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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 761 to 780 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-10-15Atmospheric opacity using 220 GHz (1.36 mm) radiometer data and water vapor trends over Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), HanleShantikumar, N. S; Sethulakshmy, E. S; Jade, S; Shrungeshwara, T. S; Vivek, C. G; Angchuk, D; Prabhu, T. P; Mahay, T. T
2020-12Scatter due to Ultraviolet (UV) photopolymerization of molecular contamination on optical surfacesVenkata Suresh, Narra; Prasad, B. R; Somasundaram, P. K; Sriraman, K; Venkatasubramanian, N; Padavu, U. K; Mani, V. T; Basavaraja, S; Naik, R
2020-10-10Long-term Evolution of the Sun's Magnetic Field during Cycles 15-19 Based on Their Proxies from Kodaikanal Solar ObservatoryMordvinov, A. V; Binay Karak, B; Banerjee, D; Chatterjee, S; Golubeva, E. M; Khlystova, A. I
2020-10-01The Completed SDSS-IV Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations with Lyα Forestsdu Mas des Bourboux, H; Rich, J; Font-Ribera, A; de Sainte Agathe, V; Farr, J; Etourneau, T; Le Goff, J.-M; Cuceu, Andrei; Balland, C; Bautista, J. E; Blomqvist, M; Brinkmann, J; Brownstein, J. R; Chabanier, S; Chaussidon, E; Dawson, K; Gonzalez-Morales, A. X; Guy, J; Lyke, B. W; de la Macorra, A; Mueller, E.-M; Myers, A. D; Nitschelm, C; Gutierrez, A. M; Palanque-Delabrouille, N; Parker, J; Percival, W. J; Perez-Rafols, I; Petitjean, P; Pieri, M. M; Ravoux, R; Rossi, R; Schneider, D. P; Seo, H.-J; Slosar, A; Stermer, J; Vivek, M; Yeche, C; Youles, S
2020-11-10A Geometric Origin for Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Black Hole X-Ray BinariesPrerna Rana; Mangalam, A
2020-11-01The First Gamma-Ray Emitting BL Lacertae Object at the Cosmic DawnPaliya, V. S; Dominguez, A; Cabello, C; Cardiel, N; Gallego, J; Siana, B; Ajello, M; Hartmann, D; de Paz, A. G; Stalin, C. S
2020-11A Statistical Study of Low-Frequency Solar Radio Type III BurstsMahender, A; Sasikumar Raja, K; Ramesh, R; Panditi, V; Monstein, C; Yellaiah, G
2020-12Recurrent novae: Single degenerate progenitors of Type Ia supernovaeAnupama, G. C; Pavana, M
2020-05A high-resolution spectroscopic study of two new Na- and Al-rich field giants–likely globular cluster escapees in the galactic haloBandyopadhyay, A; Sivarani, T; Beers, T. C; Susmitha Rani, A
2020-05Abundance analyses of Li-enriched and normal giants in the GALAH surveyDeepak; Lambert, D. L; Reddy, B. E
2020-05Analysis of absorption lines in the high-resolution spectra of five hot post-AGB candidatesHerrero, A; Parthasarathy, M; Simon-Diaz, S; Hubrig, S; Sarkar, G; Muneer, S
2018-06Ultra violet space instrumentation and studies of astronomical objectsMathew, Joice
2020-08-10Abundance analysis of new r-process-enhanced stars from the HESP–GOMPA surveyBandyopadhyay, A; Sivarani, T; Beers, C. T
2020-08-10Connecting 3D Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections to Their Source RegionsMajumdar, S; Pant, V; Ritesh Patel; Banerjee, D
2020-08Testing a theoretical prediction for bar formation in galaxies with bulgesKataria, Sandeep Kumar; Das, Mousumi; Barway, Sudhanshu
2019-08-14A simplified account of the correlation effects to bond breaking processes: the Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory using a multireference formulationManna, S.; Ray, S. S; Chattopadhyay, S; Chaudhuri, R. K
2019-08Fock-space multireference coupled cluster calculations of Auger energies of noble gas elements using relativistic spinorsChaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S
2018-04Equation of motion approach for describing allowed transitions in Ne and Al3+ under classical and quantum plasmasChaudhuri, S. K; Mukherjee, P. K; Chaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S
2018-04Consequences of high effective prandtl number on solar differential rotation and convective velocityKarak, B. B; Miesch, Mark; Bekki, Y
2018-05Evolution of the M•-σ relationBhattacharyya, D; Mangalam, A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 761 to 780 of 5279