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Browsing by Author "Subramanian, S"

Browsing by Author "Subramanian, S"

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  • Omkumar, A. O; Subramanian, S; Niederhofer, Florian; Diaz, J; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Youssouf, Dalal El; Bekki, K; de Grijs, R; van Loon, J. T (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021-01)
    Recent observational studies identified a foreground stellar sub-structure traced by red clump (RC) stars (∼12 kpc in front of the main body) in the eastern regions of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and suggested that ...
  • Subramanian, S; Subramaniam, A; Simard, L; Gillies, K; Ramaprakash, A. N; Anupama, G. C; Stalin, C. S; Ravindranath, S; Reddy, B. E (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2013-06)
    The requirements for the production of a near Infra-Red Guide Star Catalog (IRGSC) for Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) observations are identified and presented. A methodology to compute the expected J band magnitude of stellar ...
  • Sivarani, T; Ramya, S; Sriram, S; Divakar, Devika; Surya, Arun; Varshney, Hari Mohan; Kambala, Sudarshan; Hasan, Amirul; Prakash, A; Govinda, K. V; Viswanatha; Anupama, G. C; Maheswar, G; Ojha, D; Pandey, S. B; Pandey, J; Puravankara, M; Ramaprakash, A. N; Reddy, B. E; Shah, Sarang; Srianand, R; Subramaniam, A; Subramanian, S (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2022-12)
    The future of astronomy in the coming decades will be shaped by the upcoming three extremely large optical telescopes, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) and the European Large Telescope ...
  • Wright, S. A; Walth, G; Do, T; Marshal, D; Larkin, J. E; Moore, A. M; Adamkovics, M; Andersen, D; Armus, L; Barth, A; Cote, Patrick; Cooke, J; Chisholm, E. M; Davidge, T; Dunn, J. S; Dumas, C; Ellerbroek, B. L; Ghez, A. M; Hao, J; Hayano, Y; Liu, M; Lopez-Rodriguez, E; Lu, J. R; Mao, S; Marois, C; Pandey, S. B; Phillip, A. C; Schoeck, M; Subramaniam, A; Subramanian, S; Suzuki, R; Tan, J. C; Terai, T; Treu, T; Simard, L; Weiss, J. (SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2016-07)
    The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) first light instrument IRIS (Infrared Imaging Spectrograph) will complete its preliminary design phase in 2016. The IRIS instrument design includes a near-infrared (0.85 - 2.4 micron) ...
  • George, K; Joseph, P; Mondal, Chayan; Subramanian, S; Subramaniam, A; Paul, K. T (EDP Sciences, 2019-01)
    The physical processes related to the effect of bars in the quenching of star formation in the region between the nuclear/central sub-kiloparsec region and the ends of the bar (bar region) of spiral galaxies is not fully ...
  • Subramaniam, A; Subramanian, S (Astronomical Society of India, 2010)
    We present the internal and foreground reddening maps of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. These are estimated using the red clump stars identified from the OGLE III catalog. The foreground reddening is estimated ...
  • Kharb, P; Lena, D; Paragi, Z; Subramanian, S; Vaddi, S; Das, M; Khatun, R (IOP Publishing, 2020-02-10)
    We report the detection of an intriguing parsec-scale radio source in the "offset AGN" candidate, KISSR 102. The elliptical host galaxy includes two optical nuclei at a projected separation of 1.54 kpc, N1 and N2, to the ...
  • Bell, Cameron P. M; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; Wright, A. H; Rubele, Stefano; Nidever, David L.; Tatton, Ben L; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Subramanian, S; Oliveira, Joana M; Grijs, Richard de; Pennock, Clara M.; Choi, Yumi; Olsen, Knut; Niederhofer, Florian; Choudhury, Samyaday; Delgado, David Mart ́ınez; Munoz, Ricardo R. (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-12)
    We present a method to map the total intrinsic reddening of a foreground extinguish- ing medium via the analysis of spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of background galaxies. In this pilot study, we implement ...
  • Bell, C. P. M.; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Wright, A. H; Rubele, Stefano; Nidever, David L; Tatton, Ben L; van Loon, Jacco Th; Ivanov, Valentin D; Subramanian, S; Oliveira, J. M; Grijs, Richard de; Pennock, Clara M; Choi, Yumi; Zaritsky, Dennis; Olsen, Knut; Niederhofer, Florian; Choudhury, S; Martinez-Delgado, David; Munoz, R. R (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-11)
    We present a method to map the total intrinsic reddening of a foreground extinguishing medium via the analysis of spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of background galaxies. In this pilot study, we implement this technique ...
  • Bell, C. P. M; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Wright, A. H; Rubele, Stefano; Nidever, David L; Tatton, Ben L; van Loon, Jacco Th; Zaritsky, Dennis; Choi, Yumi; Choudhury, Samyaday; Clementini, Gisella; de Grijs, Richard; Ivanov, Valentin D; Majewski, Steven R; Marconi, Marcella; Martinez-Delgado, David; Massana, Pol; Munoz, Ricardo R; Niederhofer, Florian; Noel, Noelia E D; Oliveira, Joana M; Olsen, Knut; Pennock, Clara M; Ripepi, V; Subramanian, S; Katherina Vivas, A (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020-11)
    We present a map of the total intrinsic reddening across ≃34 deg2 of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) derived using optical (ugriz) and near-infrared (IR; YJKs) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of background galaxies. ...
  • Subramanian, S; Ramya, S; Das, M; George, K; Sivarani, T; Prabhu, T. P (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016-01)
    We present an analysis of the optical nuclear spectra from the active galactic nuclei (AGN) in a sample of low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies. Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we derived the virial ...
  • Subramanian, S; Ramya, S; Das, M; George, K; Sivarani, T; Prabhu, T. P (International Astronomical Union, 2016-02)
    We present an analysis of the optical nuclear spectra from the active galactic nuclei (AGN) in a sample of giant low surface brightness (GLSB) galaxies. GLSB galaxies are extreme late type spirals that are large, isolated ...
  • Subramaniam, A; Subramanian, S (Cambridge University Press, 2009-03)
    We used the red clump stars from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE II) survey and the Magellanic Cloud Photometric Survey (MCPS), to estimate the line-of-sight depth. The observed dispersion in the magnitude ...
  • George, K; Joseph, P; Mondal, C; Subramanian, S; Subramaniam, A; Paul, K. T (EDP Sciences, 2020-12)
    The underlying nature of the process of star formation quenching in the central regions of barred disc galaxies that is due to the action of stellar bar is not fully understood. We present a multi-wavelength study of four ...
  • Subramaniam, A; Subramanian, S (Institute of Physics, 2009-09)
    The bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is one of the prominent, but controversial, features regarding its location with respect to the disk of the LMC. In order to study the relative location of the bar with respect ...
  • Kharb, P; Subramanian, S; Mousumi Das; Vaddi, S; Paragi, Z (IOP Publishing, 2021-10-01)
    Double-peaked emission-line AGN (DPAGN) have been regarded as binary black hole candidates. We present here results from parsec-scale radio observations with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) of five DPAGN belonging to ...
  • Gupta, G. R; Subramanian, S; Banerjee, D; Madjarska, M. S; Doyle, J. G (Springer, 2013-01)
    We study the nature of quiet-Sun oscillations using multi - wavelength observations from TRACE, Hinode, and SOHO. The aim is to investigate the existence of propagating waves in the solar chromosphere and the transition ...
  • Shah, Sarang; Subramanian, S; Avinash, Ck; Andersen, David R; Skidmore, Warren; Anupama, G. C; Delgado, Francisco; Gillies, Kim; Maheshwar, G; Ramaprakash, A. N; Reddy, B. E; Sivarani, T; Subramaniam, A (American Astronomical Society, 2024-08-01)
    At first light, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) near-infrared (NIR) instruments will be fed by a multiconjugate adaptive optics instrument known as the Narrow Field Infrared Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS). NFIRAOS will ...
  • James, Dizna; Subramanian, S; Omkumar, Abinaya O; Mary, Adhya; Bekki, Kenji; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L; Grijs, Richard de; Youssouf, Dalal El; Kartha, Sreeja S; Niederhofer, Florian; Loon, Jacco Th. van (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2021-12)
    The eastern region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is found to have a foreground stellar substructure, which is identified as a distance bimodality (∼12 kpc apart) in the previous studies using red clump (RC) stars. ...
  • Kharb, Preeti; Blackman, Eric G; Clausen-Brown, Eric; Mousumi Das; Schwartz, Daniel A; Siemiginowska, Aneta; Subramanian, S; Vaddi, Sravani (American Astronomical Society, 2024-02-20)
    We report superluminal jet motion with an apparent speed of βapp = 1.65 ± 0.57 in the radio-quiet (RQ) lowionization nuclear emission-line region (LINER) galaxy KISSR 872. This result comes from two-epoch phasereferenced ...

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