Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins (1905 - 1997 ) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 290
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986High Resolution Observations of Solar Radio and X-Ray Bursts and their ImterpretationDegaonkar, S. S
19863He Rich Solar FlaresRamadurai, S
1986Our Present Understanding of Solar FlaresDwivedi, B. N
1986Measurement of Solar Magnetic FieldsBhattacharyya, J. C; Balasubramaniam, K. S
1986Solar Optical Observations from Kodaikanal and from EclipsesSingh, J
1986Ca II K Emission from the Solar ChromosphereSivaraman, K. R
1986Optical Aspects of Solar ActivityBhatnagar, A
1997Stone Inscriptions on Eclipses in KarnatakaShylaja, B. S; Murthy, Chidananda. M
1997Effects of Solar Eclipse on Zooplanktomic Diel Periodicity and Primary Productivity in fresh water pondsMukhopadhyay, S. K; Biswas, S; Chatterjee, A
1997Solar Eclipse and its effect on EpilepsySheji, P
1997High Energy Photons detection using Scintillation Counter during Total Solar Eclipse of October 24, 1995Jaaffrey, S. N. A; Jain, Rajmal; Pandya, Alok; Bharti, Lokesh
1997Microwave Propagation and Troposphere: Eclipse Time ObservationMishra, U; Sen, S; Sharma, S; Barbara, A. K; Devi, M
1997Field Strength Measurements A-3 Method (Oblique Incidence) at Ahmedabad during Total Solar Eclipse October 1995Lele, P. D; Jani, K. G; Patel, A. P
1997Multifrequency Vertical Incidence (A-1 Method) Absorption Measurements at Ahmedabad during Total Solar Eclipse October 1995Lele, P. D; Jani, K. G; Patel, A. P
1997Anomalous Behaviour of 22.3 kHz NWC Signal during Total Solar Eclipse of October 24, 1995De, B. K; Sarkar, S. K
1997Preliminary Results of Ionosonde Measurements at Waltair (17.7 degree N) during the Total Solar Eclipse of October 24, 1995Rama Rao, P. V. S; Prasad, DSVVD; Sri Ram, P; Jayachandran, P. T
1997Effect of the Solar Eclipse of October 24, 1995 on the Ionospheric F-region over KodaikanalKarunakaran, D
1997Measurement of Water Vapour over Delhi during the Solar Eclipse - 1995Bose, S; Lal, M; Ghosh, A. B
1997Solar Ultraviolet Flux Variation in the Biological Band during the Total Solar Eclipse of October 24, 1995Niranjan, K; Thulasiraman, S; Reddy, Y. S
1997Measured Higher IR Irradiance on Solar Eclipse dayLal, M; Bose, S; Ghosh, A. B
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 290