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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1881 to 1900 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-09The chemical composition of the post-asymptotic giant branch F supergiant CRL 2688Ishigaki, M. N; Parthasarathy, M; Reddy, B. E; García-Lario, P; Takeda, Y; Aoki, W; García-Hernández, D. A; Manchado, A
2012-08An unusual very low-mass high-amplitude pre-main sequence periodic variableRodríguez-Ledesma, M. V; Mundt, R; Ibrahimov, M; Messina, S; Parihar, P. S; Hessman, F. V; Alves de Oliveira, C; Herbst, W
2012-09Multiwavelength intraday variability of the BL Lacertae S5 0716+714Gupta, A. C; Krichbaum, T. P; Wiita, P. J; Rani, B; Sokolovsky, K. V; Mohan, Prashanth; Mangalam, A; Marchili, N; Fuhrmann, L; Agudo, I; Bach, U; Bachev, R; Böttcher, M; Gabanyi, K. E; Gaur, H; Hawkins, K; Kimeridze, G. N; Kurtanidze, O. M; Kurtanidze, S. O; Lee, C.-U; Liu, X; McBreen, B; Nesci, R; Nestoras, G; Nikolashvili, M. G; Ohlert, J. M; Palma, N; Peneva, S; Pursimo, T; Semkov, E; Strigachev, A; Webb, J. R; Wiesemeyer, H; Zensus, J. A
2012-08Investigation of variable star candidates in the globular cluster NGC 5024 (M53)Bramich, D. M; Arellano Ferro, A; Figuera Jaimes, R; Giridhar, S
2012-09The effect of electron scattering redistribution on atomic line polarizationSupriya, H. D; Nagendra, K. N; Sampoorna, M; Ravindra, B
2011Performance of 10.5μm quantum well infrared photodetector for astronomical applicationsJoseph, Celine; Saxena, A. K
2012-09NGC 1624-2: a slowly rotating, X-ray luminous Of?cp star with an extraordinarily strong magnetic fieldWade, G. A; Maiz, J. A; Martins, F; Petit, V; Grunhut, J; Walborn, N. R; Barba, R. H; Gagne, M; Garcia-Melendo, E; Jose, J; Moffat, A. F. J; Naze, Y; Neiner, C; Pellerin, A; Penades, O. M; Shultz, M; Simon-Diaz, S; Sota, A
2012-08-20Hot and cold spot counts as probes of non-gaussianity in the cosmic microwave backgroundPravabati, C; Park, C; Yogendran, K. P; van de Weygaert, R
1994-09Total solar eclipses of 1994 and 1995Singh, J
2002-08When The Sun Goes OutBappu, M. K. V
2012-09Very low mass stellar and substellar companions to solar-like stars from MARVELS. II. A short-period companion orbiting an F star with evidence of a stellar tertiary and significant mutual inclinationScott, W. F; Jian, G; Rory, B; Thomas, G. T; Justin, R. C; Nathan, D. L; Massimiliano, E; Bruno, F; Leticia, F; Bruce, G; Scott, G. B; Luan, G; Jonay, I. G. H; Leslie, H; Peng, J; Brian, L; Ben, N; Gustavo, F. P. M; Benjamin, J. S; Keivan, S; Todd, A. T; Benjamin, M. T; John, P. W; Michael, W. V. W; Eric, A; Carlos, A. P; Dmitry, B; Howard, B; Phillip, A. C; Louis, C; Korena, S. C; Luis, N. C; Melanie, L. G; Nelson, H; Stephen, R. K; Gary, R. L; Jian, L; Bo, M; Suvrath, M; Marcio, A. G. M; Elena, M; Viktor, M; Demitri, M; Duy Cuong, N; Daniel, O; Martin, P; Kaike, P; Joshua, P; Rafael, R; Eric, J. R; Basilio, X. S; Donald, P. S; Alaina, S; Audrey, S; Sivarani, T; Stephanie, S; Chelsea, L. M. V; Xiaoke, W; Ji, W; Benjamin, A. W; Gwendolyn, M. W; Bo, Z
2012-08-10Three-dimensional simulations of magnetohydrodynamic waves in magnetized solar atmosphereVigeesh, G; Fedun, V; Hasan, S. S; Erdelyi, R
2012-08-10Analysis of a fragmenting sunspot using hinode observationsLouis, R. E; Ravindra, B; Mathew, S. K; Bellot Rubio, L. R; Bayanna, A. R; Venkatakrishnan, P
2012-08Intra-night optical variability of core dominated radio quasars: the role of optical polarizationGoyal, A; Gopal-Krishna; Wiita, P. J; Anupama, G. C; Sahu, D. K; Sagar, R; Joshi, S
1931-10-17Fine Structure in the Arc Spectra of Indium and ThalliumNarayan, A. L
1929-09-20Spectra of doubly and trebly ionised thalliumNarayan, A. L; Pattabhi, P; Rao, A. S
1929-11-23The second spark spectrum of leadRao, A. S; Narayan, A. L
1929-08-10Spectrum of doubly ionised arsenicRao, A. S; Narayan, A. L
2013-08Dynamics of coronal bright points as seen by Sun watcher using active pixel system detector and image processing (SWAP), atmospheric imaging assembly (AIA), and helioseismic and magnetic imager (HMI)Chandrashekhar, K; Krishna Prasad, S; Banerjee, D; Ravindra, B; Seaton, D. B
2012-06Forward-scattering Hanle effect in the solar Ca i 4227 Å lineFrisch, H; Anusha, L. S; Bianda, M; Holzreuter, R; Nagendra, K. N; Ramelli, R; Sampoorna, M; Smitha, H. N; Stenflo, J. O
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1881 to 1900 of 5279