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Browsing by Subject "Galaxy: evolution"

Browsing by Subject "Galaxy: evolution"

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  • Carollo, D; Beers, T. C; Bovy, Jo; Sivarani, T; Norris, J. E; Freeman, K. C; Aoki, W; Lee, Young Sun; Kennedy, C. R (IOP Publishing, 2012-01-10)
    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars in the halo components of the Milky Way are explored, based on accurate determinations of the carbon-to-iron ([C/Fe]) abundance ratios and kinematic quantities for over 30,000 ...
  • Beers, T. C; Carollo, D; Ivezic, Z; An, D; Chiba, M; Norris, J. E; Freeman, K. C; Lee, Young Sun; Munn, J. F; Re Fiorentin, P; Sivarani, T; Wilhelm, R; Yanny, B; York, D. G (IOP Publishing, 2012-02-10)
    Carollo et al. have recently resolved the stellar population of the Milky Way halo into at least two distinct components, an inner halo and an outer halo. This result has been criticized by Schönrich et al., who claim that ...
  • Ramya, P; Reddy, B. E; Lambert, D. L (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-10)
    We present abundances for 20 elements for stars in two stellar streams identified by Arifyanto & Fuchs: 18 stars from the Arcturus stream and 26 from a new stream, which we call the AF06 stream, both from the Galactic thick ...
  • Reddy, B. E; Lambert, D. L; Prieto, Carlos Allende (Blackwell Publishing, 2006-04)
    We have performed an abundance analysis for F- and G- dwarfs of the Galactic thick-disc component. A sample of 176 nearby (d≤ 150 pc) thick-disc candidate stars was chosen from the Hipparcos catalogue and subjected to a ...
  • Aditya, K (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2024-08)
    The study presents a theoretical framework for understanding the role of dark matter on the stability of the galactic disc. We model the galaxy as a two-component system consisting of stars and gas in equilibrium with an ...
  • Deepak; Reddy, B. E (Cambridge University Press, 2019-06)
    Here, we explore the enrichment of Lithium in the Galaxy using a large sample of stars common among large spectroscopic surveys such as the GALAH and astrometric survey by the Gaia satellite. For this study we used about ...
  • Deepak; Reddy, B. E (Societa Astronomica Italiana, 2020)
    We discuss the evolution of Li in the Galaxy based on a large sample of dwarfs and giants collected from the cross-match of the Gaia and GALAH surveys. Data spans a wide range in metallicity and cover various Galactic ...
  • Pinto, A. M. Matas; Spite, M; Caffau, E; Bonifacio, P; Sbordone, L; Sivarani, T; Steffen, M; François, P; Di Matteo, P (EDP Sciences, 2021-10)
    Context. The study of old, metal-poor stars deepens our knowledge on the early stages of the universe. In particular, the study of these stars gives us a valuable insight into the masses of the first massive stars and their ...
  • Eisenstein, D. J and 243 coauthors; Sivarani, T (IOP Publishing, 2011-09)
    Building on the legacy of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-I and II), SDSS-III is a program of four spectroscopic surveys on three scientific themes: dark energy and cosmological parameters, the history and structure of ...

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