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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2441 to 2460 of 5284
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-09A radio continuum and H I study of optically selected blue compact dwarf galaxies: Mrk 1039 and Mrk 0104Ramya, S; Kantharia, N. G; Prabhu, T. P
2010-04The asteroseismic potential of Kepler: first results for solar-type starsChaplin, W. J; Appourchaux, T; Elsworth, Y; Garcia, R. A; Houdek, G; Karoff, C; Metcalfe, T. S; Molenda-Zakowicz, J; Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G; Thompson, M. J; Brown, T. M; Kiss, L. L; Kitiashvili, I. N; Kolenberg, K; Korhonen, H; Kosovichev, A. G; Kupka, F; Lebreton, Y; Leroy, B; Ludwig, H. G; Mathis, S; Michel, E; Miglio, A; Montalban, J; Moya, A; Noels, A; Noyes, R. W; Palle, P. L; Piau, L; Preston, H. L; Roca Cortes, T; Roth, M; Sato, K. H; Schmitt, J; Serenelli, A. M; Silva Aguirre, V; Stevens, I. R; Suarez, J. C; Suran, M. D; Trampedach, R; Turck-Chieze, S; Uytterhoeven, K; Ventura, R; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J; Gilliland, R. L; Kjeldsen, H; Borucki, W. J; Koch, D; Jenkins, J. M; Ballot, J; Basu, S; Bazot, M; Bedding, T. R; Benomar, O; Bonanno, A; Brandao, I. M; Bruntt, H; Campante, T. L; Creevey, O. L; Di Mauro, M. P; Dogan, G; Dreizler, S; Eggenberger, P; Esch, L; Fletcher, S. T; Frandsen, S; Gai, N; Gaulme, P; Handberg, R; Hekker, S; Howe, R; Huber, D; Korzennik, S. G; Lebrun, J. C; Leccia, S; Martic, M; Mathur, S; Mosser, B; New, R; Quirion, P. O; Regulo, C; Roxburgh, I. W; Salabert, D; Schou, J; Sousa, S. G; Stello, D; Verner, G. A; Arentoft, T; Barban, C; Belkacem, K; Benatti, S; Biazzo, K; Boumier, P; Bradley, P. A; Broomhall, A. M; Buzasi, D. L; Claudi, R. U; Cunha, M. S; D'Antona, F; Deheuvels, S; Derekas, A; Garcia Hernandez, A; Giampapa, M. S; Goupil, M. J; Gruberbauer, M; Guzik, J. A; Hale, S. J; Ireland, M. J
2009-09Low frequency radio emission from seyfert galaxiesSingh, V; Shastri, P; Athreya, R
2010-01Induced supersolidity in a mixture of normal and hard-core bosonsMishra, T; Pai, R. V; Das, B. P
2010-01Molecular applications of analytical gradient approach for the improved virtual orbital-complete active space configuration interaction methodChaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S; Mahapatra, U. S; Freed, K. F
2001-08Seyfert Galaxies on milliarcsecond scalesLal, D. V; Shastri, P; Gabuzda, D. C
2009Commission 45: Spectral classificationGiridhar, S; Gray, R. O; Corbally, C. J; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L; Eyer, L; Irwin, M. J; Davy Kirkpatrick, J; Majewski, S; Minniti, D; Nordstrom, B
2010-04Detection of solar-like oscillations from Kepler photometry of the open cluster NGC 6819Stello, D; Basu, S; Bruntt, H; Mosser, B; Stevens, I. R; Brown, T. M; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J; Gilliland, R. L; Kjeldsen, H; Arentoft, T; Ballot, J; Barban, C; Bedding, T. R; Chaplin, W. J; Elsworth, Y. P; Garcia, R. A; Goupil, M. J; Hekker, S; Huber, D; Mathur, S; Meibom, S; Samadi, R; Sangaralingam, V; Baldner, C. S; Belkacem, K; Biazzo, K; Brogaard, K; Suarez, J. C; D'Antona, F; Demarque, P; Esch, L; Gai, N; Grundah, F; Lebreton, Y; Jiang, B; Jevtic, N; Karoff, C; Miglio, A; Molenda-Zakowicz, J; Montalban, J; Noels, A; Roca Cortes, T; Roxburgh, I. W; Serenelli, A. M; Silva, V; Christiaan Sterken, A; Stine, P; Szabo, R; Weiss, A; Borucki, W. J; Koch, D; Jenkins, J. M
2010-02Determining global parameters of the oscillations of solar-like starsMathur, S; Garcia, R. A; Regulo, C; Creevey, P. L; Ballot, J; Salabert, D; Arentoft, T; Quirion, P. O; Chaplin, W. J; Kjeldsen, H
2010-04Solar-like oscillations in low-luminosity red giants: first results from KeplerBedding, T. R; Huber, D; Stello, D; Elsworth, Y. P; Hekker, S; Kallinger, T; Mathur, S; Mosser, B; Preston, H. L; Ballot, J; Barban, C; Broomhall, A. M; Buzasi, D. L; Chaplin, W. J; Garcia, R. A; Gruberbauer, M; Hale, S. J; De Ridder, J; Frandsen, S; Borucki, W. J; Brown, T; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J; Gilliland, R. L; Jenkins, J. M; Kjeldsen, H; Koch, D; Belkacem, K; Bildsten, L; Bruntt, H; Campante, T. L; Deheuvels, S; Derekas, A; Dupret, M. A; Goupil, M. J; Hatzes, A; Houdek, G; Ireland, M. J; Jiang, C; Karoff, C; Kiss, L. L; Lebreton, Y; Miglio, A; Montalban, J; Noels, A; Roxburgh, I. W; Sangaralingam, V; Stevens, I. R; Suran, M. D; Tarrant, N. J; Weiss, A
2005-09Surface compositions of R coronae borealis stars and extreme helium stars - some connectionsKameswara Rao, N
2008Sensors for the high resolution astronomical imagingSaha, S. K
2003Speckle Imaging: a boon for astronomical observationsSaha, S. K
2008Toward a revival of stellar intensity interferometryLeBohec, S; Barbieri, C; Willem-Jan, de W; Dravins, D; Feautrier, P; Foellmi, C dric; Glindemann, A; Hall, J; Holder, J; Holmes, R; Kervella, P; Kieda, D; Le Coarer, E; Lipson, S; Malbet, F; More, S. B; Nu ez, P; Ofir, A; Ribak, E; Saha, S. K; Schoeller, M; Zhilyaev, B; Zinnecker, H
2002High resolution imaging by employing passive and active approachesSaha, S. K
2007Aperture synthesis in optical astronomy; the current statusSaha, S. K
2004Micro-fluctuations of fried's parameter (ro)Saha, S. K; Yeswanth, L
2009Detectors for the astronomical applicationsSaha, S. K
2009Design of a mammary gland specific gamma imaging system (MSGIS)Sarbajit, P; Bhattacharjee, T; Saha, S. K
2009FPGA Based ASM implementation for CCD Camera ControllerSrinivasan, R; Anupama, K; Suneeta; Saha, S. K; Rao, A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2441 to 2460 of 5284