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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 5278
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-12An automated pipeline for Ultra-Violet Imaging TelescopeGhosh, S. K; Tandon, S. N; Singh, S. K; Shelat, D. S; Tahlani, P; Singh, A. K; Srinivasan, T. P; Joseph, P; Devaraj, A; George, K; Mohan, R; Postma, J; Stalin, C. S
2022-12Gaia DR2 and EDR3 data and evolutionary status of post-AGB stars with high radial velocitiesAoki, Wako; Matsuno, Tadafumi; Parthasarathy, M
2022-12A multiwavelength study of the flat-spectrum radio quasar NVSS J141922−083830 covering four flaring episodesBuckley, D. A. H; Britto, R. J; Chandra, S; Krushinsky, V; Bottcher, M; Razzaque, S; Lipunov, V; Stalin, C. S; Gorbovskoy, E; Tiurina, N; Vlasenko, D; Kniazev, A
2022-12SWIFT J0503.7-2819: a nearly synchronous intermediate polar below the period gap?Rawat, Nikita; Pandey, J. C; Joshi, Arti; Scaringi, Simone; Yadava, Umesh
2022-11-01A Comprehensive Study of Five Intermediate-age Pismis (2, 3, 7, 12, 15) Clusters Using Photometric and Astrometric Data from Gaia EDR3Bisht, D; Zhu, Qingfeng; Elsanhoury, W. H; Yadav, R. K. S; Rangwal, Geeta; Sariya, Devesh P; Durgapal, Alok; Jiang, Ing-Guey
2022-11-01Evolution of the Hub-filament Structures in IC 5146 in the Context of the Energy Balance of Gravity, Turbulence, and Magnetic FieldChung, Eun Jung; Lee, Chang Won; Kwon, Woojin; Yoo, Hyunju; Archana Soam; Cho, Jungyeon
2022-11-10Globular Cluster UVIT Legacy Survey (GlobULeS). III. Omega Centauri in Far-ultravioletDeepthi, S. Prabhu; Subramaniam, A; Sahu, Snehalata; Chung, Chul; Leigh, Nathan W. C; Dalessandro, Emanuele; Chatterjee, Sourav; Kameswara Rao, N; Shara, Michael; Cote, Patrick; Choudhury, Samyaday; Pandey, G; Valcarce, Aldo A. R; Singh, G; Postma, Joesph E; Sharmila Rani; Bandyopadhyay, Avrajit; Geller, Aaron M; Hutchings, John; Puzia, Thomas; Simunovic, Mirko; Sohn, Young-Jong; Sivarani, T; Yadav, Ramakant Singh
2022-11REST: A Java Package for Crafting Realistic Cosmic Dust ParticlesHalder, Prithish
2022-11-01Revisiting the Transit Timing Variations in the TrES-3 and Qatar-1 Systems with TESS DataMannaday, Vineet Kumar; Thakur, Parijat; Southworth, John; Jiang, Ing-Guey; Sahu, D. K; Mancini, L; Vanko, M; Kundra, Emil; Gajdos, Pavol; A-thano, Napaporn; Sariya, Devesh P; Yeh, Li-Chin; Griv, Evgeny; Mkrtichian, David; Shlyapnikov, Aleksey
2022-11-20The Active Chromospheres of Lithium-rich Red Giant Stars*Sneden, Christopher; Afsar, Melike; Bozkurt, Zeynep; Adamow, Monika; Mallick, Anohita; Reddy, B. E; Janowiecki, Steven; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Bowler, Brendan P; Hawkins, Keith; Lind, Karin; Dupree, Andrea K; Ninan, Joe P; Nagarajan, Neel; Topcu, Gamze Bocek; Froning, Cynthia S; Bender, Chad F; Terrien, Ryan; Ramsey, Lawrence W; Mace, Gregory N
2022-11-01Carbon Abundance of Stars in the LAMOST-Kepler FieldAthira Unni; Narang, Mayank; Sivarani, T; Puravankara, Manoj; Banyal, R. K; Surya, Arun; Rajaguru, S. P; Swastik, C
2022-11Active galactic nucleus feedback in NGC 3982Joseph, P; George, K; Paul, K. T
2022-11Horizons: nuclear astrophysics in the 2020s and beyondSchatz, H; Becerril Reyes, A. D; Best, A; Brown, E. F; Chatziioannou, K; Chipps, K. A; Deibel, C. M; Ezzeddine, R; Galloway, D. K; Hansen, C. J; Herwig, F; Gibson, B. K; Gorda, T; Gourgouliatos, K. N; Graber, V; Gupta, M; Haxton, W. C; Heger, A; Nevins, B; Hix, W. R; Ho, W. C. G; Rebeiro, B. M; Holmbeck, E. M; Hood, A. A; Huth, S; Imbriani, G; Izzard, R. G; Jain, R; Jayatissa, H; Johnston, Z; Newton, W. G; Kajino, T; Reifarth, R; Kankainen, A; Kiss, G. G; Kwiatkowski, A; La Cognata, M; Laird, A. M; Lamia, L; Landry, P; Laplace, E; Launey, K. D; Nguyen, L. Q; Richard, A. L; Leahy, D; Leckenby, G; Lennarz, A; Longfellow, B; Lovell, A. E; Lynch, W. G; Lyons, S. M; Maeda, K; Masha, E; Matei, C; Rijal, N; Nishikawa, K; Merc, J; Messer, B; Montes, F; Mukherjee, A; Nishimura, N; Nunes, F. M; O'Connor, E; O'Shea, B. W; Ji, A. P; Roederer, I. U; Ong, W. J; Pain, S. D; Pajkos, M. A; Pignatari, M; Pizzone, R. G; Placco, V. M; Plewa, T; Pritychenko, B; Psaltis, A; Puentes, D; Rojo, J. S; Lugaro, M; Qian, Y-Z; Radice, D; Rapagnani, D; J. S. K; Meisel, Z; Saito, Y; Schwenk, A; Cote, B; Sergi, M. L; Sidhu, R. S; Simon, A; Sivarani, T; Skuladottir, A; Smith, M. S; Spiridon, A; Sprouse, T. M; Norman, D; Starrfield, S; Caplan, M. E; Steiner, A. W; Strieder, F; Sultana, I; Surman, R; Szucs, T; Tawfik, A; Thielemann, F; Trache, L; Trappitsch, R; Read, J. S; Champagne, A. E; Tsang, M. B; Tumino, A; Upadhyayula, S; Valle Martínez, J. O; Van der Swaelmen, M; Viscasillas Vazquez, C; Watts, A; Wehmeyer, B; Wiescher, M; Wrede, C; Clark, J. A; Roberts, L. F; Yoon, J; Zegers, R. G. T; Zermane, M. A; Zingale, M; Spyrou, A; Timmes, F. X; Travaglio, C; Vassh, V; Abia, C; Couder, M; Adsley, P; Agarwal, S; Aliotta, M; Aoki, W; Arcones, A; Aryan, A; Bandyopadhyay, A; Banu, A; Bardayan, D. W; Barnes, J; Couture, A; Bauswein, A; Beers, T. C; Bishop, J; Boztepe, T; de Mink, S. E; Debnath, S; deBoer, R. J; den Hartogh, J; Mumpower, M. R; Denissenkov, P; Dexheimer, V; Dillmann, I; Escher, J. E; Famiano, M. A; Farmer, R; Fisher, R; Frohlich, C; Frebel, A; Fryer, C; Neto, D; Fuller, G; Ganguly, A. K; Ghosh, S
2022-11GROWTH on S190426c II: GROWTH-India Telescope search for an optical counterpart with a custom image reduction and candidate vetting pipelineKumar, Harsh; Bhalerao, Varun; Anupama, G. C; Barway, Sudhanshu; Coughlin, Michael W; De, Kishalay; Deshmukh, Kunal; Dutta, Anirban; Goldstein, Daniel A; Jassani, Adeem; Joharle, Simran; Karambelker, Viraj; Khandagale, Maitreya; Kumar, B; Saraogi, Divita; Sharma, Yashvi; Shenoy, Vedant; Singer, Leo; Singh, A; Waratkar, Gaurav
2022-11The PHEMU21 catalogue and astrometric results of the observations of the mutual occultations and eclipses of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made in 2021Emelyanov, N; Arlot, J-E; Anbazhagan, P; Andre, P; Bardecker, J; Canaud, G; Coliac, J. F; De Elias Cantalapiedra, J; Ellington, C. K; Fernandez, J. M; Forbes, M; Gazeas, K; Gault, D; George, T; Gourdon, F; Herald, D; Huber, D; Iglesias-Marzoa, R; Izquierdo, J; Jorba Lloveras, R; Kerr, S; Lasala, A; Le Guen, P; Leroy, A; Lutz, M; Maley, P; Mannchen, T; Mari, J. M; Maury, A; Newman, J; Palafouta, S; Prieto Gallego, J; Roger, P; Roschli, D; Selvakumar, G; Serra, V; Stuart, P; Turchenko, M; Vasundhara, R; Velasco, E
2022-11RAD@home citizen science discovery of an active galactic nucleus spewing a large unipolar radio bubble on to its merging companion galaxyHota, Ananda; Dabhade, Pratik; Vaddi, Sravani; Konar, Chiranjib; Pal, Sabyasachi; Gulati, Mamta; Stalin, C. S; Avinash, Ck; Kumar, Avinash; Rajoria, Megha; Purohit, Arundhati
2022-11Core orientations and magnetic fields in isolated molecular cloudsSharma, Ekta; Maheswar, G; Archana Soam; Lee, Chang Won; Seshadri, T. R
2022-11UOCS –VIII. UV study of the open cluster NGC 2506 using ASTROSATPanthi, Anju; Vaidya, Kaushar; Jadhav, Vikrant V; Khushboo Rao, K; Subramaniam, A; Agarwal, Manan; Pandey, Sindhu
2022-10-20Can the Violent Merger of White Dwarfs Explain the Slowest Declining Type Ia Supernova SN 2011aa?Dutta, Anirban; Anupama, G. C; Chakradhari, Nand Kumar; Sahu, D. K
2022-10-20The Propagation of Coherent Waves Across Multiple Solar Magnetic PoresGrant, S. D. T; Jess, D. B; Stangalini, M; Jafarzadeh, S; Fedun, V; Verth, G; Keys, P. H; Rajaguru, S. P; Uitenbroek, H; MacBride, C. D; Bate, W; Gilchrist-Millar, C. A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 5278