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  • Kameswara Rao, N; Vagiswari, A; Thakur, P; Birdie, C (Centre for Astronomy, 2009-11)
    C. Ragoonatha Charry, the First Assistant at Madras Observatory from 1864 to 1880, was not only a noted Indian observational astronomer but also someone who emphasized the need for incorporating modern observationally-based ...
  • Athiray, P. S; Narendranath, S; Sreekumar, P; Grande, M (Elsevier B.V, 2014-12)
    We describe the first unambiguous evidence of enhanced sodium on the lunar surface revealed by the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS). The C1XS onboard the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft was designed to map the surface ...
  • Sivaraman, K. R (Springer, 1984-09)
    We have made number counts of the bright points that populate the interior of the Ca II network in the solar chromosphere for four solar cycles. We find that the number of these fine structures during the solar maximum ...
  • Sivaraman, K. R (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 1986)
    The role of the Ca II K line as a reliable diagnostic of the chromospheric activity on the Sun is reviewed. The chromospheric structures seen in this line serve as good indicators of the photospheric magnetic structures ...
  • Sivaraman, K. R; Gupta, S. S; Kariyappa, R (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996-01)
    While evaluating the chromospheric variability (solar cycle related or any other) using the Ca II K line (λ3933.684 Å) as an indicator, an essential prerequisite is the knowledge of the profile of a truly quiet Sun in the ...
  • Sivaraman, K. R; Livingston, W. C (D. Reidel Publishing Co.,, 1982-10)
    Although the Ca ii K232 network is known to be cospatial with magnetic elements there has been doubt as to the magnetic origin of the fainter K2V points. We demonstrate that weak magnetic elements also lie at the roots of ...
  • Mallik, S. G. V (European Southern Observatory, 1997-08)
    CCD spectra of the infrared triplet lines of ionized calcium at 8498, 8542, 8662 have been obtained at a spectral resolution of 0.4 Å in 146 stars brighter than V = +7.0 spanning a range in spectral types from F7 to M4 of ...
  • Mallik, S. G. V (European Southern Observatory, 1994-02)
    Observations of the infrared triplet lines of ionized calcium are presented for 91 stars brighter than m_v_=+7.0 in the spectral range F8-M4 of all luminosity classes and over a range of metallicities [Fe/H] from -0.65 to ...
  • Kuriyan, P. P (Government Observatory, Madras, 1967-12)
  • Singh, J (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)
  • Singh, J (Elsevier, 2002-05)
    We have monitored the Calcium K-line profiles on daily basis at all the latitudes while integrating the spectrum over the visible longitudes of the Sun by moving a 340 mm solar image at a uniform speed in the E-W direction. ...
  • Nayak, M. K; Chaudhuri, R. K (The American Physical Society, 2008-07)
    The P,T -odd interaction constant, WS , for the ground state of YbF and BaF molecules are calculated using the second-order many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) via Z -vector technique. The interaction constant WS reported ...
  • Shantikumar, N. S; Bagare, S. P; Rajendra, B. S; Campanelli, M; Khatri, P; Dorjey, N (Elsevier B.V, 2014-06-15)
    The present work was carried out to check the performance of a Prede Sky radiometer and the stability of the solar calibration constant (F0s) at two high altitude pristine stations, Hanle and Merak in Ladakh region during ...
  • Venkata Suresh, Narra; Sasikumar Raja, K; Prasad, B. R; Singh, J; Mishra, Shalabh; Sanal Krishnan, V. U; Bhavana Hegde, S; Utkarsha, D.; Natarajan, V; Pawan Kumar, S; Muthu Priyal, V; Savarimuthu, P; Priya, Gavshinde; Kamath, P. U (Springer Nature, 2024-10)
    The magnetic field strength and its topology play an important role in understanding the formation, evolution, and dynamics of the solar corona. Also, it plays a significant role in addressing long-standing mysteries such ...
  • Venkata Suresh, Narra; Hegde, Bhavana; Dasamantarao, Utkarsha; Somasundaram, P. K; Kamath, P. U; Prasad, B. R (World Scientific Publishing Company, 2023-12)
    Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) is the prime payload on board Aditya-L1 mission. One of the unique capabilities of VELC is the coronal magnetic field measurements from space. To achieve this, VELC performs dual ...
  • Leahy, Denis; Postma, J; Hutchings, J. B; Tandon, S. N (Cambridge University Press, 2018-08)
    The UVIT ultraviolet and visual band detectors and electronics for the ASTROSAT observatory were calibrated in the vacuum laboratory at the University of Calgary. This work was supported by the Canadian Space Agengy and ...
  • Mishra, Shalabh; Sasikumar Raja, K; Sanal Krishnan, V. U; Venkata Suresh, Narra; Hegde, Bhavana; Utkarsha, D; Priyal, M; Pawan, Kumar; Natarajan, V; Prasad, B. R; Singh, J; Kamath, P. U; Kathiravan, S; Vishnu, T; Suresha; Savarimuthu, P; Desai, Jalshri H; Kumaran, Rajiv; Sagar, Shiv; Kumar, Sumit; Bamrah, Inderjeet Singh; Amit Kumar (Springer Nature, 2024-04)
    Aditya-L1 is the first Indian space mission to explore the Sun and solar atmosphere with seven multi-wavelength payloads, with Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) being the prime payload. It is an internally occulted ...
  • Sivaraman, K. R; Bagare, S. P; Gupta, S. S; Kariyappa, R (Springer, 1987-07)
    The intimate association between the surface magnetic fields and the Ca II K-line emission known to exist on the Sun, holds a promise for using this property to detect the presence of global magnetic fields on Sun-like ...
  • Kataria, Sandeep Kumar; Mousumi Das (Cambridge University Press, 2019-06)
    One of the major and widely known small scale problem with the Lambda CDM model of cosmology is the “core-cusp” problem. In this study we investigate whether this problem can be resolved using bar instabilities. We see ...

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