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Browsing by Author "Kembhavi, A. K"

Browsing by Author "Kembhavi, A. K"

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  • Rawat, A; Kembhavi, A. K (Astronomical Society of India, 2005-06)
    We have been involved in performing photometry and morpholog- ical analysis of a large, complete sample of galaxies in the intermediate redshift range using the high resolution images obtained by the Great Observatories ...
  • Pandey, S. K; Sahu, D. K; Kembhavi, A. K; McCarthy, P. J (Astronomical Society of India, 2001)
    In this paper we present some of the results of imaging observations of dusty ellipticals in the optical B & R bands as well as in near IR K'-band taken at the Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. We derive radial profiles of ...
  • Sahu, D. K; Pandey, S. K; Kembhavi, A. K (Astronomical Society of India, 1999)
    Early-type galaxies with large-scale dust are suitable objects to investigate the propeties of dust extinction in extragalactic environments because the underlying galaxies have fairly smooth distribution of the starlight. ...
  • Singh, K. P; Bhat, P. N; Prabhu, T. P; Kembhavi, A. K (Astronomical Society of India, 1993)
    Broad-band surface photometry in V, R and I colors is presented for three elliptical galaxies immersed in hot intracluster gas emitting X-rays due to thermal bremsstrahlung. The galaxies are (1) a cD galaxy, and (2) a radio ...
  • Ahuja, A. L; Gupta, Y; Kembhavi, A. K; Kulkarni, V (Astronomical Society of India, 2002-09)
    We present preliminary results from an ongoing program of accurate pulsar dispersion measure (DM) measurements using the GMRT. From simultaneous dual frequency observations, we are able to determine OMs to accuracies ...
  • Bhat, P. N; Singh, K. P; Prabhu, T. P; Kembhavi, A. K (Indian Academy of Sciences, 1992)
    We present the results from CCD photometry in the V, R and I bands, of the ‘Dipper Asterism’ region of the open cluster Μ67 based on observations carried out at the prime focus of the 2.3 m Vainu Bappu Telescope of the ...

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