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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1481 to 1500 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-02Flux tube model in the solar atmosphereSen, Samrat; Mangalam, A
2017-11Unusual long-term low-activity states of EGRET blazars in the Fermi eraBhattacharya, Debbijoy; Mohana A, K; Gulati, S; Bhattacharyya, Subir; Bhatt, N; Sreekumar, P; Stalin, C. S
2018-02Energy distribution of solar flare eventsSen, Samrat; Mangalam, A; Ramesh, R
2017-11Investigating the in-flight performance of the UVIT payload on AstroSatRahna, P. T; Murthy, J; Safonova, M; Sutaria, F. K; Gudennavar, S. B; Bubbly, S. G
1926Unusual bright filaments on the sun on 1926 February 22Royds, T
2018-10Search for variable stars in the open cluster NGC 2509Dar, A. A; Parihar, P. S; Saleh, P; Malik, M. A
2018-07Why are classical bulges more common in S0 galaxies than in spiral galaxies?Mishra, P. K; Wadadekar, Y; Barway, Sudhanshu
2018-09UVIT view of ram-pressure stripping in action: Star formation in the stripped gas of the GASP jellyfish galaxy JO201 in Abell 85George, K; Poggianti, B. M; Gullieuszik, M; Fasano, G; Bellhouse, C; Postma, J; Moretti, A; Jaffe, Y; Vulcani, B; Bettoni, D; Fritz, J; Cote, P; Ghosh, S. K; Hutchings, J. B; Mohan, Rekhesh; Sreekumar, P; Stalin, C. S; Subramaniam, A; Tandon, S. N
2018-06Atmospheric mass-loss of extrasolar planets orbiting magnetically active host starsLalitha, S; Schmitt, J. H. M. M; Dash, S
2018-06Magnetic fields in multiple bright-rimmed clouds in different directions of H II region IC 1396Soam, A; Maheswar, G; Lee, C. W; Neha, S; Kim, K
2018-06Polarization of seven MBM clouds at high Galactic latitudeNeha, S; Maheswar, G; Soam, A; Lee, C. W
2018-06-01Chemical Composition of Two Bright, Extremely Metal-poor Stars from the SDSS MARVELS Pre-surveyBandyopadhyay, A; Sivarani, T; Susmitha, A; Beers, T. C; Giridhar, S; Arun Surya; Masseron, T
2018-08Temporal and Latitudinal Variations of the Length-Scales and Relative Intensities of the Chromospheric NetworkRaju, K. P
2014-01The strange case of SN 2011ja and its hostChakraborti, S; Ray, A; Smith, R; Ryder, S; Yadav, N; Sutaria, F. K; Dwarkadas, V. V; Chandra, P; Pooley, D; Roy, R
2018-05-10Two New Super Li-rich Core He-burning Giants: A New Twist to the Long Tale of Li Enhancement in K GiantsBharat Kumar, Y; Singh, R; Reddy, B. E; Zhao, G
2018-08-10The Diffuse Radiation Field at High Galactic LatitudesAkshaya, M. S; Murthy, J; Ravichandran, S; Henry, R. C; Overduin, J
2015-01Magnetic field structure around cores with very low luminosity objectsSoam, A; Maheswar, G; Lee, C. W; Dib, S; Bhatt, H. C; Tamura, M; Kim, G
2015-08Understanding AGB Nucleosynthesis from Chemical Composition Studies of CH StarsDrisya, K; Goswami, A
2013-12Reflection and Refraction of (Magneto-)Acoustic Waves at the Magnetic Canopy: Further Evidences from Multi-Height Seismic DataRajaguru, S. P; Sun, Xudong; Hayashi, K; Couvidat, S
2015-08Radiative Transfer Modelling of Dust in the M22 PN IRAS 18333-2357Muthumariappan, C; Parthasarathy, M; Ita, Y
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1481 to 1500 of 5279