Scott, W. F; Jian, G; Rory, B; Thomas, G. T; Justin, R. C; Nathan, D. L; Massimiliano, E; Bruno, F; Leticia, F; Bruce, G; Scott, G. B; Luan, G; Jonay, I. G. H; Leslie, H; Peng, J; Brian, L; Ben, N; Gustavo, F. P. M; Benjamin, J. S; Keivan, S; Todd, A. T; Benjamin, M. T; John, P. W; Michael, W. V. W; Eric, A; Carlos, A. P; Dmitry, B; Howard, B; Phillip, A. C; Louis, C; Korena, S. C; Luis, N. C; Melanie, L. G; Nelson, H; Stephen, R. K; Gary, R. L; Jian, L; Bo, M; Suvrath, M; Marcio, A. G. M; Elena, M; Viktor, M; Demitri, M; Duy Cuong, N; Daniel, O; Martin, P; Kaike, P; Joshua, P; Rafael, R; Eric, J. R; Basilio, X. S; Donald, P. S; Alaina, S; Audrey, S; Sivarani, T; Stephanie, S; Chelsea, L. M. V; Xiaoke, W; Ji, W; Benjamin, A. W; Gwendolyn, M. W; Bo, Z
(IOP Publishing, 2012-09)
We report the discovery via radial velocity (RV) measurements of a short-period (P = 2.430420±0.000006 days) companion to the F-type main-sequence star TYC 2930-00872-1. A long-term trend in the RV data also suggests the ...