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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 361
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1913-03Elementary classesTomkins, H. G
1913-03The wandering poleHart, Henry
1913-03Extracts from publicationsLetton, C. T., ed.
1912-03Officers and councilMeikle, J. J., ed.
1913-06Officers and council: for the session 1912-13Letton, C. T., ed.
1913-03The movements of the planets in 1913Hart, Henry
1913-03Report of the meeting of the society held on Tuesday, 25th February 1913Letton, C. T., ed.
1913-02Officers and council: for the session 1912-13Letton, C. T., ed.
1913-02Notices of the societyLetton, C. T., ed.
1913-06Notices of the societyLetton, C. T., ed.
1913-03The construction of a cheap telescopeTomkins, H. G
1913-06Notes and queriesLetton, C. T., ed.
1913-06Memoranda for observersLetton, C. T., ed.
1918Astronomical notesChakraburtty, K. N
1913-02Report of meeting of the society held on Tuesday, the 28th January 1913Letton, C. T., ed.
1913-01Notices of the societyLetton, C. T., ed.
1913-01Officers and council: for the session 1912-13Letton, C. T., ed.
1913-06Notes on a study of the MoonUrquhart, A. M
1913-06Notes on JupiterMitchell, J
1913-01Memoranda for observersLetton, C. T., ed.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 361