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Browsing by Author "Murthy, J"

Browsing by Author "Murthy, J"

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  • Safonova, M; Mathew, J; Mohan, Rekhesh; Sreejith, A. G; Murthy, J; Brosch, N; Kappelmann, N; Sharma, A; Narayan, R (Springer, 2014-10)
    Space astronomy in the last 40 years has largely been done from spacecraft in low Earth orbit (LEO) for which the technology is proven and delivery mechanisms are readily available. However, new opportunities are arising ...
  • Mathew, J; Prakash, A; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Sreejith, A. G; Nirmal, K; Ambily, S; Safonova, M; Murthy, J; Brosch, N (Springer, 2017-02)
    We present a design for a near-ultraviolet (NUV) imaging instrument which may be flown on a range of available platforms, including high-altitude balloons, nanosatellites, or space missions. Although all current UV space ...
  • Mathew, J; Nair, B. G; Safonova, M; Sriram, S; Prakash, A; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Ambily, S; Nirmal, K; Sreejith, A. G; Murthy, J; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S; Prasad, B. R; Brosch, Noah; Kappelmann, Norbert; Gadde, Nirmal Suraj; Narayan, Rahul (Springer, 2019-03)
    The Lunar Ultraviolet Cosmic Imager (LUCI) is a near-ultraviolet (NUV) telescope with all-spherical mirrors, designed and built to fly as a scientific payload on a lunar mission with Team Indus—the original Indian entry to ...
  • Safonova, M; Sivaram, C; Murthy, J (Springer, 2008-11)
    Transient events have posed special problems in astronomy because of the intrinsic difficulty of their detection, and a new class of observatories such as the Pan-STARRS and LSST are coming up specifically to observe these ...
  • Sreejith, A. G; Mathew, J; Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Mohan, Rekhesh; Akshata Nayak; Safonova, M; Murthy, J (World Scientific Publishing Co., 2014-11)
    We have developed a lightweight low-cost attitude sensor, based on a Raspberry Pi, built with readily available commercial components. It can be used in experiments where weight and power are constrained, such as in ...
  • Sagiv, I; Gal-Yam, A; Ofek, E. O; Waxman, E; Aharonson, O; Kulkarni, S. R; Nakar, E; Maoz, D; Trakhtenbrot, B; Phinney, E. S; J. Topaz, J; Beichman, C; Murthy, J; Worden, S. P (IOP Publishing, 2014-04)
    The time-variable electromagnetic sky has been well-explored at a wide range of wavelengths. In contrast, the ultra-violet (UV) variable sky is relatively poorly explored, even though it offers exciting scientific prospects. ...
  • Haris, U; Parvathi, V. S; Gudennavar, S. B; Bubbly, S. G; Murthy, J; Sofia, U. J (IOP Publishing, 2016-07)
    We report interstellar silicon ( Si ) depletion and dust-phase column densities of Si along 131 Galactic sight lines using archival observations. The data were corrected for differences in the assumed oscillator ...
  • Vinokurov, A; Atapin, K; Bordoloi, O. P; Sarkisyan, A; Kashyap, U; Chakraborty, M; Rahna, P. T; Kostenkov, A; Solovyeva, Y; Fabrika, S; Safonova, M; Gogoi, R; Sutaria, F. K; Murthy, J (Springer, 2022-09)
    We present the results of eight epochs of simultaneous UV and X-ray observations of the highly variable ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) Holmberg II X-1 with AstroSat—Indian multiwavelength space satellite. During the ...
  • Mayuresh, Sarpotdar; Mathew, J; Sreejith, A. G; Nirmal, K; Ambily, S; Prakash, A; Safonova, M; Murthy, J (Springer, 2017-02)
    We have developed a low-cost off-the-shelf component star sensor (StarSense) for use in minisatellites and CubeSats to determine the attitude of a satellite in orbit. StarSense is an imaging camera with a limiting magnitude ...
  • Murthy, J; Rahna, P. T; Sutaria, F. K; Safonova, M; Gudennavar, S. B; Bubbly, S. G (Current Science Association, 2017-08)
    The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) is an instrument onboard the Aditya-L1 spacecraft, the first dedicated solar mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which will be put in a halo orbit at the ...
  • Jenniskens, P; Tedesco, Ed; Murthy, J; Laux, C. O; Price, S (Wiley, 2002-08)
    We used the ultraviolet to visible spectrometers onboard the midcourse space experiment to obtain the first ultraviolet spectral measurements of a bright meteor during the 1997 Leonid shower. The meteor was most likely a ...
  • Bharat Chandra; Nair, B. G; Suresh, Ambily; Prabha, C. S; Mathew, J; Nirmal, K; Sarpotdar, Mayuresh; Mohan, R; Safonova, M; Sriram, S; Murthy, J (SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2019-01)
    SING is a near ultraviolet (NUV) spectrograph with a size close to 6U CubeSat form-factor. The spectrograph operates in the wavelength range from 1800 Å to 3000 Å, with a spectral resolution of 2 Å at the central wavelength. ...
  • Chandra, B; Sachkov, Mikhail; Shanti Prabha, C; Prakash, A; Nair, B. G; Safonova, M; Rai, R; Mohan, Rekhesh; Murthy, J; Shmagin, Vladimir (SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2020-12)
    One of the most exciting parts of the astrophysical spectrum is the ultraviolet, with a greater density of absorption and emission lines than any other part of the electromagnetic spectra. Our primary science objective ...
  • Sachkov, M. E; Chandra, B; Murthy, J; Shmagin, V. E; Prabha, Sh; Prakash, A; Nair, B. G; Safonova, M. V; Rai, R; Mohan, R (Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020-12)
    The ultraviolet spectral subdiapasons, both near UV (180─300 nm) and far UV (115─180 nm), are highly requested by astrophysicists. The successful space missions like IUE, HST, GALEX and others provided scientists with ...
  • Bharat Chandra, P; Binukumar, G; Shubham Jankiram, Ghatul; Jain, Shubhangi; Sriram, S; Mahesh Babu, S; Mohan, Rekhesh; Safonova, M; Murthy, J; Sachkov, Mikhail (Springer Nature, 2024-06)
    The Spectroscopic Investigation of Nebular Gas (SING) is a near-ultraviolet (NUV) low-resolution spectrograph payload designed to operate in the NUV range, 1400 Å – 2700 Å, from a stable space platform. SING telescope ...
  • Shastri, P; Murthy, J; Hutchings, J (Astronomical Society of India, 2003)
    We present our preliminary far-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert Mrk 533 obtained with FUSE. These are among the first FUV spectra of a purportedly edge-on Seyfert, and show narrow OVI emission as well as some evidence ...
  • Malkov, O; Karpov, S; Kovaleva, D; Murthy, J; Sichevsky, S; Sytov, A; Zhao, G; Zhukov, A; Zakharo, A (NAS RA Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, 2020-12)
    The parameterization of stars is a well known problem and used for various purposes in astronomy. We have shown that multicolor photometric data from large modern surveys can be used for parameterization of stars. With ...
  • Murthy, J (Astronomical Society of India, 2012)
    I present the use of stellar libraries in interstellar medium work. Stars are used as background sources against which interstellar absorption lines are observed and their modeling is necessary in order to set the baseline ...
  • Sujatha, N. V; Murthy, J (Astronomical Society of India, 2007-06)
    The upcoming TAUVEX mission is expected to provide us with high quality data from observations over large parts of the sky in different wavelength bands. We propose to use this data for the study of diffuse radiation field ...
  • Anand, M. Y; Kagali, B. A; Murthy, J (Astronomical Society of India, 2009-06)
    In this paper, we have analyzed IUE high resolution spectra of the central star (BD+602522) of the Bubble nebula. We discuss velocities of the different regions along the line of sight to the bubble. We find that the Bubble ...

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