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  • Kochhar, R. K; Sivaram, C (Springer, 1983-10)
    The properties of rotating bodies close to their stability limits are investigated analytically. A homogeneous self-gravitating mass rotating about the 3-axis and having both a small amount of viscosity and a general ...
  • Panchatsaram, T; Abhyankar, K. D (Astronomical Society of India, 1982-06)
    The photoelectric times of minima, available for the eclipsing binaries KO Aql, V566 Oph, AH Vir, AG Vir, 44i Boo B, RT And , SV Cam, Tv Cas, AT Lac and U Peg have been analysed to study their orbital periods. KO Aqi, V566 ...
  • Stalin, C. S; Sagar, R; Pant, P; Mohan, V; Kumar, B; Joshi, Y. C; Yadav, R. K. S; Joshi, S; Chandra, R; Durgapal, A. K; Uddin, W (Astronomical Society of India, 2001)
    Results of the seeing measurements carried out near Devasthal top on 43 nights during March to April 1999 are presented. Open air seeing measurements were carried out with a differential image motion monitor (DIMM) using ...
  • Vishnu, Unni. C; Sridharan, R; Ravindra, B; Prabhu, K (Springer, 2021-04)
    The parameter-search method (PSM) established by Rengaswamy, Ravindra, and Prabhu (Solar Phys.294, 5, 2019) for measuring the terrestrial atmospheric seeing from long-exposure solar Hα images is further validated - through ...
  • Kumara, S. T; Kariyappa, R; Zender, J. J; Giono, G; Delouille, V; Pradeep Chitta, L; Dame, L; Hochedez, J. F; Verbeeck, C; Mampaey, B; Doddamani, V. H (EDP Sciences, 2014-01)
    Context. The study of solar irradiance variability is of great importance in heliophysics, the Earth’s climate, and space weather applications. These studies require careful identifying, tracking and monitoring of active ...
  • Zwaard, Rens van der; Bergmann, Matthias; Zender, ·Joe; Kariyappa, R; Giono, Gabriel; Dame, Luc (Springer, 2021-09)
    The study of solar irradiance variability is of great importance in heliophysics, Earth’s climate, and space weather applications. These studies require careful identifying, tracking and monitoring of features in the solar ...
  • Bhatt, H. C (Royal Astronomical Society, 1988-08)
    Segregation of dust in globular cluster protoclouds is considered as a possible mechanism for producing the observed heavy element abundance inhomogeneities within globular clusters. Segregation of dust towards the protocloud ...
  • Smolinski, J. P; Lee, Y. S; Beers, T. C; An, D; Bickerton, S. J; Johnson, J. A; Loomis, C. P; Rockosi, C. M; Sivarani, T; Yanny, B (IOP Publishing, 2011-03)
    Spectroscopic and photometric data for likely member stars of five Galactic globular clusters (M3, M53, M71, M92, and NGC 5053) and three open clusters (M35, NGC 2158, and NGC 6791) are processed by the current version of ...
  • Lee, Y. S; Beers, T. C; Prieto, C. A; Lai, D. K; Rockosi, C. M; Morrison, H. L; Johnson, J. A; An, D; Sivarani, T; Yanny, B (IOP Publishing, 2011-03)
    We present a method for the determination of [α/Fe] ratios from low-resolution (R = 2000) SDSS/SEGUE stellar spectra. By means of a star-by-star comparison with degraded spectra from the ELODIE spectral library and with a ...
  • Deheuvels, S; Bruntt, H; Michel, E; Barban, C; Verner, G; Régulo, C; Mosser, B; Mathur, S; Gaulme, P; Garcia, R. A; Boumier, P; Appourchaux, T; Samadi, R; Catala, C; Baudin, F; Baglin, A; Auvergne, M; Roxburgh, I. W; Pérez Hernández, F (EDP Science, 2010-06-11)
    Context. The star HD 49385 is the first G-type solar-like pulsator observed in the seismology field of the space telescope CoRoT. The satellite collected 137 days of high-precision photometric data on this star, confirming ...
  • Borah, K; Rai, S. S; Prakasam, K. S; Gupta, S; Priestley, K; Gaur, V. K (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014-05)
    We use cross-correlation of continuous 18 months (2009 February to 2010 August) ambient noise data recorded over 35 broad-band seismographs in the Archean Dharwar Craton and the adjoining granulite terrain to generate ...
  • Shibahashi, H; Hiremath, K. M; Takata, M (International Astronomical Union, 1998)
    We deduce the density, pressure, and temperature profiles in the solar convective envelope by solving the basic equations for mass conservation and the hydrostatic equilibrium with the imposition of the helioseismologically ...
  • Dziembowski, W. A (Astronomical Society of India, 1996)
    Only a small fraction of the solar p-modes have frequencies with any measurable sensitivity to the core structure. Nevertheless an accurate seismic sounding with such modes alone is possible. This requires a high-precision ...
  • Gaur, V. K; Sujata Varadarajan (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2010-11)
    This section features conversations with personalities related to science, highlighting the factors and circumstances that guided them in making the career choice to be a scientist
  • Rai, A; Gaur, V. K; Rai, S. S; Priestley, K (Blackwell Publishing, 2009-02)
    We present the results of a study designed to investigate and compare the seismic characteristics of the once contiguous terranes of eastern Gondwanaland, now incorporated in five separated continental masses, which, during ...
  • Shibahashi, H; Hiremath, K. M; Takata, M (Elsevier, 1999)
    We determine the solar internal structure by solving the basic stellar structure equations with the imposition of the sound speed, which is inferred from helioseismology. As for the radiative core, all the four structure ...
  • Basu, S (Astronomical Society of India, 2000)
    The "Seismic Sun" is a model of the Sun constructed using helioseismological deductions about the Sun. The seismic Sun is very similar to a standard solar model which incorporates gravitational settling of helium and heavy ...
  • Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Satya Narayanan, A (Anita Publications, 2004)
    We present metric radio observation of a transient. quasi-periodic type IV burst emission from the solar corona following the hard X-ray/H¦Á flare of November 23, 2000. The radio event lasted for about 121s, and the ...
  • Hiremath, K. M (Springer, 2013-08)
    Recent overwhelming evidences show that the sun strongly influences the Earth’s climate and environment. Moreover existence of life on this Earth mainly depends upon the sun’s energy. Hence, understanding of physics of the ...
  • Parthasarathy, M (American Astronomical Society, 2024-03)
    From the Gaia DR3 data twenty three bright hypervelocity stars that have Tycho catalogue numbers are presented. All these stars are of high galactic latitude and some may be galactic halo stars. All of them have accurate ...

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