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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 361
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1918Another illustration of Einstein's theoryDeighton, Thos.
1918Appreciation of the late Mr. R. J. Pocock, B. A., B.Sc., F.R.A.S.Evershed, J
1917Note on a photographic method of observing variable stars for amaturesTomkins, H. G
1915Report of the Meetings of the Society held on Tuesday, 26th January 1915, Tuesday, 23rd February 1915, and Tuesday, 30th March 1915.Letton, C. T; Lee, W. A., eds.
1911-03Report of the meeting of the society held on Tuesday, the 28th February 1911Tomkins, H. G; Mukherji, P. N
1911-05Report of meeting of the society held on Tuesday, the 25th April 1911Tomkins, H. G
1918Monthly notices of the Astronomical society of India: for the month of July 1920Weston, A. T., ed.
1919Monthly notices of the Astronomical society of India: for the month of April 1920Demetrius, L., ed.
1911-07Solar ProminencesHarrison, E. P
1915Note on the total eclipse of the Sun of August 1914Slater, R. C
1914-01Memoranda for observersLetton, C. T., ed.
1919Library noticeMoreno, H. W. B
1914-02Extracts from publicationsLetton, C. T., ed.
1914-03CorrespondenceLetton, C. T., ed.
1914-03Extracts from publicationsLetton, C. T., ed.
1920Monthly notices for May 1920Demetrius, L., ed.
1914Memoranda for ObserversLetton, C. T; Lee, W. A., eds.
1914-04Some mathematical calculations of the dimensions, weight, etc., of Earth, Moon and SunRidsdale, A. C
1914-04Officers and council: for the season 1913-14Letton, C. T., ed.
1914-05Report of the meetingLetton, C. T., ed.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 361