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Browsing by Author "Selvakumar, G"

Browsing by Author "Selvakumar, G"

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  • Vasundhara, R; Chakraborty, P; Appakutty, M; Dinakaran, N; Ganeshan, M; Kuppuswamy, K; Moorthy, V; Muniyandi, A; Selvakumar, G; Velu, C; Ramana, K. V (Astronomical Society of India, 2001)
    CCD observations of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter from the Vainu Bappu Observatory during 1997 are presented. The derived times of close approach of the geometric centers of the satellites (satellite ...
  • Giridhar, S; Molina, R; Arellano Ferro, A; Selvakumar, G (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010-07)
    An abundance analysis has been conducted for a sample of nine post-AGB candidate stars; eight of them have not been explored before.We find four very promising objects like HD 105262, HD 53300 and CpD−62o5428 among them. ...
  • Arun, R; Mathew, B; Maheswar, G; Baug, Tapas; Kartha, S. S; Selvakumar, G; Manoj, P; Shridharan, B; Anusha, R; Narang, Mayank (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021-10)
    We study the formation and the kinematic evolution of the early-type Herbig Be star IL Cep and its environment. The young star is a member of the Cep OB3 association, at a distance of 798 ± 9 pc, and has a ‘cavity’ ...
  • Bhattacharyya, Suman; Mathew, Blesson; Ezhikode, Savithri H; Muneer, S; Selvakumar, G; Maheswar, G; Arun, R; Anilkumar, Hema; Banerjee, Gourav; Kumar, S. P; Kartha, Sreeja S; Paul, KT; Velu, C (IOP Publishing, 2022-07-10)
    We present a follow-up study on the recent detection of two X-ray flaring events by MAXI/Gas Slit Camera observations in soft and hard X-rays from MAXI J0709–159 in the direction of HD 54786 (LY CMa), on 2022 January 25. ...
  • Ghosh, K. K; Kuppuswamy, K; Pukalenthi, S; Selvakumar, G (The American Astronomical Society, 1991-09)
    A large number of photographic (92) and CCD (27) spectra of the pole-on Be star, Mu Cen, were obtained between February 1987 and May 1990. From the results of the above-mentioned spectra a weak outburst was detected in ...
  • Giridhar, S; Goswami, A; Kunder, A; Muneer, S; Selvakumar, G (EDP Sciences, 2013-08)
    Context. Identification of metal-poor stars among field stars is extremely useful for studying the structure and evolution of the Galaxy and of external galaxies. Aims. We search for metal-poor stars using the artificial ...
  • Basu, Judhajeet; Pavana, M; Anupama, G. C; Barway, Sudhanshu; Singh, Kulinder Pal; Swain, Vishwajeet; Srivastav, Shubham; Kumar, Harsh; Bhalerao, Varun; Sonith, L. S; Selvakumar, G (American Astronomical Society, 2024-05-01)
    We report the optical, UV, and soft X-ray observations of the 2017–2022 eruptions of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a. We find a cusp feature in the r¢- and i¢-band light curves close to the peak, which could be related ...
  • Iijima, T; Gehrz, R. D; Jones, T. J; Lawrence, G; Sivaraman, K. R; Prabhu, T. P; Ghosh, K. K; Anupama, G. C; Selvakumar, G (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1991-04)
  • Singh, J; Bhattacharyya, J. C; Babu, G. S. D; Ashoka, B. N; Appakutty, M; Rangarajan, K. E; Kutty, K. N; Moorthy, V; Selvakumar, G; Michael, P; Muniyandi, A; Gabriel, F (Astronomical Society of India, 1989-09)
    The sky and atmospheric conditions at Leh have been monitored since 1984 with a view to determining its suitability as a site for a high-altitude observatory. During May-November, 1987, relative humidity and other parameters ...
  • Pavana, M; Ramya, M. Anche; Anupama, G. C; Ramaprakash, A. N; Selvakumar, G (EDP Sciences, 2019-02)
    Aims. We aim to study the spectroscopic and ionized structural evolution of T Pyx during its 2011 outburst, and also study the variation in degree of polarization during its early phase. Methods. Optical spectroscopic data ...
  • Mondal, Anindita; Anupama, G. C; Kamath, U. S; Das, Ramkrishna; Selvakumar, G; Mondal, Soumen (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018-03)
    Optical spectra of the 2006 outburst of RS Ophiuchi beginning one day after discovery to over a year after the outburst are presented here. The spectral evolution is found to be similar to that in previous outbursts. The ...
  • Arlot, J. E; Thuillot, W; Ruatti, C; Ahmad, A; Amosse, A; Anbazhagan, P; Andreyev, M; Antov, A; Appakutty, M; Aubry, S; Asher, D; Spampinato, S. A; Stellmacher, I; Trunkovsky, E; Tejfel, V; Tudose, V; Turcu, V; Ugarte, I; Vantyghem, P; Vasundhara, R; Vaubaillon, J; Baron, N; Velu, C; Venkataramana, A. K; Vidal Sãinz, J; Vienne, A; Vilar, J; Vingerhoets, P; Vollman, W; Bassiere, N; Berthe, M; Bogdanovski, R; Bosq, F; Bredner, E; Buettner, D; Buromsky, M; Cammarata, S; Casas, R; Chis, G. D; Christou, A. A; Coquerel, J. P; Corlan, R; Cremaschini, C; Crussaire, D; Cuypers, J; Dennefeld, M; Descamps, P; Devyatkin, A; Dimitrov, D; Dorokhova, T. N; Dorokhov, N. I; Dourneau, G; Dueñas, M; Dumitrescu, A; Emelianov, N; Ferrara, D; Fiel, D; Fienga, A; Flatres, T; Foglia, S; Garlitz, J; Gerbos, J; Gilbert, R; Goncalves, R. M. D; Gonzales, D; Gorda, S. Y; Gorshanov, D. L; Hansen, M. W; Harrington, M; Irsmambetova, T. R; Ito, Y; Ivanova, V; Izmailov, I. S; Khovritchev, M. Y; Khrutskaya, E. V; Kieken, J; Kiseleva, T. P; Kuppuswamy, K; Lainey, V; Lavayssiere, M; Lazzarotti, P; Le Campion, J. F; Lellouch, E; Li, Z. L; Lo Savio, E; Lou, M; Magny, E; Manek, J; Marinello, W; Marino, G; McAuliffe, J. P; Michelli, M; Moldovan, D; Montagnac, S; Moorthy, V; Nickel, O; Nier, J. M; Noel, T; Noyelles, B; Oksanen, A; Parrat, D; Pauwels, T; Priban, V; Ramachandran, B; Rambaux, N; Rapaport, M; Rapavy, P; Rau, G; Sacre, J. J; Sada, P. V; Salvaggio, F; Sarlin, P; Sciuto, C; Selvakumar, G; Sergeyev, A; Sidorov, M; Sorescu, S (EDP Sciences, 2009-01)
    Context: In 2003, the Sun and the Earth passed through both the equatorial plane of Jupiter and therefore the orbital planes of its main satellites. Aims: During this period, mutual eclipses and occultations were observed ...
  • Saquet, E; Emelyanov, N; Robert, V; Arlot, J. -E; Anbazhagan, P; Baillie, K; Bardecker, J; Berezhnoy, A. A; Bretton, M; Campos, F; Capannoli, L; Pomazan, A; Popescu, M; Pratt, A; Raskhozhev, V. N; Resch, J.-M; Robilliard, D; Roschina, E; Rothenberg, E; Rottenborn, M; Rusov, S. A; Talbot, J; Saby, F; Saya, L. F; Selvakumar, G; Signoret, F; Slesarenko, V. Y; Sokov, E. N; Soldateschi, J; Sonka, A; Soulie, G; Tejfel, V. G; Thuillot, W; Timerson, B; Toma, R; Torsellini, S; Trabuco, L. L; Traverse, P; Tsamis, V; Unwin, M; Carry, B; Van Den Abbeel, F; Vandenbruaene, H; Vasundhara, R; Velikodsky, Y. I; Vienne, A; Vilar, J; Vugnon, J. -M; Wuensche, N; Zeleny, P; Castet, M; Charbonnier, Y; Chernikov, M. M; Christou, A; Colas, F; Coliac, J. -F; Dangl, G; Dechambre, O; Delcroix, M; Dias-Oliveira, A; Drillaud, C; Duchemin, Y; Dunford, R; Ellington, C; Fabre, P; Filippov, V. A; Finnegan, J; Foglia, S; Font, D; Gaillard, B; Galli, G; Garlitz, J; Gasmi, A; Gaspar, H. S; Gault, D; Gazeas, K; George, T; Gorda, S. Y; Gorshanov, D. L; Gualdoni, C; Guhl, K; Halir, K; Hanna, W; Henry, X; Herald, D; Houdin, G; Ito, Y; Izmailov, I. S; Jacobsen, J; Jones, A; Kamoun, S; Kardasis, E; Karimov, A. M; Khovritchev, M. Y; Kulikova, A. M; Laborde, J; Lainey, V; Lavayssiere, M; Guen, P. Le; Leroy, A; Loader, B; Lopez, O. C; Lyashenko, A. Y; Lyssenko, P. G; Machado, D. I; Maigurova, N; Manek, J; Marchini, A; Midavaine, T; Montier, J; Morgado, B. E; Naumov, K. N; Nedelcu, A; Newman, J; Ohlert, J. M; Oksanen, A; Pavlov, H; Petrescu, E (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018-03)
    During the 2014–2015 mutual events season, the Institut de M ́ ecanique C ́ eleste et de Calcul des ́ Eph ́ em ́ erides (IMCCE), Paris, France, and the Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI), Moscow, Russia, ...
  • Emelyanov, N; Arlot, J-E; Anbazhagan, P; Andre, P; Bardecker, J; Canaud, G; Coliac, J. F; De Elias Cantalapiedra, J; Ellington, C. K; Fernandez, J. M; Forbes, M; Gazeas, K; Gault, D; George, T; Gourdon, F; Herald, D; Huber, D; Iglesias-Marzoa, R; Izquierdo, J; Jorba Lloveras, R; Kerr, S; Lasala, A; Le Guen, P; Leroy, A; Lutz, M; Maley, P; Mannchen, T; Mari, J. M; Maury, A; Newman, J; Palafouta, S; Prieto Gallego, J; Roger, P; Roschli, D; Selvakumar, G; Serra, V; Stuart, P; Turchenko, M; Vasundhara, R; Velasco, E (Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society, 2022-11)
    2021 wasthe year ofJupiter’s equinox, that isthe Sun and the Earth passed through the equatorial plane of the planet and therefore the orbital planes of its main satellites. This occurrence made it possible to observe ...
  • Pavana, M; Raj, A; Bohlsen, T; Anupama, G. C; Gupta, R; Selvakumar, G (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020-05)
    The optical spectroscopic observations of ASASSN-18fv observed from 2018 March 24 to 2019 January 26 are presented. The optical spectra are obtained from Mirranook, Vainu Bappu, and South African Astronomical observatories. ...
  • Pavana, M; Raj, A; Bohlsen, T; Anupama, G. C; Gupta, R; Selvakumar, G (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020-06)
    The optical spectroscopic observations of ASASSN-18fv observed from 2018 March 24 to 2019 January 26 are presented. The optical spectra are obtained from Mirranook, Vainu Bappu, and South African Astronomical observatories. ...
  • Giridhar, S; Goswami, A; Kunder, A; Muneer, S; Selvakumar, G (Astronomical Society of India, 2012)
    An update on recent methods for automated stellar parametrization is given. We present preliminary results of the ongoing program for rapid parametrization of field stars using medium resolution spectra obtained using Vainu ...

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