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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1921 to 1940 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-07Blend lines in the polarized spectrum of the SunSowmya, K; Nagendra, K. N; Sampoorna, M
2012-04Application of relativistic Fock-space coupled-cluster theory to study Li and Li-like ions in plasmaMadhulita, Das; Das, M; Chaudhuri, R. K; Chattopadhyay, S
2012-04Bose-Hubbard model in a strong effective magnetic field: Emergence of a chiral Mott insulator ground stateDhar, A; Maji, M; Mishra, T; Pai, R. V; Mukerjee, S; Paramekanti, A
2012-03Primordial Rotation of the Universe, Hydrodynamics, Vortices and Angular Momenta of Celestial ObjectsSivaram, C; Arun, K
2012-05J-state interference signatures in the second solar spectrum. Modeling the Cr I triplet at 5204-5208Smitha, H. N; Nagendra, K. N; Stenflo, J. O; Bianda, M; Sampoorna, M; Ramelli, R; Anusha, L. S
2012-05-01TW Hya: Spectral Variability, X-Rays, and Accretion DiagnosticsDupree, A. K; Brickhouse, N. S; Cranmer, S. R; Luna, G. J. M; Schneider, E. E; Bessell, M. S; Bonanos, A; Crause, L. A; Lawson, W. A; Mallik, S. V; Schuler, S. C
2012-03Twin Telescope observations of the Sun at Kodaikanal ObservatorySingh, J; Ravindra, B
2010-12Towards new analysis of Gamma-Ray sources at HImalayan Gamma-Ray Observatory (HIGRO) in northern IndiaBritto, R. J; Acharya, B. S; Anupama, G. C; Bhatt, N; Bhattacharjee, P; Bhattacharya, S; Chitnis, V. R; Cowsik, R; Dorji, N; Duhan, S. K; Gothe, K. S; Kamath, P. U; Koul, R; Mahesh, P. K; Mitra, A; Nagesh, B. K; Parmar, N. K; Prabhu, T. P; Rannot, R. C; Rao, S. K; Saha, L; Saleem, F; Saxena, A. K; Sharma, S. K; Shukla, A; Singh, B. B; Srinivasan, R; Srinivasulu, G; Sudersanan, P. V; Tickoo, A. K; Tsewang, D; Upadhya, S. S; Vishwanath, P. R; Yadav, K. K
2010-12Observations with the High Altitude GAmma Ray (HAGAR) telescope array in the Indian HimalayasBritto, R. J; Acharya, B. S; Anupama, G. C; Bhatt, N; Bhattacharjee, P; Bhattacharya, S. S; Chitnis, V. R; Cowsik, R; Dorji, N; Duhan, S. K; Gothe, K. S; Kamath, P. U; Koul, R; Mahesh, P. K; Mitra, A; Nagesh, B. K; Parmar, N. K; Prabhu, T. P; Rannot, R. C; Rao, S. K; Saha, L; Saleem, F; Saxena, A. K; Sharma, S. K; Shukla, A; Singh, B. B; Srinivasan, R; Srinivasulu, G; Sudersanan, P. V; Tickoo, A. K; Tsewang, D; Upadhya, S; Vishwanath, P. R; Yadav, K. K
2012Almahata Sitta meteorite: gamma -activity measurements at Monte dei Cappuccini Laboratory in TorinoTaricco, C; Bhandari, N; Colombetti, P; Romero, A; Vivaldo, G; Sinha, N; Jenniskens, P; Shaddad, M. H
2012-06-05State specific multireference moller–plesset perturbation theory: a few applications to ground, excited and ionized statesChattopadhyay, S; Mahapatra, U. S; Chaudhuri, R. K
2012-11Rigid Indian plate: Constraints from GPS measurementsMahesh, P; Catherine, J. K; Gahalaut, V. K; Kundu, B; Ambikapathy, A; Bansal, A; Premkishore, L; Narsaiah, M; Ghavri, S; Chadha, R. K; Choudhary, P; Singh, D. K; Singh, S. K; Kumar, S; Nagarajan, B; Bhatt, B. C; Tiwari, R. P; Kumar, A; Kumar, A; Bhu, H; Kalita, S
2012-05Line-of-sight observables algorithms for the helioseismic and magnetic imager (HMI) Instrument Tested with Interferometric bidimensional spectrometer (IBIS) observationsCouvidat, S; Rajaguru, S. P; Wachter, R; Sankarasubramanian, K; Schou, J; Scherrer, P. H
2012-04Study of candidate be stars in the magellanic clouds using near-infrared photometry and optical spectroscopyPaul, K. T; Subramaniam, A; Mathew, B; Mennickent, R. E; Sabogal, B
2012-03FR Cnc revisited: photometry, polarimetry and spectroscopyGolovin, A; Galvez-Ortiz, M. C; Hernan-Obispo, M; Andreev, M; Barnes, J. R; Montes, D; Pavlenko, E; Pandey, J. C; Martinez-Arnaiz, R; Medhi, B. J; Parihar, P. S; Henden, A; Sergeev, A; Zaitsev, S. V; Karpov, N
2012-03Rapid disappearance of penumbra-like features near a flaring polarity inversion line: the hinode observationsRavindra, B; Gosain, S
2011SoLEXS - A low energy X-ray spectrometer for solar coronal studiesSankarasubramanian, K; Ramadevi, M. C; Bug, M; Umapath, C. N; Seetha, S; Sreekumar, P; Kumar
2006-01EUV line intensity distribution in the solar atmosphere: differences between a polar coronal hole and its equatorial extensionRaju, K. P; Bromage, B. J. I
2006-09Equilibrium structures in partially ionized rotating plasmas within Hall magnetohydrodynamicsKrishan, V; Yoshida, Z
2006Random phase approximation for allowed and parity non-conserving electric dipole transition amplitudes and its connection with many-body perturbation theory and coupled-cluster theoryGopakumar, G; Sur, C; Das, B. P; Chaudhuri, R. K; Mukherjee, D; Hirao, K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1921 to 1940 of 5279