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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2121 to 2140 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-05Spectroscopic Observation of Oscillations in the Corona During the Total Solar Eclipse of 22 July 2009Singh, J; Hasan, S. S; Gupta, G. R; Nagaraju, K; Banerjee, D
2011-09TAUVEX: status in 2011Brosch, N; Murthy, J
2011-09-15Quasi 9 and 30–40 days periodicities in the solar differential rotationJavaraiah, J
2011-03Space Weather – Sun Earth RelationsSundararaman, K
2012-04Magnetic Field Structure of MercuryHiremath, K. M
2011-04Geometry Optimization of Radicaloid Systems Using Improved Virtual Orbital-Complete Active Space Configuration Interaction (IVO-CASCI) Analytical Gradient MethodChattopadhyay, S; Chaudhuri, R. K; Freed, K. F
2011-05X-ray and optical properties of broad absorption line quasars in the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy SurveyStalin, C. S; Srianand, R; Petitjean, P
2011-05CCD time-series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6981: variable star census and physical parameter estimatesBramich, D. M; Figuera Jaimes, R; Giridhar, S; Arellano Ferro, A
2011-05Stardust-NExT, Deep Impact, and the accelerating spin of 9P/Tempel 1Belton, M. J. S; Meech, K. J; Chesley, S; PittichovĆ, J; Carcich, B; Drahus, M; Harris, A; Gillam, S; Veverka, J; Mastrodemos, N; Owen, W; A’Hearn, M. F; Bagnulo, S; Bai, J; Barrera, L; Bastien, F; Bauer, J. M; Bedient, J; Bhatt, B. C; Boehnhardt, H; Brosch, N; Buie, M; Candia, P; Chen, W; Chiang, P; Choi, Y; Cochran, A; Crockett, C. J; Duddy, S; Farnham, T; Fernández, Y. R; Gutiérrez, P; Hainaut, O. R; Hampton, D; Herrmann, K. A; Hsieh, H; Kadooka, M. A; Kaluna, H; Keane, J; Kim, M; Klaasen, K; Kleyna, J; Krisciunas, K; Lara, L. M; Lauer, T. R; Li, J; Licandro, J; Lisse, C. M; Lowry, S. C; McFadden, L; Moskovitz, N; Mueller, B; Polishook, D; Raja, N. S; Riesen, T; Sahu, D. K; Samarasinha, N; Sarid, G; Sekiguchi, T; Sonnett, S; Suntzeff, N. B; Taylor, B. W; Thomas, P; Tozzi, G. P; Vasundhara, R; Vincent, J; Wasserman, L. H; Webster-Schultz, B; Yang, B; Zenn, T; Zhao, H
2011-06Long-term variations in the growth and decay rates of sunspot groupsJavaraiah, J
2008Electronic structure reference calculations for designing and interpreting P and T violation experimentsNayak, M. K; Chaudhuri, R. K
2011-03Simultaneous solution of Kompaneets equation and radiative transfer equation in the photon energy range 1–125 keVPeraiah, A; Srinivasa Rao, M; Varghese, B. A
2011-03-22Relativistic general-order coupled-cluster method for high-precision calculations: Application to the Al+ atomic clockKallay, M; Nataraj, H. S; Sahoo, B. K; Das, B. P; Visscher, Lucas
2011-04Prediction of electronic structure of organic radicaloid anions using efficient, economical multireference gradient approachChattopadhyay, Sudip; Chaudhuri, R. K; Freed, Karl F
2011-05A tale of two GRB-SNe at a common redshift of z=0.54Cano, Z; Bersier, D; Guidorzi, C; Margutti, R; Svensson, K. M; Kobayashi, S; Melandri, A; Wiersema, K; Pozanenko, A; van der Horst, A. J; Pooley, G. G; Fernandez-Soto, A; Castro-Tirado, A. J; de Ugarte Postigo, A; Im, M; Kamble, A. P; Sahu, D. K; Alonso-Lorite, J; Anupama, G. C; Bibby, J. L; Burgdorf, M. J; Clay, N; Curran, P. A; Fatkhullin, T. A; Fruchter, A. S; Garnavich, P; Gomboc, A; Gorosabel, J; Graham, J. F; Gurugubelli, U. K; Haislip, J; Huang, K; Huxor, A; Ibrahimov, M; Jeon, Y; Jeon, Y. B; Ivarsen, K; Kasen, D; Klunko, E; Kouveliotou, C; LaCluyze, A; Levan, A. J; Loznikov, V; Mazzali, P. A; Moskvitin, A. S; Mottram, C; Mundell, C. G; Nugent, P. E; Nysewander, M; O’Brien, P. T; Park, W. K; Peris, V; Pian, E; Reichart, D; Rhoads, J. E; Rol, E; Rumyantsev, V; Scowcroft, V; Shakhovskoy, D; Small, E; Smith, R. J; Sokolov, V. V; Starling, R. L. C; Steele, I; Strom, R. G; Tanvir, N. R; Tsapras, Y; Urata, Y; Vaduvescu, O; Volnova, A; Volvach, A; Wijers, R. A. M. J; Woosley, S. E; Young, D. R
2011-06Optical studies of SN 2009jf: a Type Ib supernova with an extremely slow decline and aspherical signatureSahu, D. K; Gurugubelli, U. K; Anupama, G. C; Nomoto, K
2011-04The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-IIIAihara, H; Allende Prieto, C; An, D; Anderson, S. F; Aubourg, E; Balbinot, E; Beers, T. C; Berlind, A. A; Bickerton, S. J; Bizyaev, D; Blanton, M. R; Gillespie, B. A; Pan, K; Gilmore, G; González Hernández, J. I; Bochanski, J. J; Gott, J. R; Gould, A; Grebel, E. K; Mullally, F; Gunn, J. E; Phleps, S; Hamilton, J; Harding, P; Carr, M. A; Harris, D. W; Hawley, S. L; Hearty, F. R; Nichol, R. C; Ho, S; Hogg, D. W; Holtzman, J. A; Davenport, J. R. A; Honscheid, K; Muna, D; Inada, N; Pandey, P; Ivans, I. I; Jiang, L; Johnson, J. A; Jordan, C; O'Connell, R. W; Jordan, W. P; Pichon, C; Kazin, E. A; Kirkby, D; Klaene, M. A; Knapp, G. R; Paris, I; Munn, J. A; Kneib, J; Kochanek, C. S; Koesterke, L; Kollmeier, J. A; Pieri, M. M; Ogando, R. L. C; Kron, R. G; Lampeitl, H; Lang, D; Le Goff, J; Bolton, A. S; Lee, Y. S; Lin, Y; Murayama, H; Long, D. C; Chen, Y; Loomis, C. P; Lucatello, S; Olmstead, M. D; Lundgren, B; Lupton, R. H; Ma, Z; Percival, W. J; MacDonald, N; Mahadevan, S; Maia, M. A. G; Prada, F; Makler, M; Myers, A. D; Malanushenko, E; Malanushenko, V; Oravetz, D. J; Mandelbaum, R; Maraston, C; Petitjean, P; Margala, D; Masters, K. L; Price-Whelan, A. M; McBride, C. K; McGehee, P. M; McGreer, I. D; Ménard; Naugle, T; Fausti Neto, A; Padmanabhan, N; Palanque-Delabrouille, N; Pfaffenberger, R; Pforr, J; Raddick, M. J; Bovy, J; Ramos, B. H. F; Esposito, M; Reyle, C; Rich, J; Miralda-Escudé, J; Richards, G. T; Rix, H; Robin, A. C; Chiappini, C; Rocha-Pinto, H. J; Rockosi, C. M; Roe, N. A; Cuong Nguyen, D; Rollinde, E; Brandt, W. N; Ross, A. J; Dawson, K; Ross, N. P; Rossetto, B. M; Sánchez, A. G; Sayres, C; Comparat, J; Schlegel, D. J; Evans, M. L; Schlesinger, K. J; Schmidt, S. J; Schneider, D. P; Sheldon, E; Dhital, S; Brinkmann, J; Shu, Y; Simmerer, J; Simmons, A. E; Sivarani, T; Fan, X; Connolly, N; Snedden, S. A; Sobeck, J. S; Steinmetz, M; Strauss, M. A; Ealet, A; Szalay, A. S; Tanaka, M; Brown, P. J; Thakar, A. R; Morrison, H. L; Thomas, D; Tinker, J. L; Cortes, M; Tofflemire, B. M; Tojeiro, R; Tremonti, C. A; Ebelke, G. L; Vandenberg, J; Vargas Magaña, M; Verde, L; Femenía Castellá, B; Vogt, N. P; Brownstein, J. R; Wake, D. A; Wang, J; Croft, R. A. C; Weaver, B. A; Weinberg, D. H; Edmondson, E. M; White, M; White, S. D. M; Font-Ribera, A; Yanny, B; Yasuda, N; Yeche, C; Zehavi, I; Busca, N. G; Campbell, H; Cuesta, A. J; da Costa, L. N; Eisenstein, D. J; Escoffier, S; Frinchaboy, P. M; Ge, J
2011-05-20Polarized Line Formation with J-state Interference in the Presence of Magnetic Fields. I. Partial Frequency Redistribution in the Collisionless RegimeSmitha, H. N; Sampoorna, M; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O
2011-05Enigmatic aspects of the early universe: possibility of a `pre-big bang phase'!Sivaram, C; Arun, K
2011-04On the interaction of a thin, supersonic shell with a molecular cloudAnathpindika, S; Bhatt, H. C
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 2121 to 2140 of 5279