Kumar, Brijesh; Omar, A; Maheswar, G; Pandey, A. K; Sagar, R; Uddin, W; Sanwal, B. B; Bangia, T; Kumar, T. S; Yadav, S; Sahu, S; Pant, J; Reddy, B. K; Gupta, A. C; Chand, H; Pandey, J. C; Joshi, M. K; Jaiswar, M; Nanjappa, N; Purushottam; Yadav, R. K. S; Sharma, S; Pandey, S. B; Joshi, S; Joshi, Y. C; Lata, S; Mehdi, B. J; Misra, K; Singh, M
(Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, 2018-04)
We present an update on the 3.6-m aperture optical telescope, which has been installed at Devasthal
in the year 2016. In this paper, a brief overview of installation activities at site and first results are presented.
The ...