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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 5279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-05RR Lyrae stars and the horizontal branch of NGC 5904 (M5)Ferro, A. A; Luna, A; Bramich, D. M; Giridhar, S; Ahumada, J. A; Muneer, S
2019-05Overview of the DESI legacy imaging surveysArjun Dey; Schlegel, David J; Lang, Dustin; Blum, Robert; Kaylan Burleigh; Fan, Xiaohui; Findlay, Joseph R; Finkbeiner, Doug; Herrera, David; Juneau, Stephanie; Landriau, Martin; Levi, Michael; McGreer, Ian; Meisner, Aaron; Myers, Adam D; Moustakas, John; Nugent, Peter; Patej, Anna; Schlafly, Edward F; Walker, Alistair R; Valdes, Francisco; Weaver, Benjamin A; Yeche, Christophe; Zou, Hu; Zhou, Xu; Abaresh, Behzad; Abbott, T. M. C; Abolfathi, Bela; Aguilera, C; Alam, Shadab; Allen, Lori; Alvarez, A; Annis, James; Ansarinejad, Behzad; Aubert, Marie; Beechert, Jacqueline; Bell, Eric F; BenZvi, Segev Y; Beutler, Florian; Bielby, Richard M; Bolton, Adam S; Briceno, Cesar; Buckley-Geer, Elizabeth J; Butler, Karen; Calamida, Annalisa; Carlberg, Raymond G; Carter, Paul; Casas, Ricard; Castander, Francisco J; Choi, Yumi; Comparat, Johan; Cukanovaite, Elena; Delubac, Timothee; DeVries, Kaitlin; Dey, Sharmila; Dhungana, Govinda; Dickinson, Mark; Ding, Zhejie; Donaldson, John B; Duan, Yutong; Duckworth, Christopher J; Eftekharzadeh, Sarah; Eisenstein, Daniel J; Etourneau, Thomas; Fagrelius, Parker A; Farihi, Jay; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Font-Ribera, Andreu; Fulmer, Leah; Gansicke, Boris T; Gaztanaga, Enrique; George, K; and 89 co-authors
2019-05-01Detection of a white dwarf companion to a blue straggler star in the outskirts of globular cluster NGC 5466 with the ultraviolet imaging telescope (UVIT)Snehalata Sahu; Subramaniam, A; Simunovic, Mirko; Postma, J; Cote, Patrick; Kameswara Rao, N; Geller, Aaron M; Leigh, Nathan; Shara, Michael; Puzia, Thomas H; Stetson, Peter B
2019-06Observational properties of a type Ib supernova MASTER OT J120451.50+265946.6 in NGC 4080Singh, M; Misra, K; Sahu, D. K; Dastidar, R; Gangopadhyay, A; Srivastav, S; Anupama, G. C; Bose, S; Lipunov, V; Chakradhari, N. K; Brajesh Kumar; Pandey, S. B; Gorbovskoy, E; Balanutsa, P
2016-09The hot γ Doradus and Maia starsBalona, L. A; Engelbrecht, C. A; Joshi, Y. C; Joshi, S; Sharma, K; Semenko, E; Pandey, G; Chakradhari, N. K; Mkrtichian, D; Hema, B. P; Nemec, J. M
2019-06Cosmological magnetic braking and the formation of high-redshift, super-massive black holesPandey, Kanhaiya L; Sethi, Shiv K; Ratra, Bharat
2019-06Temporal correlation between the optical and γ-ray flux variations in the blazar 3C 454.3Rajput, Bhoomika; Stalin, C. S; Sahayanathan, S; Rakshit, S; Amit Kumar Mandal
2015Cosmic evolution of AGN using self-consistent black hole energeticsMangalam, A
2016-06High-resolution, high-sensitivity, ground-based solar spectropolarimetry with a new fast imaging polarimeter: I .Prototype characterizationIglesias, F. A; Feller, A; Nagaraju, K; Solanki, S. K
2016-12Tracking galaxy evolution through low-frequency radio continuum observations using SKA and citizen-science research using multi-wavelength dataHota, A; Konar, C; Stalin, C. S; Vaddi, Sravani; Mohanty, Pradeepta K; Dabhade, Pratik; Arun, Sai; Bhoga, Dharmik; Rajoria, Megha; Sethi, Sagar
2016-07Silicon depletion in the interstellar mediumHaris, U; Parvathi, V. S; Gudennavar, S. B; Bubbly, S. G; Murthy, J; Sofia, U. J
2016-12Probing magnetic fields with square kilometre array and its precursorsRoy, S; Sur, Sharanya; Subramanian, K; Mangalam, A; Seshadri, T. R; Chand, H
2015-09Solar wind associated with near equatorial coronal HoleHegde, M; Hiremath, K. M; Doddamani, V. H; Gurumath, S. R
2019-06A new study of the variable star population in the Hercules globular cluster (M13; NGC 6205)Deras, D; Arellano Ferro, A; Lazaro, C; Bustos Fierro, I. H; Calderon, J. H; Muneer, S; Giridhar, S
2019-06SN 2016B a.k.a. ASASSN-16ab: a transitional Type II supernovaDastidar, R; Misra, K; Singh, M; Sahu, D. K; Pastorello, A; Gangopadhyay, A; Tomasella, L; Benetti, S; Terreran, G; Sanwal, Pankaj; Kumar, B; Singh, A; Brajesh Kumar; Anupama, G. C; Pandey, S. B
2015-05Workshop I: gender studiesHennessey, E; Kurup, A; Meza-Montes, L; Shastri, P; Ghose, S
2019-05-10Are H 0 and σ 8 Tensions Generic to Present Cosmological Data?Bhattacharyya, Archita; Alam, Ujjaini; Pandey, Kanhaiya L; Das, Subinoy; Pal, Supratik
2019-05Measurements of atmospheric turbulence parameters at Vainu Bappu Observatory using short-exposure CCD imagesSreekanth Reddy, V; Banyal, R. K; Sridharan, R; Aishwarya, S
2016-02High dynamic range observations of solar coronal transients at low radio frequencies with a spectro-correlatorHariharan, K; Ramesh, R; Kathiravan, C; Abhilash, H. N; Rajalingam, M
2016-11-10Low-frequency radio observations of the solar corona with arcminute angular resolution: implications for coronal turbulence and weak energy releasesMugundhan, V; Ramesh, R; Barve, Indrajit V; Kathiravan, C; Gireesh, G. V. S; Kharb, P; Misra, A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 5279