanian, K. R (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1992-03)

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