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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1161 to 1180 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-03Short-Term H α Line Variations in Classical Be Stars: 59 Cyg and OT GemPaul, K. T; Shruthi, S. B; Subramaniam, A
2016-10CD-HPF: new habitability score via data analytic modelingBora, K; Saha, S; Agrawal, S; Safonova, M; Routh, S; Narasimhamurthy, A
2017-03-20Physical properties of the very young PN Hen3-1357 (Stingray Nebula) based on multiwavelength observationsOtsuka, M; Parthasarathy, M; Tajitsu, A; Hubrig, S
2017-04A Catalog of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12Rakshit, S; Stalin, C. S; Chand, H; Zhang, Xue-Guang
2015-08-25ARIES, Nainital: a strategically important location for climate change studies in the Central Gangetic Himalayan regionSagar, R; Dumka, U. C; Naja, M; Singh, N; Phanikumar, D. V
2016-10-21Near-infrared imaging of barred halo-dominated low surface brightness galaxiesHoney, M; Mousumi Das; Ninan, J. P; Manoj, P
2016-12-01Star clusters in the magellanic clouds-1: parameterisation and classification of 1072 clusters in the LMCNayak, P. K; Subramaniam, A; Choudhury, S; Indu, G; Sagar, R
2016-01An excess of mid-infrared emission from the type Iax SN 2014dtFox, O. D; Johansson, J; Kasliwal, M; Andrews, J; Bally, J; Bond, H. E; Boyer, M. L; Gehrz, R. D; Helou, G; Hsiao, E. Y; Masci, F. J; Parthasarathy, M; Smith, N; Tinyanont, S; Van Dyk, S. D
2015-09A low-frequency radio spectropolarimeter for observations of the solar coronaKishore, P; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Rajalingam, M
2016-12-01Abundance analysis of s-process enhanced barium starsMahanta, Upakul; Drisya, K; Goswami, A; Duorah, K
2015-09Observations of near-simultaneous split-band solar type-II radio bursts at low frequenciesHariharan, K; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C
2016-01Detection of high-frequency oscillations and damping from multi-slit spectroscopic observations of the coronaSamanta, T; Singh, J; Sindhuja, G; Banerjee, D
2015-12-10Detection of molecular gas in void galaxies: implications for star formation in isolated environmentsMousumi Das; Saito, T; Iono, D; Honey, M; Ramya, S
2016-01Horizontal flows in active regions from ring-diagram and local correlation tracking methodsJain, K; Tripathy, S. C; Ravindra, B; Komm, R; Hill, F
2015-12-10Propagating disturbances in the solar corona and spicular connectionSamanta, T; Pant, V; Banerjee, D
2019-08-12Star-forming, rotating spheroidal galaxies in the GAMA and SAMI surveysMoffett, A. J; Phillipps, S; Robotham, A.S.G; Driver, S.P; Bremer, M.N; Cortese, L; Ivy Wong, O; Brough, S; Brown, Michael J. I; Bryant, Julia J; Conselice, Christopher J; Croom, Scott M; George, K; Goldstein, Greg; Goodwin, Michael; Holwerda, B.W; Hopkins, A.M; Konstantopoulos, I. S; Lawrence, J.S; Lorente, N.P.F; Medling, A. M; Owers, M.S; Pimbblet, K. A; Richards, S.N; Sweet, S. M; Van de Sande, J
2019-08-10Direct estimates of the solar coronal magnetic field using contemporaneous extremeultraviolet, radio, and white-light observationsAnshu Kumari; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Wang, T. J; Gopalswamy, N
2016-02Search for low-mass objects in the globular cluster M4. I. detection of variable starsSafonova, M; Mkrtichian, D; Hasan, P; Sutaria, F. K; Brosch, N; Gorbikov, E; Joseph, P
2017-04Astronomical site survey report on dust measurement, wind profile, optical turbulence, and their correlation with seeing over IAO-HanleShantikumar, S. N; Kathiravan, S; Parihar, P. S; Larson, E. J. L; Sharika Mohanan; Angchuk, D; Jorphel, Sonam; Rangarajan, K. E; Prabhu, K
2016-12Solar dynamics imaging system a back-end instrument for the proposed NLSTRamesh, K. B; Vasantharaju, N; Hemanth, P; Reardon, K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1161 to 1180 of 5279