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  • Parihar, P. S; Messina, S; Bama, P; Medhi, B. J; Muneer, S; Velu, C; Ahmad, A (Royal Astronomical Society, 2009-05)
    We have started a spectroscopic survey to identify new chromospherically active components and low-mass pre-main sequence (PMS) stars in recently discovered All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) eclipsing binaries. In this paper, ...
  • Subramaniam, A; Mathew, B (Springer, 2010)
    We summarize a study of emission-line stars in young open clusters. The study was done in two phases. The first phase was the survey, where the emission stars in young open clusters were identified using the slitless ...
  • Giridhar, S; Goswami, A (Astronomical Society of India, 2002)
    We have undertaken a spectroscopic survey of field stars to fine metal-poor objects among them. Though the main objective of the survey is to find new metal-poor stars, stellar parameterization is carried out for all the ...
  • Mathew, B; Subramaniam, A (Astronomical Society of India, 2010)
    A spectroscopic study of 152 Classical Be stars in 42 young open clusters was performed using medium resolution spectra in 3700-9000 A range, to understand the Be phenomenon. The Balmer decrement is found to have a ...
  • Parthasarathy, M (Konkoly Observatory, 2018-01-23)
    Radial velocities of the primary component (B8V) of HU Tauri derived from the photographic spectra obtained during January 1974 to December 1974 and spectroscopic orbital elements from the analysis of the radial velocity ...
  • García, L. P; Sivarani, T; Parthasarathy, M; Manchado, A (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001-08)
    HD 168625 (B9-A0 Ia) was classified as a post-AGB star and also as a luminous blue variable. We have analysed the high resolution optical spectra of HD 168625 and derived the atmospheric parameters and the chemical ...
  • Chaudhuri, S. K (Canadian science publishing, 2022-08)
    The spectroscopic properties of magnetic dipolar and quadrupolar transitions (M1 and M2) of He atom encapsulated under neutral and charged C60 fullerene cage have been estimated here to understand the effect of cage ...
  • Reddy, B. E; Parthasarathy, M (Astronomical Society of India, 1993)
    Optical candidates of 17 unidentified IRAS sources with far-infrared colors similar to planetary nebulae have been detected on sky survey plates. Low resolution CCD spectra of seven optical candidates suggests that they ...
  • Prabhu, T. P (Astronomical Society of India, 1993)
    Many novae have been studied spectroscopically since 1975 and many supernovae since 1980 using the telescopes at Vainu Bappu Observatory (VBO). The program on novae has intensified since 1985, and that on supernovae has ...
  • Sivarani, T; Parthasarathy, M; García, L. P; Manchado, A; Pottasch, S. R (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001-08)
    In the high resolution optical spectra we identified forbidden lines of [OI] and [CI], which indicate the presence of low excitation nebula. There are many emission lines due forbidden and permitted lines of neutral and ...
  • Sivarani, T; Parthasarathy, M; García, L. P; Manchado, A (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001-08)
    HD 331319 is a F3 Ib star with a detached cold circumstellar dust shell with far-IR colours similar to planetary nebulae. From an analysis of high resolution spectra using LTE stellar atmospheric models, we have derived ...
  • Sivarani, T; Parthasarathy, M; García, L. P; Manchado, A (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001-08)
    IRAS 10215-5916 was classified as a post-AGB star and also as a massive red supergiant. It was also found to be a spectroscopic binary. In our high resolution spectra we found molecular features from a cool star of Teff = ...
  • Hammonds, M; Pathak, A; Candian, A; Sarre, P. J (EDP Sciences, 2011-03)
    The spectroscopic properties of protonated and deprotonated PAHs are investigated through Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, with reference to their potential astrophysical significance. Attention is focussed ...
  • Rajamohan, R (Centre of Advanced Study in Astronomy,Osmania University, 1973)
    Rotational velocities and intensities of hydrogen and helium lines for over 40 members of the Scorpio Centaurus association are presented. From the measured equivalent width of Hr and Hd some evidence is found for the ...
  • Rajamohan, R (Centre of Advanced Study in Astronomy, Osmania University, 1973)
    Rotational velocities and intensities of hydrogen and helium lines for over 40 members of the Scorpio Centaurus association are presented. From the measured equivalent width of H alpha and H delta some evidence is found ...
  • Shastri, P; Murthy, J; Hutchings, J (Astronomical Society of India, 2003)
    We present our preliminary far-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert Mrk 533 obtained with FUSE. These are among the first FUV spectra of a purportedly edge-on Seyfert, and show narrow OVI emission as well as some evidence ...
  • Anupama, G. C (Astronomical Society of India, 2000)
  • Sivarani, T; Parthasarathy, M; García-Lario, P; Manchado, A; Pottasch, S. R (The European Southern Observatory, 1999-06)
    From an analysis of the spectrum (4000 Ä to 8800 Ä) of HD 101584 it is found that most of the neutral and single ionized metallic lines are in emission. The forbidden emission lines of [OI] 6300 Ä and 6363 Ä and [CI] 8727 ...
  • Prabhakar, Maya (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2023-03)
    The outer solar atmosphere, the corona, is known for its million-degree temperature. The mystery surrounding the source of this high temperature is gradually being resolved with various theories, observations and models. ...
  • Rusin, V; Klocok, L; Minarovjech, M; Rybansky, M (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1997)
    A brief description of the scientific goals and preliminary results related to the 24 October 1995 solar eclipse at Nim Ka Thana is given. The white-light corona was of a minimum type above the E- and W-limbs. Coronal holes ...

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