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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 361
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1916The Shifting of position of the Earth's polesRidsdale, A. C
1916What can be the real nature of gravitational forceRidsdale, A. C
1916Note on comet (b) 1916Lee, W. A
1915The Centre of the visible Universe: is there a central Sun?Lee, W. A
1920Meetings of the societyDemetrius, L., ed.
1920Notices of the societyBose, P. C
1914-05Notices of the societyLetton, C. T
1914-05Memoranda for observersLetton, C. T
1914-04Memoranda for observersLetton, C. T
1920On electron-chemistry and its application to problems of radiation and astrophysicsSaha, Megnad
1914-04Notices of the societyLetton, C. T., ed.
1914-05A note on Mira CetiFeline, M. C
1914-05A paper on JupiterMitchell, J
1914-04Extracts from publicationsLetton, C. T
1920Notices of the societyBose, P. C
1914-04Saturn in a small telescopeRaman, C. V
1914-04Report of the meeting of the society held on Tuesday, 31st March 1914Letton, C. T
1914Observation of the Transit of Mercury, 7th November 1914Pocock, R. J
1914-03Officers and council: for the session 1913-14Letton, C. T
1914-01Officers and council: for the session 1913-14Letton, C. T., ed.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 361